Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
Brian and Wendy from Eve's Hope on the Role of Men in Pro-Life Ministry
On this special episode of God's Way Radio, we promise an enriching conversation with Brian and Wendy from Eve's Hope. Their heartfelt mission is not only about providing medical support but also about spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to encourage choosing life. From their Palmetto Bay clinic to a dynamic medical mobile unit, they are reaching out to women in need with free ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, and a wealth of community resources.
We tackle the often-overlooked role of men in the pro-life movement, opening up about the emotional and spiritual responsibilities that come with fatherhood. Through engaging personal stories and biblical teachings, we're challenging societal norms and cultural perceptions around abortion. It's about men stepping up as spiritual leaders, not just in word but in action, supporting women and embracing the blessings of children. Join us as we engage in honest conversations about sexuality, the role of churches, and the importance of fatherhood in shaping a healthier society for future generations.
Finally, we're not shying away from the tough conversations. From the urgency of honest dialogues about sex and marriage within Christian families to the cultural challenges that arise from societal pressures, we are confronting these issues head-on. This episode is a call to action, encouraging listeners to become actively involved in pro-life ministries and volunteer opportunities. With stories of transformation and faith, and practical ways to contribute positively to families and communities, we aim to inspire you to be part of this vital mission. Tune in and be part of a movement that champions life, faith, and community.
You're tuned in to Friends and Family, a God's Way Radio exclusive where we introduce you to some amazing people. In John, chapter 15, verse 15, jesus says I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. That's our aim that God would be made known to you. Stay with us until the end of our conversation for more information on this program and other unique offerings from God's Way Radio.
Speaker 2:Each and every Friday we start out with a segment that we call Foster Friday, and we took kind of an extended break over the holidays, even into January, but we're back. We're back on schedule, excuse me, and we've been praying about it for this year and it's still such an important segment, such an important time in our schedule. So we're glad that it looks like the Lord is leading and providing to continue this year and to continue with some of our familiar faces. You know you don't see them, thank God, because I have a face for radio, but but these handsome folks here, I mean you'd love to see them, to meet them. But seriously, I mean, I'm so grateful to have you guys back from eve's hope. Uh, brian and wendy we mentioned, we're missing linda today. You know not just missing her, that she's missing, but we're missing her in our hearts. Yeah, uh, but, guys, good to have you, good to have you back thank you it's great to be here.
Speaker 2:Thank you for having us. Yeah, and and I was telling wendy I think it's it's uh, I hadn't seen you guys since last year. Uh, the time goes so fast but I'm glad to get you guys here in february. So, again, you're listening to foster friday. This is a segment of god's way radio and we're thankful to have these guests with us and throughout our conversation. If you want to call or text, we encourage that live, live participation. You know, maybe something that Brian or Wendy says. You have a question and you know, brian and Wendy, I think you would agree with me. Maybe somebody has a difference of opinion, maybe somebody has a different experience, and you know, again, we're going to be respectful, we're going to be civil, but we want to hear from them you know we want to hear from them.
Speaker 2:We want to maybe try to answer their questions or speak to their concern or whatever, uh, it could be, and and again, you guys have experience with that even at the center and at the ministry, and so we want to facilitate that here at god's radio. So while, uh, we're speaking, if you guys want to call or text, we totally encourage it. We would love to interact with you again, answer your questions or give you information. The phone number here at the studio is 786-313-3155. Even if it's just a word of encouragement, please call or text us throughout the conversation here. Well, brian Wendy, I love it. As we were getting ready, you guys had a very specific focus, a very specific angle in mind. Today We've talked about the ministry issues of pro-life. Let me start here, actually, because maybe there's folks that are just joining us Can you just tell us a little bit about Eve's Hope, what you guys do, where you guys are at, in case there's somebody that is not as familiar and they're hearing about you for the first time.
Speaker 3:Thank you, pastor Joey. You know I was thinking about that on the way here. It's like we're so familiar with God Ways Radio and, like you said, it's like being here with family that sometimes we forget, in case somebody doesn't know, that we are from Eve's Hope, and Eve's Hope's a ministry, and our mission is to empower and educate women and men that are facing an unplanned pregnancy, and we want to equip them with medical information and also the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, because we want them to choose life. But more than that, we know that life transformation is going to happen when they choose Jesus.
Speaker 3:So that's our mission and that's the goal, and we do it at the clinic in Palmetto Bay, where we offer free ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, counseling, and if someone decides that they do want a parent, we're equipped with a list of community resources to be able to start her off on prenatal care in the right direction. But we also have a medical mobile unit, and Brian serves on that as well, and so it's incredible how God has expanded our territory in ways that we did not anticipate. The medical mobile unit was a complete blessing and surprise from the Lord that we did not anticipate. The medical mobile unit was a complete blessing and surprise from the Lord. But here we are entering in our fourth year third year, excuse me with the medical mobile unit, and the amount of stories and women that we've been able to serve on there is just phenomenal, and so we thank God for that.
Speaker 5:And one thing I just want to chime in there too and to emphasize a little bit is people maybe don't think about adoption as an option. Right, and we bring that up and not very many people take us up on it. But it's there too and we have made that happen as well. And that's just great in a Christ-centered home and that's a blessing.
Speaker 2:That's a blessing because the ideal situation is man, a mom and a dad want to raise their child, you know, and you're giving them that encouragement to do so, you know. But but for those that they want to choose life, but they really really just can't, you know, I don't feel I can do this. Hey, man, let that child live, let uh them be placed or or let god, you know, do do what he will with their life, but but choose life. Um, you, you just brought something to mind. I think last time you were here there was a prayer request reference that that mobile unit I don't know if it was to add hours or to add stops can you connect the dots for us? Did that happen? Did anything change with it or increase with it?
Speaker 3:Well, we do want to expand our hours. There's a need for weekends.
Speaker 2:So it's still an ongoing prayer request.
Speaker 1:Yes, prayer request.
Speaker 3:So we have a prayer request because we do need more sonographers and we have been searching for that, and so if people could pray for that, and then also the expanded hours that we're looking to have at the clinic and, uh, on the mobile unit. It's, it's a resource, we need resources, but more than that we need the right people yeah, and the the sonographer position is a volunteer position.
Speaker 2:It's a paid position. Okay, it's a pay.
Speaker 3:So this is perfect for someone who has a full-time job and just looking for some part-time hours. Um, every saturday, we have hours that are available if you want to serve in that way, and it's a paid position um, you know, I just I asked because there could be someone listening.
