Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
Finding Hope and Redemption in Isolation: Insights from Lisa Lorenzo and Tatiana Pino
Can isolation be more damaging than the pain itself? Join us in this heartfelt episode of "Live for Jesus" as we explore how God can be a beacon of hope for women enduring pain, suffering, and abuse. We're joined by Lisa Lorenzo, host of the Faith with Friends Podcast, and Tatiana Pino to discuss the harmful effects of isolation and the vital role of community and faith in overcoming life's darkest moments. Discover how shifting the focus from suffering to recognizing God’s work in these times can bring transformative healing.
We'll delve into the power of Psalm 103, which serves as a daily reminder of God's forgiveness, healing, and tender mercies. Our guests emphasize the importance of fellowship, prayer, and genuine friendships that uplift and support during challenging periods. Through personal stories, we illustrate how God can redeem lives from destruction, offering new life and hope.
What does true redemption look like? We explore this deeply moving concept with Tatiana and Lisa, focusing on Jesus as the ultimate redeemer who restores and heals. Addressing critical issues such as late-term abortion, we underline the importance of standing firm in faith to protect the unborn. With heartfelt gratitude, we celebrate the authenticity and advocacy of our guests and callers, reaffirming God's unwavering faithfulness and His power to transform even the most hopeless situations into a testament of beauty and grace.
Hey, you're listening to the program Live for Jesus. Monday through Thursday, 7.04 in the morning. Are you awake yet? Sleepy people are welcome and permitted, but you're going to have to wake up. So it's 7.06 this morning. You're listening to God's Way Radio. Giants are defeated Every single one of us. So it's 7.06 this morning. You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is the program Live for Jesus.
Razz:My name is Raz, I'm back in town, I was away and I have two guests with me in the studio this morning. We have something for you, so get ready. Be in prayer. Father, please join us. We pray, we want to join you, your will, your way, your word in Jesus' name.
Razz:So my heart is stirred to reach out to women in pain, ladies that may be hurting, that are suffering in this season of their life. Do you know anything about that? 786-313-3115. That's the phone number into the studio. You can call, you can text. This is a live program. So the question this morning does God help a woman in pain? Does God help a woman that's hurting, a woman that's in abuse, a woman that is suffering? Last time our guests, we dealt with the subject. Do women suffer more than men? I think that was clearly established. But today's subject is does God help? Does going to church, does Jesus, does the word of God help a woman that's suffering, a woman that's in pain, a woman that's abused? Does God really help? We want to hear from you. What do you think? 786-313-3115. You can call, you can text, so let's greet our guest in the studio this morning. Good morning, ladies.
Lisa:Good morning, pastor Riles. Good morning, tatiana, good morning.
Razz:It's good to have you, remember, have that mic that close so that we could hear your voice. And so nice of you to wake up early this morning and come into the studios. Ladies, introduce yourself if you would like.
Tatiana:Well, I'm Tatiana Pino. Great to be here this morning.
Razz:Good to have you.
Lisa:Thank you for having me, and I'm Lisa Lorenzo, tatiana's friend.
Razz:Well, it's good to have you ladies. I know that you ladies, I've known you for many years and you know a little bit about suffering. You know a little bit about what it is that you know. Sometimes people think that life is a fairy tale, is a walk in a rose garden, and someone said I never promised you a rose garden. Actually, life, especially for the believer, the person that's going to believe in God and follow God, it's a battlefield. So here's the question, right off the gate. By the way, if you want to call these ladies, if you have a question for these ladies, if you have a compliment for these ladies, 786-313-3115. I'm waiting for your calls.
Razz:But listen, in life, when you suffer, what are the options? What are the choices that people, that ladies, make to deal with their suffering? We're going to listen to a little bit of music. Let you think about that. 'll be right back. I like that song. This is my desire to honor you. So, uh, whichever one wants to tackle that question first, lisa or tatiana, you got the mic well, I think a tool of the enemy is to isolate us so in times of suffering.
Lisa:Oftentimes the enemy will whisper to us that we are alone, that nobody will understand, that nobody can walk with us during that, so we tend to isolate. That's one of the negative things that we can do during times of suffering.
Razz:You think the thought is also like nobody really cares, Exactly. And then I think the two thoughts right Nobody cares and nobody can understand what I'm going through.