Speaker 2:You never know who's listening. That's the amazing thing about radio. You know online social media podcasts there's. There's so many metrics that you could track. You know some of these apps, some of these resources. You could tell exactly where people are listening from. It's a little crazy, uh. But radio we can't.
Speaker 3:We have no idea who's listening today, and so maybe there's a sonographer listening and god has them listening, just for yes, hey, if you're a born again believer and you're a pro-life and you're a sonographer, rdms or an art registered nurse, that are is is equipped to do that. Please call us. We want to speak to you.
Speaker 2:Amen, amen. So that's an ongoing prayer request. But, brian, you know she mentioned and again I say this almost as a playful way to introduce the topic, not to criticize anything Wendy said she mentioned it's a ministry to tell women about this and introduce them to this and speak to the ladies. But we want to talk about some particular aspects of the ministry today.
Speaker 5:Right to tell women about this and introduce them to this and speak to the ladies, but we want to talk about some particular aspects of the ministry today, right, yeah, you know, obviously men are a part of the equation when it comes to pregnancy and so they have a voice. But frequently they don't actually think they have a voice Because, you know, the society we live in has kind of convinced them that it's her body, her choice, and that, you know, he's there just to go along with whatever she decides.
Speaker 5:We get that a lot when the guy comes into our office or onto the mobile, I'll support her kind of thing yeah whatever she decides, I'm just here to support her and I understand where that's coming from and it's.
Speaker 5:you know, it's a lie that society has fed for quite some time now, probably since Roe v Wade. You know that's about as old as that lie is, and so you know, if you look at the abortion industry I'll call it it's full of lies, and so kind of what I wanted to do is like highlight three really big lies. You know that.
Speaker 5:I think affect Christian men a lot too. I mean because I know your audience is mainly believers and I think, you know, we suffer from it because we see about—we and the national averages say that about 40% of the women that are seeking an abortion are actually, you know, evangelical kind of believers.
Speaker 2:What was the number again?
Speaker 5:About 40%. Wow, yes, wow. Go ahead. And so it's in the church. I guess is the point.
Speaker 5:And so that's why I come at it from that angle. And so all of these are related to God, and one of these lies is that God is not in control of my future. I am, that's one of the lies. Another one would be God's rules about sex and marriage no longer apply, because, you know, if people actually took those rules seriously, we would see a lot fewer. You know and it's women and men obviously Men a big part of that and that God doesn't get to decide who lives and dies. Wow, you know. And so those are really really big lies, right?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I want to tackle those one at a time I want to talk about those yeah sure, and I just wanted to, you know, to kind of set the stage for thinking about abortion.
Speaker 5:You know, what came to my mind when I was thinking about those three lies is that, you know, king David fell for those three right in the context of the relationship with Bathsheba, you know, because he didn't follow God's rules about sex and marriage. First of all, he didn't do that, and then he thought, okay, well, I'll just get Uriah and Bathsheba together and I'll cover it up. So he thought he could control the future. But God was having none of that. And then he decided, okay, well, I guess I'm going to, you know, kill Uriah Right. And so he fell for having none of that. And then he decided, okay, well, I guess I'm gonna, you know, kill uriah right. And so he, he fell for all of those lies. But yeah, but he never for an instant thought it would be okay to kill the baby that bad was carrying.
Speaker 2:That's very not for an instant you know, and and I gotta believe that there's, it's ingrained just as a godly man, you know, again, I mean, we can go off and talk about david for an hour. You know the man of god, but but as a godly man that makes mistakes, I mean, I mean, again, my gears are just running a million miles an hour. You know, think of david right as an example of man. God can forgive you. God is calling you know, god wants to cleanse you from your past, from your mistakes. But all that to say that man, a godly person, that man, there's so many compromises, there's so many things that he considered, but somehow some way killing a baby, an unborn child, that was just never on the table Right.
Speaker 5:It's interesting and I think we can learn a lot from that as men, right, because we're all going to make mistakes. Maybe we didn't do the right thing at a certain point in time, but then it's time to stand up. Right, it is time to stand up. And so, as far as more stage setting goes, proverbs 31, I just oh, 31.8. I want to share that. Please yeah.
Speaker 5:It says open your mouth on behalf of those unable to speak for the justice of all those who are passing away, and so it's so fitting. And what I want to say is you know, even you know it's a societal problem and you know it's a heart issue, and so we've got to change people's hearts and as a society, we've got to do people's hearts and as a society, we've got to do that. And men are a big part of society. And if you can do nothing else, you can certainly speak up. You can certainly speak up about the truth, about what it is. What was the verse, again, the address? It's Proverbs 31, 8. Yeah, proverbs 31, 8.
Speaker 2:Wendy, anything so far. I mean, you know it's interesting. Again we're missing Linda. I don. You know it's interesting. Again we're missing Linda. I don't know if she's listening, you know she'll hear it eventually, but it's interesting how Brian had this on his heart, you know, and you know we have him here and more opportunity to hear from him today. But anyways, anything so far.
Speaker 3:Well, I just want to go back to that, to what we hear a lot at the center and on the mobile. I'm just here to support her, I'll go along with whatever she wants. And I know that on the surface it may seem like that's a positive statement, like somehow, as a man, you saying that that, as a woman, I'm going to receive it in a way that shows that you value me or that you're here for me, but honestly, it's so empty. It doesn't confirm that you're going to be with me, it doesn't confirm that you're going to stay with me. And where's your voice? Why are you not standing up for our family, our to-be family?
Speaker 3:And so really, the reality of it is that when a man says, well, I'll just go along with whatever she wants, you're stepping out of what God has called you to do, which is to have that responsibility as a father. And just a lot of things on my mind from this. Pastor Joanne mentioned to you that I watched this documentary, the Matter of Life Brian it's called and it also talked about the silent victims of abortion. So you have the baby that is killed, you have the mom, who is not going to be in that role, but you also have the father, and that father, even though that baby's killed, continues to be a father and has that role. And so there's this emptiness that maybe, as men, you're not recognizing.
Speaker 3:If you have, in the past, been in the situation where you've been the man or you've either paid for the abortion or she had the abortion, there's something broken within you yeah there's something broken within you, and so it's so important to talk about these things, and I'm so thankful that God has brought Brian in in his hope, because he's really been leading this thing with the men's ministry and it's just such a critical ministry. Abortion is not going to become, it's not going to go away if the men are not part of the conversation.
Speaker 3:This is not a women's only fight. This is not an only women's Christian women's ministry. We need the men, we need the pastors, we need the men's ministry to step into that role of speaking up for the unborn. I'm speaking on behalf of the women to let us know that you're going to step up into the world that God has called you to be, and so I'm encouraged when I see men taking on that pro-life fight because it's not a pro-life fight.
Speaker 2:You're standing up for what God has called you to be. You know, I've seen a couple things come to mind and family, god's Radio family. If you're listening, we're live here in the studio. February the 7th. We'll be here until 4.30. You know, one of the things I enjoy about Eve's Hope crew coming out is they don't waste the time. If they're driving over here, they're going to use the whole hour. I love it, I do. I do Because you know, foster Fridays is a commitment we make to you guys for at least about 15 or 20 or 30 minutes of the program. But I know that some people's schedules don't permit them to be here the whole hour. But thus far, and if you guys ever have a shorter time, that's okay. Now don't feel pressured. But anyways, they're great, we're going to have the hour with them.
Speaker 3:But one of the things, Pastor Joey, that we said as we were talking about coming here.
Speaker 2:It's like man that hour goes by so fast it does, it does. It's like we have these things that we want to talk about and then, before you know it, it's 4.30.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so the phone number to call or text, so all that to say that you're invited to call or text if you just tuned in 786-313-315. You know, one thing that comes to mind and it's crazy I haven't thought of this movie in forever, but again, I don't think have that so much because you're out there on the front lines of ministry, but I think so many folks listening could be in that case. You know there's this old movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Do you guys remember that one? I don't, and it's not a good movie, nobody watched that movie.
Speaker 3:It's an old movie, so don't go home and watch it.
Speaker 2:But there's a scene in there, or there's a story arc in there, where there's a sexually immoral relationship and the guy is going to pay for the abortion and he's trying to scrap cash together and then he kind of chickens out and then the girl's brother takes her, and it's just a cultural, it's a little what's the word? It's like a window into the culture. It's like wait a second, why, why, why are we, even you know? And then her brother takes her and it's this whole normalized thing right?
Speaker 5:yeah, they're planting the idea and they're normalizing that sort of a thing, right. And and another thing I think that was really impactful about that, um, that documentary, uh, going back to the documentary yeah, it it.
Speaker 5:It asks a question kind of throughout, and it's a it's a fundamental question is the unborn or the pre-born one of us? Uh, you know, because in, and then in my mind, because that is the fundamental question, right, yeah, uh, because you know, one of the lies I said that we're we're susceptible to is that god doesn't get to decide who lives and dies. And the subset of that specific to abortion is a baby in the womb is not a person, so abortion is not murder, right, and so that that's one of the lies. That is it. And so if you answer truthfully, is the unborn one of us? Then you see the procedure for what it. Is the unborn one of us, then you see the procedure for what it is. And so I think, just raising the awareness that you know, again, life begins at the moment of conception and it's just a different looking me than right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, another Bible verse again about men, right Men standing up. First Corinthians, chapter 16, verses 13 to 14 be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men. This from the esv be strong, let all that you do be done in love. You know, as we keep going to that conversation, that comment you guys hear at the center oh, I'll support her whatever she wants. It's really a man relinquishing the choice, the responsibility. Oh, I'm not I'm not gonna i't want to decide this, and it's so the opposite of what men are called to do.
Speaker 5:Right, because the man is called to be the spiritual leader of the home, and so it flips the roles, and so it's definitely not a biblical way to go about it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and Wendy, if you could chime in on this, how? Again, right, there's abuses of different things, but biblically right. I mean this phrase could be taken wrong but that's why I have the two of you here.
Speaker 2:Women want to be led in the sense of biblically, right? I kind of put a question mark at the end of that. You're here with us, wendy, right? They want the man that god has put in their life in a season is their father if, if they get into a, um, a sexual relationship, it should lead towards marriage. Now, you've complicated the timing of things, you know, but. But the point being that partner, he should be the leader. There's a, a peace, there's a safety for a woman. I think that's what I've learned and seen and you know what I'm thinking.
Speaker 3:As I'm listening to brian, I thought exactly that pastor joey is like how many women might be listening that are digging their heels in their hearts about this, and I used to be one of them. You know I had bought into this lie that doing that being part of a relationship how god built it would somehow devalue me. Now I'm a type A personality. I've been in politics and I've been a leader and I always want to lead. But there's just something really beautiful as I healed from past trauma, as I healed from things that happened to me in my childhood, as I healed from just dumb decisions that I've made, that I recognize that me digging in my heels, not understanding how God created me as a woman and not understanding men's role, that it wasn't really. I was devaluing myself and at one point, fighting into this, like what it means to be a woman, and I'm not going to let any man lead me. Can I tell you something? It's exhausting and you see the burnout in women that think they don't need a man lead me. Can I tell you something? It's exhausting and you see the burnout in women that think they don't need a man, they don't need a husband that all of this is submissive. You get emotionally exhausted because that's not how God created us.
Speaker 3:And there's nothing more beautiful like the Proverbs woman I mean. God says, right there, she's smart, she's business savvy, she looks after the affairs of her household and there is. So there's nothing devaluing about how God created us and us as women stepping into that role. Because I want my husband and he's an awesome husband, cedric I want him to lead and I want him to lead well and I want to be able to rest in how God created me to be the nurturer of the house, to be the house manager. I manage our finances. That's how God has gifted me. But to see my husband step up into that role gives me that peace and I don't feel burnt out. And I don't feel burnt out and I don't feel emotionally exhausted when I see my husband doing what god has called him to do amen, amen.
Speaker 2:We got a text from one of our listeners. Um, it came in as we're talking about, uh, men leading and that, and then, you know, you just elaborated and repeated. She said yes, we do right agreeing with what you're saying.
Speaker 2:And then they said I wish this conversation one was on mainstream radio for all to hear such an important message. And they texted earlier dads are important too. Uh, well, that's god's radio family. That's where where you can get the word out. You know about god's radio. You can tell folks to tune in every friday 3, 30 pm again. You know we're, we're re reignited I don't know if that's the word, but recommitted right. We're going to be here every Friday 3.30 pm or have a recorded interview for Foster Friday. We're here with some of the folks from Eve's Hope talking a little bit more specifically today about men's role, men's responsibility when it comes to pro-life or speaking up against abortion or speaking for children. I mean all these things. Brian, I wanted to kind of look at those one by one. What was that first lie again that you mentioned?
Speaker 5:The first one that I said was that God's not in control of my future. I am, and you mentioned a couple examples of that already. Yeah, and because I think that's what people think right, both the women and the men it's not just men, but you know, the men are thinking specifically when it comes to not saying what they feel to the woman in the equation. They're like, well, maybe I'm, maybe I'm going to lose her Right, so if I don't really insist that I want this baby, you know I won't lose her.