Razz:And so. But, lisa, it's good that you mentioned that isolation I wonder if there's anyone listening, and that's what I love about radio, because you kind of have your own little private world. You know, you have your protection. You could be in your car, you could be in your home or wherever you are on your smart device. I wonder if there's anybody listening that they're thinking man, nobody understands the situation that I'm in. Nobody really cares. You know because sometimes hurt comes from putting your love and trust in others that you expected so much different than what you're getting.
Razz:I remember in my youth I read that book. You know Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and how one individual you know, or individuals or situations you know, your health, I mean so many things can change. You're listening to the program Life for Jesus. This is the radio station God's Way Radio. We have two lovely guests here this morning Lisa and Tatiana. We're talking about can God help a person, a woman, specifically geared to women today that's in pain, that's in suffering, that's in abuse, and we're tackling the question what is the tendency, what are the options that people utilize or choose in dealing with their suffering? Lisa, you brought to the table isolation. You're trying to like withdraw, don't answer that phone, you know, going to a depression party in a sense.
Tatiana:Tatiana, let's hear from you what do you think are some of the choices I want?
Tatiana:to piggyback on that. I was just thinking the other day I was talking to one of my daughters and they're like wait, you're going to talk about suffering again and that is, yes, we are going to talk about suffering, but I don't want to focus on the suffering. I want to focus on what God can do in the midst of suffering. Okay, so I think that that's one of the things is should we focus primarily on our suffering? Why is this happening to me? I'm all alone in this. That is really focusing on your suffering, instead of maybe just sitting back and saying wait, what is God? How can God work in the midst of this suffering? What am I here? What is this for? Is this something that he wants to teach me? Does he want to deepen my trust and faith in him? I don't know. So maybe, again, that's one of the things that, instead of maybe shifting our focus from our actual suffering to you know, our focus to God and what he can do through the midst of suffering.
Razz:You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is 104.7 on your FM dial. This is the program Live for Jesus. It's 7.12 in the morning. This is a live program. You can call, you can text, 786-313-3115.
Razz:Miss Tatiana, you got ahead of us. We started to look at the no, no, this is great because this is the Holy Spirit, it's the Holy Spirit. So we started focusing on okay, what are the options? What do some ladies do to kind of try to escape from suffering? And Lisa mentioned isolation.
Razz:It's funny because suffering does come with an agenda. There's a reason that suffering comes, and suffering comes from the enemy's perspective to bring you down, to destroy you, to distract you, to disarm you. You know ladies have potential, you know they have incredible potential. So there's wrong choices, but then there's right choices. And then, tatiana, the Holy Spirit didn't wait too long to get us to the right choices which you're saying. The right choices is to try to focus on, repeat what you said. I mean because what's echoing in my heart is in the suffering. God's got a plan. You know the enemy has a plan to steal, kill, destroy. God has a plan to give you life, to give you life abundantly. So kind of repeat what you said, by the way. 786-313-3115.
Razz:You can call, you can text. I know some of you are waiting for who's going to be the first person to call. So am I, so are we. So give us a call If you need prayer. You could remain anonymous. We usually just identify the area of town you're calling from. Is it South Miami? Is it South Miami Heights? Is it the Gables? Is from? Is it South Miami? Is it South Miami Heights? Is it the Gables? Is it Pinecrest? Is it wherever you're calling from? Let us know Pembroke Pines. 786-313-3155. Tatiana, I don't want to keep you hanging, but you said something. I want you to repeat it because in radio time people are tuning in and tuning out, although today I think it's going to be difficult to tune out. But can you repeat what you said? In the choices that ladies have that are suffering, some focus on the suffering they isolate. There's the first call. We're going to get to that in a moment, but first repeat what you said, tatiana please Well.
Tatiana:Lisa started out saying that we want to isolate ourselves and that we want to maybe feel guilt and shame in the suffering.
Tatiana:But if we shift our focus from what's happening to us and release that guilt, and shame and focus on God and what he can do in this midst of suffering, like how can, what is, what is God trying to show me? How is, how can I go overcome this suffering? I know sometimes it's difficult because we do tend to isolate, we do tend to focus on our suffering. Why is this happening to us? And the guilt and the shame that comes with that. But there is a way out.
Razz:There is a different focus, there is a different shift in our heart attitude and in our Very good I like what you said Shift release, God, that's good.
Lisa:Let's get to this she also said overcome which reminded me of a scripture I already had written because of our dear esau. Esau would always say nobody has the promise on the refrigerator that in this world we will have problems. If we focus on that, then we will miss. I have told you these things so that in me you will have peace. Yes, in this world you will have problems, but take heart, be courageous, have hope, because I, jesus, have overcome the world.