Speaker 2:Let me ask you this, brian I know I'm interjecting in your experience and and or wendy, right, as you see, the men does it seem like more, more than the ladies, or, more often than not, the men want the baby, they want to raise this kid, they want to be a dad. What's your take on that?
Speaker 5:yeah, it's a. It's a. It's a tricky answer okay in this sense, right, uh, the ones that actually come to the appointment, yes, okay, but more than half the time they don't come to the appointment, okay. So, uh, you know, take that for what it's worth. If the guy is interested enough to show up to the appointment, it usually means he wants the baby, to be honest. But still, he hasn't convincingly told her that and that's where the, because he thinks he's controlling his future.
Speaker 5:He's like well, I'm afraid because, if I don't do this, if I say this thing, maybe she's going to leave me right, but on the flip side, though, that's really what she wants to hear. And he's not saying it, and so he doesn't trust God with his future.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I want to come right back to the list, but, wendy, something that just popped in my mind and heart and if it's timely from the Lord, there's a website that people could give. It's kind of like the outreach website Pregnancy Options. What is it?
Speaker 3:That's our client website. It's called Pregnancy Options Miami. We reach her where she is and, yes, eventually she's going to hear God and she's going to hear about Jesus. But where she is in that moment, she needs to be reached in a way. What is she looking for? She's looking for her options. So, PregnancyOptionsMiamiorg is our client website and you can find a 24-hour seven-nurse chat line that's available there, but it's to cater to the women and men that may be looking for those services.
Speaker 2:I wanted to get that website out because, again, for a while I didn't understand the different websites, but now I get it, I totally get it and I want people to know that website that if they, if they encounter someone in crisis, if they encounter someone that that you know, all they can say is hey, here, check out this website you know, just just check out this website.
Speaker 2:You know they're. They're not going to be apprehensive. It's not going to say jesuslovesthebabiescom. You know which he does, but you know what I'm saying. Yeah, ministry, the way jesus did.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you know the women at the at the well, the samaritan woman at the well, jesus didn't come out and reveal himself immediately. He wanted to speak to her, to where she was even confronting some of the situations that she was in, and then eventually she was the first person that she he revealed himself as the messiah too, and it's beautiful.
Speaker 3:Her response is beautiful, and so that's the approach that's doing ministry the way that jesus did. It is how we built that options miami website for her to speak to her in her moment of where she finds herself pregnancy options miamiorg, orgorg excellent.
Speaker 5:What was that second bullet point you had there, brian, that second, before we get to that, I want to share another one that you may not think that this is associated with, because sometimes the pregnancy is a surprise, right? They're not expecting it, and the reason they're not expecting it is because both of them are taking precautions right. And then all of a sudden it happens, and that's another example of them not actually being in control of their future.
Speaker 5:but God is because it's like they thought it was impossible their future. But God is because it's like they thought it was impossible. And this is when I find that the guy is, you know, in those cases that's when he's more abortion-minded actually, because he thought he was taking all the precautions, this was not going to happen, this can't be my life. But yeah, like the next one was, god's rules about sex and marriage no longer apply, you know, and that also you get into the roles of a man and a woman in that a little bit. But you know, most of the time when people come in they're not married, you know. And so people tend to think well, you know, god says that he wants it this way, but I don't have to listen to that. That's outdated. You know, I should be able to do what I want, frankly. But then the consequence of that is what it is.
Speaker 2:I should be able to do what I want and not have consequences, right right, um, you know either of you. What's been your experience? I mean, you know we, we all go to different churches and we fellowship in different places and, again, many believers listening to god's way radio. What's been your experience? What am I trying to ask you? How needed is that reminder for Christians and churches, or is everybody just totally pure? Nobody's fooling around with this?
Speaker 3:This is why there's this urgency. So, we're praising God that Amendment 4 failed. It did not get to 60% in the state of Florida. So the abortion law in the state of florida continues to be up to six weeks unless you've been raped or you're a victim of human sex trafficking, and there's exceptions and rules to how you can get an abortion past six weeks if you fall into one of the four categories that are mentioned in the law. But the amendment filled by a little less than 3%.
Speaker 2:Right, that was close.
Speaker 3:So it took both pro-abortion people and in the church people to get to the percentage that it did. So that means maybe someone won't speak up and like what you said at the beginning is we want to have an honest conversation. I would love for a born-again believer to share with me why they feel that abortion should be allowed up to birth, because let's talk about it, let's talk about what's going on.
Speaker 3:Let's address this. So this is definitely that in the church. Not only do they. There's just two things happening here. They have taken God out of the conversation about abortion because they want to determine for themselves what is justice, right. They want to determine for themselves what is the appropriate way to have career advancement to have financial stability, and so you basically ask god to take a seat.
Speaker 3:Let me try and figure out, within my own limited scope of understanding if a woman is raped, what is justice here, god, and that's how you get into these scenarios.
Speaker 1:You have to start to set the boundaries and figure it out.
Speaker 3:Get God out of that conversation in order for any of this nonsense to make sense to you to your mind and your heart, and so we need to talk about it in the churches and we're going to get back to it.
Speaker 2:We actually have somebody on the line, so we're going to get back to it. We actually have somebody on the line, so we're going to take that call here. Good afternoon, you're live on God's Way Radio. Where are you calling?
Speaker 6:us from St Petersburg Florida.
Speaker 2:St Petersburg, florida. My brother, we have guests here with us today. We're talking about pro-life, the role of men, what God wants to do, the, the issues we need to be praying about. What's on your mind, uh, today?
Speaker 6:well, um, I'll make it short, and really I know a lot of people thank you, thank you okay, you remember those little bugs that will light up in the middle of the night and you will catch them like a little.
Speaker 6:I forgot the name of one, but lightning bugs, or yeah, fire, yeah, yeah put them in a little jar and make a little hole on them, because if I don't make holes they will die. And you go to your and I go to the scripture on that and you go. What do you mean? Okay, if I send you a text right now, a text, and they say in four days later you were looking for an apartment and I send you a text and four days later you were looking for an apartment and I sent you a text before.
Speaker 6:Later you answer an example and I were hey, joy, I sent you a text, well, four days ago, about you were looking for an apartment, or I forgot about it. What happened those four days when you went back to call um, it's already. Um, it's already. Somebody took it over already. Somebody it in already. Don't wait too long, don't leave a gap for the enemy.
Speaker 6:Kill it you kill it right away if that's the end of your text, receive that text right away, because you're leaving a gap for the enemy you're putting a smile on my face.
Speaker 2:When you say text, I think of God's word. But then God's radio right the text. But then God's radio is like a voice memo. It's like God's voice memo. He's leaving people a voice memo today. Hey, stand up for the helpless man. That's awesome. I love that picture you painted. Any closing thoughts?
Speaker 6:Yes, the lady that just spoke, man, she's speaking about the Word of God. Man, that's awesome. I tell people when I speak to somebody that doesn't believe in Jesus, maybe I go. Let me ask a question do you believe everything that's in the Bible is true? No, I don't. Then we have nothing to talk about, because you're going to try to put a four-inch inside a Toyota and it's not going to fit.
Speaker 2:No than those new toyotas man. They're too small, exactly no, I'm just kidding.
Speaker 6:You don't believe the word of god is true, yeah, and it's about abortion. If you don't believe it's true, then we're going to be all day talking, and talking, and talking. You're not that biblical foundation if you do believe we talk you know you're confirming.
Speaker 2:You're confirming what's been said. I think it was Brian or Wendy. They both said it at some point in their visits with us. If we can change their heart, they're going to make that right decision. Brian, wendy, anything you want to say to our caller before we let them go for the afternoon?
Speaker 5:No, just thanks for calling in. We appreciate the participation. We appreciate other voices speaking out on this, though, so keep bringing up God's word.
Speaker 3:Yeah, may God give you favor in the places and spaces where he has put you to work. They're in St Petersburg.
Speaker 2:Amen. Thank you, brother.
Speaker 6:Thank you, and I'll close it with this, those brothers I just spoke to on the radio pray for them, pray for them, pray for them. God bless you.
Speaker 2:Thank video. Pray for them, pray for them, pray for them. God bless you, thank you. Thank you so much. That was uh saint petersburg on the line.
Speaker 2:Hey, you can be the next one to call or text us at the studio 786-313-3115 you know, I guess, brian, what I was trying to get at with that second lie, that bullet point, and I'll have you reread it here in a moment. You know people are constantly tuning in, but I guess I don't know. Maybe I'm thinking of dads, pastors, youth leaders, young adults, leaders, man, don't just assume. Uh, the people, even older folks, right are, are just are, are dealing with sex, sexuality biblically right, and exhort them, encourage them, warn them about sin, warn them about consequences.
Speaker 5:Um, and seeing if you agreed with that, you know, yeah, right, so god's rules about sex and marriage no longer apply.
Speaker 5:That's the lie right so that's the lie and you know definitely I mean it's not, it's. If there's a man in your life, or a young man especially in your life, it's applying. You know it applies. And I know even inside the you know, a Christian family, at times it can be hard to talk about these things. It's kind of awkward perhaps. Maybe you feel a little bit weird about it, but it's one of those conversations that if they don't hear it from you as a father, let's say to your son they're going to hear it from somebody and they're going to hear something different than what you would share with them. And so it's. It's really important to you know, get over that little awkward hump.
Speaker 5:Let's say, if it exists and and and just just talk about it and then you can. You can break out the word Right. And you know there's something that's been on my heart to share too. You know this is really, I think you know men talking to other men just point out this verse. You don't hear too many um sermons on it, but you know it's exodus from exodus 22, so a couple chapters after the 10 commandments, god is still talking to moses, right, and this is what he says, starting at verse 16 if a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall give the bride price for her and make her his wife. So God is really serious about this right. Sexual relations are a serious business and according to God, the way I see this verse is if you're willing to have sex with her, you're willing to provide for her for the rest of your life.
Speaker 5:In God's eyes, and we don't say that to our sons and the other young men that we know.
Speaker 3:We don't say that that's powerful man yeah and then Brian, the importance of so he says men, fathers to sons, but there are boys and young men in our churches without fathers, absent fathers. And so this is where the church men then become the spiritual fathers. Amen. And they need to step in and and let me tell you, as you were, that image of of a father talking to his son. I did a tour with some high schoolers on the medical mobile unit.
Speaker 3:Oh, they came on a medical mobile unit okay so what we do with the youth, one of the ways that they can serve ease hope is they do the car washing. Awesome of the mobile. It needs a couple, like maybe once every three months it needs to be done, and so the young people, they come on, they do the car wash.
Speaker 3:But before they do that, we give them a tour so that we can speak to them about abortion so that we can speak to them the truth about these consequences that we talk about, and so but I I did it separately. I did with a group of um middle schoolers and high school girls and then the boys, and with the girls they really opened up and one of the things that they complained about was we can't talk to anybody about this, but at school we're pressured because everybody's having sex and if you're not having sex.
Speaker 3:These are middle school and high school girls that I was talking to and they were saying everybody, this is like the thing If you're not having sex and you're weird, and and then if you're weird, you're bullied, but and so I asked them well, if you have a question or if you are frustrated because you feel pressured to do something that you don't want to do, who do you talk to? And they just kind of stayed quiet because this is not a conversation that they can have with their moms. They don't feel comfortable culturally. Some of the the, a lot of the girls that I was talking to come from latino families and they said this is not something that we can talk about it.
Speaker 3:So this, really, we need to eliminate a taboo around this yeah and so the point I wanted to make also was then I had the boys in front of me and can I tell you something, that was the most awkward thing, and I realized in that moment that I should have had my husband do the conversation and not myself, because that was just weird. It wasn't my role to be able to speak to the boys and the young men there, and so we need the men to then step into that role and have that conversation I'm so grateful for you, for you sharing that and being so vulnerable and so honest.
Speaker 2:And again it just hits home, hammers. What in what you're saying, brian, that you know wendy, an godly lady, that this is at the forefront of her mind, and for her it was tough and awkward. Imagine the void, right? If men are not talking to young men, if you're not talking to these students, no one's going to be talking to them, right? They're going to get it. I mean, again, you know, I sometimes I hesitate. We have such a large audience, we have students just listening, really young students, you know. But but look, in case you're not connecting the dots here, in case god is really, there's someone out there listening. They're gonna learn it from pornography. They're gonna learn it from movies. They're gonna learn it from those kids that are pressuring them at school. They're gonna learn it because they're gonna be taken advantage of or assaulted God forbid because they don't know what's going on. Again, I really don't want to say a lot of those examples, but this is real stuff for the folks listening.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:We want to step up and again I'm looking at Brian here a lot today especially as men. I mean, that's what God put on your heart. I mean these are the influence, the tremendous influence that men have in a society, right, I mean, brian, I want to hear from you. You're our guest today.
Speaker 5:No, absolutely.