Razz:I'm glad that it didn't take too long before the Scripture, the Word of God, came in. Amen, because some people also medicate. They have a problem and they go to medicate.
Razz:Think about how many people are abusing controlled substances and uncontrolled substances. But you could also meditate. Instead of Medicaid on medicine, you could meditate on the Word of God. I'm wondering if there's a lady listening and you're suffering. Hey, this program is for you. I like that. You can shift, you can release God. And then it had to be Lisa. I love it. Overcome, you know, to get in the battle and fight. Let's go to this first phone call today. Hey, good morning. You're. Live for Jesus. And what area of town.
Speaker 7:Are you calling from? Hi? Good morning Pastor. Can you hear?
Razz:me Absolutely. You're as live as life.
Lisa:I know that voice.
Razz:Oh, Lisa knows you. What area of town are you calling from?
Speaker 7:I'm calling from Miami, Pastor. My name is Conchi Harris.
Lisa:How are you ladies? Good morning Conchi, good morning.
Razz:Good, good morning, doing great. And in Miami, is it like the Gables, is it? I live in West Kendall. West Kendall, that's what we wanted to hear. West Kendall. First one to say present this morning, to stay present this morning. You got the mic. Go ahead. Any question, any comment?
Speaker 7:for the ladies no, I just wanted to say you know I have nothing but the greatest admiration for Dati and for Lisa. During COVID, my dad was very sick and I was isolating right, which is something which is my tendency to withdraw when I'm going through something, and if it really wouldn't have been because of the two of them and their constant prayers, I probably wouldn't have been able to survive that period of my time with my dad being sick and everything that was going on, and so nothing but the highest level of respect for the two of them. Lisa's podcast has changed not only my life but even coworkers' life that I work with, and just hearing their sweet voices on the radio this morning just made my day, and I wanted to encourage them and encourage you, pastor, for the work that you do every day.
Razz:Well, I got to thank you so much. I am very what's the word? Inspired and energetic. But let me relax. Isel would tell me sometimes I would get home. Isel would tell me let the people talk. So I want to let Lisa and Tatiana respond to you, and thank you so much for your call. It means a lot to all of us. Lisa, tatiana, anyone who wants to respond to West Kendall?
Tatiana:Gonchi hi, good morning. Well, thank you for calling in, gonchi. Is there one verse that maybe helped you through that time? I know that our fellowship and our prayer, of course, is always important, that circle of friends that come beside you and help you and hold your hand, and you know that's always extremely important, but also it's also God's word.
Speaker 7:So is there any verse that helped you through that time? It did, Dottie, For me. Psalm 103 is one of my go-to psalms. Every day I repeat that psalm throughout the day.
Tatiana:I just read it last night no I love it.
Speaker 7:Yes, Thank you, Holy Spirit. I love that psalm. It just reminds me so much of what To remind myself and not to forget the good things that God has done.
Speaker 7:How he's a God who forgives our sins, he's a God who heals our diseases body, mind and soul and how His tender mercies are just new every day, and for me that is something that, honestly, is just. It's my go-to every day and every night.
Razz:Thank you for reminding us of that psalm. It says in verse 4, he redeems your life from destruction. You got to love that. You got to love that.
Tatiana:What God does. That's the verse that I focused on last night how he redeems our life even after suffering.
Razz:I think the Holy Spirit is doing something here this morning. I love it.
Tatiana:Even after a season of suffering, how he redeems, he brings back to life, he even makes it better. And it's hard to even think of that, even while you're going through suffering, because you think it's the end and all of you know it's, this is it.
Razz:This is it, this is gonna be, this is it how?
Tatiana:how can we get out of this? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? And there is, there is. Thank you, conchi. Because I was reading last night, I focused on that word, that redeeming grace of God.
Razz:You know, conchi, just one second before we let you go. We're not going to let you go that easy. But it's beautiful because the second part of that verse is and he crowns you with loving, kindness and tender mercies, plural, not just a mercy, it's going to keep on coming and so, conchi, god has used you today, see, this is why you need to call 786-313-3115. You might be timid, you might be scared, lisa, hold on, we have Lisa going to say something here in a moment.
Lisa:No, I just want to say that Conchi is she's a faithful friend.