Speaker 5:I mean, and this is the other thing In my men's group, we're going through Mark, right, and at the start of Mark there's a quote from an Old Testament prophecy, and the part that's referenced, it's the very end of the Old Testament, right, and John the Baptist, essentially, is going to come.
Speaker 5:That's what they're pointing out, but what is one of his roles? His role is to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and so that apparently is connected with the ability to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, wow, and so that apparently is connected, you know, with the ability to recognize the Messiah, you know. And so I think that's just profound, you know, and I think that's what our society needs. Right, we need to turn the hearts of all the men towards the children, wow, because God, he really doesn't like it when the fatherless are not taken care of, really doesn't like it when the fatherless are not taken care of, you know. And so if, if you're a man who's about to be a father, uh, then you should be fighting with all you have to take care of your unborn baby, to make sure that the baby is born in the first place, and and like, like your, you know, foster Friday.
Speaker 2:If there are children out there without fathers, then the rest of us men have got to step into that gap too, you know, and as far as Foster Friday, I mean, I think that most, if not anyone that works in the space, would agree, man, if we could address the issues of child welfare and foster care before even they're outside of the womb. Praise the Lord, let's do that, let's minister to parents and families and keep them together. I mean that's, you know, all these things are so connected.
Speaker 3:Yes, so connected, and you know, to what we're speaking about today, is one of the things that I also think about is well, how did this happen? How did it happen that?
Speaker 3:background men's, uh, the role of the man, has been confused, and people are confused and they've turned what's truth into what's not true, and and all of this, and it's really again going back to the silence of christians, the silence of the church, in that when the supreme court stepped in and started to assign rights this is a woman's right, this is a woman's right that then, as believers of christ, we just stayed silent. And so then the culture shifted and this whole, and they've hijacked something that.
Speaker 4:God created for good. You're talking about in the 50s, yeah, in the 60s and 70s. The 60s okay.
Speaker 3:While the church was quiet and trying to be I guess, decent is the way that I've heard it say that they were trying to insult people and the rights and the rights of this. So then the church and Christians stayed silent. And then culture took over with hijacking everything that God intended to be good, everything that God said to be truth, and that this became a woman's right, a woman's topic. The men stayed quiet. It's not your body, not your choice, it's my body, my choice. And here we are, where the men think that it's empowering to tell a woman I'll go with whatever you want to happen. And so now, as men, you've got to take that conversation back, you've got to place. You allowed government and the Supreme Court to take you out of that equation. So now the silence now has to not be silent anymore.
Speaker 5:You need to speak up with a voice Right and everything did get flipped on its head and it's all turned inside out, and it's all you know. The truth is a lie, you know, and day is night and whatnot.
Speaker 2:Scripture says it yeah.
Speaker 5:Because, if you think about it, you know the unborn is one of us. Yeah, it's a child, it's going to be an adult, you know it's going to be a man or a woman as it grows right. And it's such a blessing. And, in fact, when God created man and woman, that's the first thing that he said to them was be fruitful and multiply. After the flood, he blessed Noah be fruitful and multiply. So we should not ever think of a child as a burden. It's a blessing, it's the first thing God blessed us with.
Speaker 3:Well, I have a story.
Speaker 2:Let me give the phone number one more time. Like you guys said, I mean time goes so fast. It's probably been 10 or more minutes since I've given out the phone number. If you're listening right now, you're thinking phone number. What you know. This always happens, guys. People say no, I didn't want to call because the conversation, but you're part of the conversation, you can be part of the conversation. We want you to be part of the conversation. You know that same sister. We have some super fans here. So she texted again. She said praise god for bringing these two bold voices today. But you might want to text with a word of encouragement. You might have a specific question that you would like to ask you to send that over text, or you might want to call again the phone number to our studio for your limited time opportunity. There's not one of those uh, your raffles here. No, this is a true limited time opportunity to participate today in a very important conversation. The phone number is 786-313-3115.
Speaker 3:So I'm remembering a client in 2023, and she came to the center, found out she was pregnant, did not want to move forward with the pregnancy, was going to have an abortion, and he then became part of the conversation and you know who kept calling us for more information. It was him. He was the one that set up the doctor's appointment. Now, they were not in a relationship, but he really became the champion of that baby. He went to the doctor's office. He made sure that she showed up to the appointments, whatever applications needed to be completed. He went to the doctor's office. He made sure that she showed up to the appointments, whatever applications needed to be completed. He was the one that got on the computer. And I remember one Saturday, specifically, this poor guy. He called the center, I answered the phone and he was just so stressed out, emotionally spent, just didn't know what else to do because she still did not want to go forward with the pregnancy.
Speaker 3:And so I connected him with one of our care coordinators on Saturday and they connected and were able to speak. But I just fast forward to this baby girl was born. This baby girl was born and she was born because he championed her life. And guess what, once she was born, now the mother is like telling us oh, she's the most beautiful thing, I love her, she's my daughter. But that's not who championed the life. It was a, it was the dad. Now they're still not in a relationship, but that didn't matter to him.
Speaker 1:So you're saying he wanted.
Speaker 2:He wanted to do whatever it took, reach out to whoever was going to help him to make sure that his daughter was born so you're saying that a man that stood up and said his opinion and stood his ground actually exerted a positive influence in a situation?
Speaker 2:yes, yes, amen, that's what we've been saying guys, yes, you could do it, guys, you could do it, men, you could do it. Uh, brian, I want to make sure to cover that third point that you mentioned. Just make sure, you know, I really, because I, you, you, read them and it's like man, it was, it was just those three points are so significant. What was the third one? Again, that third lie that even creeps into the church.
Speaker 5:Right, yeah, the third one was God doesn't get to decide who lives and who dies, and you know, and that's really insidious in our culture these days. I mean that's what abortion is all about. If you think about euthanasia, mean that's what abortion is all about. Um, if you think about euthanasia, that's what that's about too, not to say, um, you know, and canada has gone a long way down the wrong path in in that regard um, yeah, you know, I, I, I share this.
Speaker 2:You know it's interesting. The lord hasn't allowed me to be in a place yet where I, I, I use this in in like a conversation where somebody is really on the other side of the issue. But I kind of mentioned this to believers, to, you know, friends and stuff to equip them if they ever talk to someone. But the whole idea that you know it's such a slippery slope. Oh, you know, there's these reasons for abortion, there's these reasons for euthanasia, for abortion, there's these reasons for euthanasia. You know, and, and and again. When you, um, what's the word? When you take that argument to its end, and and, and, and, you realize, man, you're talking about killing elderly, right in. In some cases where people argue for, uh, they have an acronym to make it sound better assisted suicide in in canada and europe, there's a longer acronym. It like, it even sounds like a pleasant word or something.
Speaker 2:It's, it's terrible, but, um, once you say that, they're like oh no, and like, yeah, actually that's what, that's what you're talking about, and and and it's such a slippery slope. And then you see how it's just expanded. Right since the 60s or 70s we've been talking about quote-unquote abortion and now, uh, end of life, um, early death, whatever you want to call, it's being normalized. I mean, god getting to decide who lives or dies, and it's again, it's, I'll say this, and and brian, wanting to hear more from you, and wendy, you know, having a limited time with you guys, it's even. I'm wrestling with the word consequences, because we talked about how children are a blessing, but hey, you know, nine months of pregnancy or interruption in your career or whatever it is, that's, that's just the consequences of the actions. Don't punish the child.
Speaker 3:Well, and the misconception too. Misconception, too, is that, you know, whenever anyone wants to argue pro-abortion, they always go to those extremes right, which is like 0.02 percent of the abortion cases are in rape, incest and these kind of situations and that that number, that small number.
Speaker 2:You guys see that every day, the people that come to you at the center this is a question are not that's not the majority of people where.
Speaker 3:That's why in previous um episodes that we've been here, we've talked about how most of these babies are being aborted at the altar of convenience. It's a convenience issue, is a you know, it's going to get in the way and and me having this kid, or I was with him, I got pregnant, now we're not together anymore, so I don't want to have his baby. I mean, that's the kind of conversation and I don't say it in a condescending way because I have to tell you that one of the most common feedbacks that we get at Eve's Hope is that they felt respected, loved and valued. Amen.
Speaker 3:And that is the atmosphere at Eve's Hope. We don't want to talk down to her.
Speaker 2:We don't want to judge her. It sounds like God's atmosphere. It sounds like God's heart.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Well, they can't pinpoint.
Speaker 3:but what they're experiencing is the Holy Spirit atmosphere. When they talk about peace, chaos is going on in their minds and in their hearts and they come into a space where the Holy Spirit is very much present because of the prayers and the people, of people there, um and so, but, but these other conversations that we have, it's, it's this convenience matter as to why abortion needs to take place. Brian, going back to I can control my future is the most ridiculous thing. That to think that on the other side of abortion there aren't consequences. There are emotional, physical, spiritual consequences to having an abortion, and I can speak that to truth of my own testimony is that things are introduced into your physical health that you did not anticipate.
Speaker 3:After I gave birth, I was not. My son almost died 29 years ago. Him and I almost died because I did not know that my uterus had been damaged from two previous abortions that I have had, and so he's born. He's 29 years old now, but I was never able to have any other children and I lamented that. I lamented that in my heart because I imagined that once I was stable, that I would be able to have more children. But you know what, the Lord knew what devastated my heart and he's given me a total of six kids to raise. And through marriage and through a niece and a friend, I've raised a total of six children, even though I've given birth to one. That's amazing, because that's who God is. Again thinking that you're somehow going to manipulate the outcome based on the decisions and choices that you made today and I say that story over and over again it's just. You cannot box God in to what he's able to do with a heart that is obedient to how he wants to do things.
Speaker 2:You know that. That's why god's a radio family, if you're listening. That's why we gotta have our friends back on a continual basis, because in all the times we've spoken, I've never heard the whole story. I've never heard that story and all the times that we've spoken so I'm wow, wow, wow, wow. Just talk about beauty for ashes, talk about what the devil intended for evil. God turns it for the good. I mean praise Jesus. Brian, you know we're talking about convenience and even me, you know, before this conversation today, I just automatically think of, oh, the ladies' convenience. But how have you seen guys wrestle with that, with, oh, it's their convenience or it's their life? Or could you elaborate on that of how the guys are thinking some of the same things? Does that make sense?
Speaker 5:and they don't want to move on from there. Or they want to travel and they feel like you know the child is going to get in the way of the travel. Or you know they got plans for their business and they just can't see how that's all going to fit in. It's mostly because they're just they don't understand what's good in life. We'll put it that way.
Speaker 5:And they don't understand all the good that's going to come because that baby is born and becomes a part of their life We'll put it that way and they don't understand all the good that's going to come because that baby is born and becomes a part of their life, and so they can't see that and they're just focused on what it is that they want and that they think the baby is going to prevent them from being able to realize.
Speaker 2:You know, again, I want to be so short because you know you are a guest and I can talk anytime, but in the conversation man, you know guests and I, I can talk anytime, but but in the conversation man, you know it's, it's. There's so many aspects to to being a man, to being a dad. You know, we've, we've, we have three kids at home right now. We've, we've raised it. You know, for one time or another four, we had a foster son. He went back with his family and it's, it's just one of those things like to to.
Speaker 2:You know, I mentioned that background because even being a dad to that boy, uh, you know, to malachi, even being a dad to him, just for six months, it's like I wouldn't trade that for anything just to have that opportunity, even for six months. You know, and uh, and it's just, I don't know, I don't know, brian, it's, it's one of those things that you, like, you really don't get it till you got it. You know, you don't comprehend how beautiful and amazing. How can we convince men, I mean, how do we communicate this to men that being a dad is awesome?
Speaker 5:I don't know what right. And then and then, what frequently happens to us too, you know, and was somewhat the case in in my life, is then, even though you have the children, sometimes your career occupies the vast majority of your time and your thought and you still miss out on all those moments. And so that's tough. And so, you know, I try to point that out to the men that I get to talk to is, you know, you know, enjoy every single moment, because it's going to go fast. You may think it's not what you're looking for right now, but trust me, if you, when you look back on it, you're going to wish you had more of it. Um, and so, yeah, that's, it's amazing. And one other thing that I'd like to say about you know, cause I talked about fathers and sons, but also, you know, fathers and daughters right.
Speaker 5:So because there's there's, there's a time maybe when it happens in a family where your daughter might not be married and she might end up pregnant and you know it causes a lot of angst and friction inside the house.
Speaker 5:But then I just remind you to look back to King David. He never for a second did he think that the baby shouldn't come into the world, right? And so because we get a lot of that sort of stuff like my mom has threatened to kick me out, my dad has threatened to kick me out, they want me to get the abortion that's the wrong time to do that absolutely not you know, and so if that happens, forgiveness.
Speaker 3:God forgave us yes, and don't let the enemy use shame as a tool. Shame keeps you from speaking up. Shame keeps you from you know you want to hush this pregnancy, so you go and get an abortion. Shame keeps you from a lot of things, and, and god's word promises that if you confess your sins to one another, that he will heal you there's a.