Lisa:You saw that she's an encourager. Yeah, she's also a prayer warrior. Wow, not a prayer warrior.
Speaker 3:Not worry, but a warrior. I like that clarification she goes to war.
Lisa:She stands with you, she locks arms with you. You call Conchi and you ask her to pray. She will, which we've learned in Calvary Chapel with Pastor Raz. Don't say you're going to pray, stop right there and pray. And that Conch is one of those people that just lifts your eyes up to the Lord. So I'm thankful for her calling and her friendship.
Razz:What a wonderful thing that's happening here. Some things are obvious, Some things are not too obvious, so allow me to make the not so obvious obvious. 786-313-3115. You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is the program Live for Jesus, Monday through Thursday, 7.04.
Razz:Today we have special guests. Lisa and Tatiana are here in the studio with us. The subject today is can God help a woman in suffering? We're talking to one of our listeners from West Kendall. You don't have to say your name I'm glad you did, by the way but you don't have to. You can remain anonymous if you want to.
Razz:But what's going on here that people are not realizing is the power, the power of participation, the power of participation, friendship, friendship. You know, sometimes you make wrong friends along the way and when problems come in, you find out they were the wrong friends, you know. But sometimes along the way, in the problems, God's going to bring some true friends into your life, but sometimes, along the way, in the problems, God's going to bring some true friends into your life. And the participation aspect how, man, I'm listening Lisa, I'm listening to Tatiana and I'm listening to Wes Kendall. I don't say your name to give you anonymity if you want it, but how Lisa can say here's a friend that's quick to pray. You could count on the fact that they're going to take your problems, your suffering, and take it to the Savior in prayer, and the fact that they're going to take your problems, your suffering, and take it to the Savior in prayer.
Razz:And also, Wes Kendall, off the gate. You gave us Psalm 103, a God who redeems your life from destruction. This world will bring destruction your way. You could be naive, you could not expect it, but it's coming. But God will. What's the word again, Tatiana?
Razz:I want to let you say it so much better than I.
Lisa:I am so beautiful Redeemed.
Razz:And so, ladies here, wes Kendall included, before you go, wes Kendall, what is a synonym for the word redeem? What do you think Because I know that there's ladies listening that they're suffering abuse? Maybe they're abusing themselves because of wrong choices, stinking thinking, as I call it, and they're in a circle that's kind of like a jail they can't get out. What does the word redeem mean? What is God going to do through the suffering, through the pain, through the rejection? What is God about? About? Any one of you ladies wants to tackle that um, including you, west kendall. If you need to go, you could speak quickly and you could hang up, and I can't thank you enough for calling. But, west kendall, you got the. You got the your phone, or lisa or tatiana, who's first?
Lisa:well, I want to start by saying redeem is to restore restore restore, to buy back. But more important than the word redeem is the person redeemed. And jesus is our redeemer. He takes what we cannot make good and he redeems that. He makes it with value. So when you think about redeem, it's not that we redeem our lives or that we can redeem any situation, it's that jesus the redeemer can intervene and rescue us and he can make things right.
Razz:So what about the person that's listening and says oh, that sounds so beautiful, but the reality is I'm pregnant now. Or the reality is I've done many abortions. Can God redeem that? Or the reality is my spouse is an addict. He's an addict and you don't know how he gets when he gets under this substance. What about the person that would say to you you don't understand. My children left me, my husband left me, my parents left me, my children left me, the church disappointed me. Can God redeem that? Can God buy that back? Can God rescue that?
Tatiana:Absolutely, he can Absolutely, and when we get to know who God is, His character, His attributes, who really is God, you know. I think that that's one of the things that we have to start learning is the character of God and that way you can trust God to redeem, to restore, to save, to keep His promises. So yes, absolutely, he's a God who redeems, restores and saves and forgives.
Razz:I love what you're saying. You're listening to God's Way Radio. I love what you're saying because the implication is that there is some time we have to give God time. It might not be in our timing, but God is a God that our guest today. By the way, you're listening to God's Way Radio. This is a program live for Jesus, monday through Thursdays at 7.04 in the morning. We're here. Our guest this morning, lisa Tatiana.
Razz:Our subject this morning is can God really help a woman in pain, a woman that's suffering? A woman that may be even listening right now is thinking I'm checking out, I just can't bear this anymore. I just can't handle this anymore. And I have to say to you, the listener, some of you might be in a point in life that right now this doesn't face you, but trust me, if you live long enough, life is poignant and life is funny and life is cruel, but there's a redeemer, yes, and I love what you said. You said absolutely cruel, but there's a redeemer, yes, and I love what you said. You said absolutely. I mean, you didn't, you didn't give any room for any doubt, because that's who god is. If we let god be god, he can redeem you. And our guest this morning we've tasted a little bit of that we've tasted a little bit of that so what's, kendall?
Razz:you've been so patient, you, I mean I could tell, this is a good friend. I mean, she's just quietly there listening yeah what's kendall? You got the mic. What do you want to say?
Speaker 7:no um for me, I guess, when I heard the lady speak, I mean, I think redeeming is, like you know, beauty from ashes, and I've seen him do that over and over in lisa's life and daddy's life and my life and all of our lives, and I think that's just a simple reminder of you know how God can turn something bad into something good, and he does. He's faithful.
Razz:Well, thank you so much. You got a good radio voice, by the way, so you got to call us at least once a month, at least every time we have Lisa and Tatiana here. You got to give us, you got gotta give us a call, okay hey god bless you all.
Speaker 6:Right, love you all. Thank you likewise.
Razz:Hey, ladies, I'm glad this lady called. She's like an iron rock. I mean, that's what I got. I got. I got that sense man, an iron rock friend. 786-313-3115. I got an open line at 727. We want to get you to heaven. I got pembroke pines holding on a little bit of music. That's kind of like the condiment. Sometimes you got to put a little garlic, a little onion, a little pepper. We'll be right back. Lord, our God is ever faithful. Lord, our God is ever faithful. Hey, we have two people on the line. We're going to get the phone calls. 786-313-3155. We got to be short on these phone calls because I know the phone is going to explode this morning.
Razz:My guest this morning. You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is a program live for Jesus we're talking about. Does God help a woman in suffering? 786-313-3115. You can call. Let's go to this phone call right here, but I got to do something first. Okay, I think we're going to go to Kendall right now. Kendall, good morning, you are online. Life for Jesus, our guest here this morning, as you know Lisa Tatiana Kendall you got the mic.
Speaker 5:Good morning, how are you?
Razz:doing Wait a minute, I know that voice too, but they can remain anonymous if they want. No, they can't. There's no remaining anonymous with our friends this morning.
Lisa:Oh wow, let's see if Tatiana knows who that voice is Of course, that beautiful voice. I always tell her she's got the best tone, I believe that is the Lieutenant Governor of the state of Florida, none other than Jeanette Nunez, daughter of Christ. Yeah, they did it by the of the state of Florida, none other than Jeanette Nunez daughter of Christ.
Razz:Yeah, they did it. By the way, lieutenant Governor, you can't blame me. I try to keep the anonymity, but those are your friends.
Speaker 3:So, you deal with them.
Razz:But thank you for calling.
Speaker 5:What do you?
Razz:want to say you got the mic.
Speaker 5:No, thank you. So obviously we were on last week and I had such a wonderful time talking with you about the importance of what we're dealing with in this upcoming election. But as I was listening this morning, it dawned on me not only are Lisa and Tatiana just such special women, such special followers of Christ, they are wonderful friends. They are people that not only talk the talk but walk the walk. And then I just wanted to say how we talk about suffering and being redeemed, but also there's joy in suffering, and I can think of no people that better represent the suffering of Christ and the joy that you can find in knowing that God is with you through every circumstance of life than Tatiana and Lisa.
Speaker 5:So I just wanted to call and encourage them, encourage all the listeners that may be going through something right now. We all know that everybody has issues that they're dealing with and some of them are very near and dear to their hearts, and some of them are people and loved ones in their family, in their social circle. But there is never a circumstance in which God doesn't have His hand walking alongside you, where he's not providing you the opportunity to not only have joy through the suffering, but also for your mess to become your message, right For you to have a testimony and to be able to share and encourage others today. So I just wanted to encourage them, encourage all your listeners, and thank you so much for always being so faithful and so willing to speak out and to speak up for Christ.
Razz:Thank you so much. Before you go, I'm thinking your friends want to say something to you. So, tatiana, you got the mic.
Tatiana:Oh, yes, Thank you. Thank you, Jeanette, for calling and you reminded us that, yes, we can have joy even in the midst of suffering, even when we're going. Our shift our focus again. If we focus on Jesus, if we focus on God and His promises, even as you read, you can find joy. You can find joy in how many times have I told my daughters and my friends Write down what you're thankful for, and that changes your shift, that changes your heart, attitude. And you say you know there is a lot of joy even in the midst, Even if we are going. We have to allow ourselves to find that gratitude. We have to allow ourselves to find that joy even when we're going through a difficult time. That's right, especially when we're going through a difficult time.