Speaker 2:There's a line from a hip-hop song I haven't heard in the longest time. I probably can't even find it now if I looked for it, but it talks about that situation. The verse talks about a girl. A student got pregnant. Now she has to tell her parents and then, speaking to the parents, the rapper says now your worldview is sitting in your living room. Wow. What are you going to do Exactly? What are you going to do Exactly, wendy, you had some numbers you wanted to share with us.
Speaker 3:I wanted to, but before I just want to say one thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, to share with us. I wanted to, but before I I just want to say one thing, yeah, and, and I want to make sure to leave time for one thing as well. So we're kind of like planning live on the radio here. Uh, brian, I want to make sure to end with, if there's men listening, that their hearts are stirred up. Man, I want to make a difference, I want to do something. You know there's things we can do in our own lives, but how can they help at eve's hope? So I want to end with that. Uh, wendy, you had something you want to ask or tell brian, and you also had some numbers.
Speaker 3:Well, I want to share our numbers from last year so that everybody can praise god along with us but I did want to say we talk about a lot of problems and and heart issues here on this, whenever we come on god's way radio, and I just want to remind our hearts and our minds that the solution is always first jesus, and once you have him in your, in your heart and the holy spirit dwells inside of you, then focus on the word, because the word is it's what's going to take out all that confusion, because I like you guys, amen yeah so, uh, but I did want to share some numbers.
Speaker 3:We uh from 2024 eve's hope. We saw a total of 839 patients. Thank you, lord, 215 babies were rescued. Oh, can you say that? One, one more time 215 babies were rescued from abortion. But, more importantly, because we love babies being born, 153 of those patients prayed to receive Christ into their hearts. Praise the Lord. And so that's the harvest of 2024, and we praise God for that.
Speaker 2:We pray for even more this year. Lord, yes, yes, Do more. Oh man, awesome. So, Brian, we have a good five minutes, so you have to talk really fast. No, no, I'm just kidding. So, whether you know, split it up however you want, what we can do in our own lives in our own lives, in our families.
Speaker 5:What do we do next? And how can guys get involved with eve's hope? Well, I think certainly for for our families and in our circles, we just we can't be afraid to to talk about this issue. Uh, you know, because it's, it's invaded our society kind of under our radar, because we didn't think it applied to us necessarily. We thought it was somebody else's problem. Like you say, the worldview is now sitting in your living room and and you know, we have.
Speaker 5:I think that was one of the problems that I had when I was in the military right. I just thought, oh, I'm a Christian, everybody thinks like me, or close enough, I don't really have to say much, but you're going to be given opportunities to speak about your faith to people that you run into and then you cannot be afraid to do it. I kind of like in that in my own life now. I think, oh, if I don't say something, am I ashamed of the gospel? That's how I look at it. It's like, because I know what the Bible says about this, and if I'm not sharing that with someone, do I not love them? Am I ashamed of Jesus? This? And if I'm not sharing that with someone? Do I not love them? Am I ashamed of jesus, because they're all his words in the end anyway?
Speaker 5:And so I would just say speak up, use your voice. We have a voice. We need to use it. If people are, you know, don't like what we have to say, or you don't think that you're a good speaker, just you know, moses didn't think he was a good speaker, and look what god did with him. So it you know god, god will use you, and so that's the biggest thing Speak up in the circle in which you move. You don't really have to go beyond that per se, you know, and pray about this issue too Pray, pray.
Speaker 3:You can go on our website, eveshopeinfo, and there's a way to communicate with us if you're interested in volunteering and we can definitely speak to you. And the other thing the enemy uses, too, is if you've had something with abortion. Either you paid for an abortion, or your girlfriend or your wife because of you had an abortion. There's undealt with sin in your life and it's keeping you silent because it kept me silent.
Speaker 3:I thought that the abortion disqualified me from ever speaking up, and if my 20-something-year-old would know that God was going to put me as executive director of a pregnancy center, I would have fallen on the floor laughing because I thought how I caused this, how could I speak up about it? So I know, brian, and I think about that guy at that conference in that campfire who spoke up about his abortion story for the first time. How old was he?
Speaker 5:Yeah, he was already in his 50s and it happened when he was in college. Wow. And right after it happened, he wrote a poem about his unborn child that he never shared with anybody, and then he recited it from memory at that bonfire.
Speaker 4:It just shows you how heavy it was it really impacted him.
Speaker 5:Absolutely, yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:So speak up, man, and then get on your computer, go to eveshopeinfo yes, eveshopeinfo and go through the links there to show your interest in volunteering and connecting with them. And Brian, I mean, mean, you know again, no, you're not committing or promising to anything, but what are the kinds of things that guys maybe could do at eve's hope, depending on their availability, their yeah, I mean, basically what I end up doing most of the time is uh speaking with the men who come in.
Speaker 5:So I mean, you mean you, you, uh, you just sit down one-on-one and while the woman is having her appointment up into the ultrasound, you just talk about pregnancy and life and share the gospel. Ultimately, that's what we do too, and and and try to, you know, help them, help the man to see his situation differently, you know, so that he, he, that he comes out edified from the experience, and so that's one thing. I also drive the mobile unit, the RV, once a week. I'm usually out there doing that.
Speaker 3:And that's so important because our sonographer and care coordinator are both women and you being there, you provide that security aspect of it too.
Speaker 5:Yeah, and that's one of the things. Especially some of the locations we go to they're underprivileged communities which sometimes they're not so nice areas, aka rough neighborhoods.
Speaker 2:Right, that's right.
Speaker 5:And so I'm there for that.
Speaker 2:Guys, so many opportunities, but you gotta reach out, you gotta take a step forward.
Speaker 3:If God is stirring your heart, reach out.
Speaker 2:Amen, like you said, the hour flies by. Thank you both so much for being here.
Speaker 3:No, thank you for having us. We really enjoyed our time.
Speaker 2:Family. If there's anything left that you needed to ask or wanted to say or anything, you can reach out to us here at God's Way Radio. Remember that website that you can give out to somebody who's in a crisis or a need Miami pregnancyoptionsmiamiorg. And if crisis or a need, miami pregnancy options, miamiorg, and if you're ready to take a step to volunteer, it is easehopeinfo.
Speaker 1:God bless you, grace and peace we hope you enjoyed friends and family, unique conversations recorded and produced in our studios, where you get a chance to hear what god is doing in people's lives. Jesus tells us in john 15, verse 15 I have called you friends For all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. So that's why we love to share these exclusive interviews with you. Our hope is that through their stories God will be made known to you, but you can only find them here on God's Way Radio. Just check GodsWayRadiocom for our full program schedule.