Tatiana:Especially. Thank you, Jeanette, for reminding us of that.
Razz:Well, we thank Kendall. I'm going to say Kendall, you said the name. She brings to light the fact that there is joy in suffering. And right there you see the double focus we can have. We could focus on the suffering or we could focus on the Savior. And then you said something that brought to mind. How you say, write down what you're thankful for, and someone would say what? What are you talking about thankful for? Well, if anything, that when this story transitions, there's going to be the prince of God bringing you through. You know, peter was drowning in the water, but that's not where the story ends. He cried out to Jesus. He said Lord, I'm sinking, help me. And he took him by the hand and they both walked on that storm to the boat back again. So, lady suffering right now, god can bring you up from these waves of suffering that are about to drown you. You don't have to drown, kendall, any last statements. You could have a closing statement. You got the mic again.
Speaker 5:Oh, my goodness, Just so thankful for Tatiana and Lisa for being willing to share and to encourage people this morning. And we know that there's so much going on in the world, but God is never far away, so just everyone needs to draw near to Him and, like Tatiana said, there's always something to be thankful for and praise God for this radio station, for this program, for your ministry. Thank you all so much.
Razz:Thank you God bless you Thank you LG.
Lisa:She's the OG LG.
Razz:God bless, bye-bye. 786-313-3115. I got another open line. Ladies, you know what I like about that lady that just called. She's so genuine. She's not only a wife, a mom, a lieutenant governor, an elected official, a lady that believes in Jesus, but she's also F-R-I-E-N-D, she's a friend, she's a true friend and she is championing the cause for that. I think it's on the ballot. It's going to be number four.
Lisa:That's right, right, what is it?
Speaker 3:Amendment number four. Amendment number four.
Razz:What's the wise way, Lisa and Tatiana, that you would think a person should vote on that? Do you have any?
Lisa:recommendations N-O. No on number four and oh no on number four. We are not amending our constitution in the state of florida to allow abortions at any time, for any reason.
Razz:Yeah, we did you know, when the guests were, lieutenant governor was here as a guest. I didn't emphasize enough that this late term abortion there there's been reports of babies born and just put to the side after they're born because it's within that late-term abortion kind of like clause. So I agree, I think any person that loves God and loves the word would say no, we're not going to kill babies. We want babies to have an opportunity the same way we did that. We're alive. 786-313-3115. I got an open line. Let's go to Pembroke pines. Pembroke pines good morning. Thank you for being patient waiting on the line. Your caller number three.
Speaker 9:You got the mic good morning, welcome back to work and thank you. Amazing topics, ladies, thank you, thank you, um, I just want to say super quick, because I know people are going to call, but I'm going to speak to the lady who doesn't, who doesn't, who's trapped? She's trapped, she doesn't want to leave that trap. I know exactly where you are and it's such a, it's so deceiving, and you don't even realize it because you think you're dying to yourself. You, oh god, wants me to die to myself. Well, guess what god does? Want us to die to ourself, but so that jesus can live, not so that self-pity anxiety the husband is controlling the boyfriend, who's whatever can live. No, no, jesus is the one who lives through us. And, um, so if you don't know Jesus that's probably your first step Just tell him hey, I want to know you, jesus, I'm in a mess. I can't get out of this. Nobody has an answer for me. You have to have the answer. So that would be my first recommendation.
Speaker 9:Secondly, number one after that is you are in the same boat as everybody. Everybody's in a boat. Everybody has their own boat. They might not be able to completely identify with your boat, but no one is perfect. Okay, you look at these ladies. They look so perfect, they talk so sweet and everything. Oh no, I'm never going to fit, yeah for sure. And they didn't fit there when they first went there. So, and they're going to love on you, they're going to love it. If you go to a group where they don't love on you, leave that group Find.
Razz:Another group Find another group. Jesus is not there, and if you don't find anyone, come to miami, calvary chapel, miami.
Speaker 9:We'll love you. Amen the love on you. And there's a lot of people out there, there's a lot of groups out there.
Speaker 9:Just make sure it's, you know, god-centered, bible-centered, yes very good, just to let you know that, um, the shame that you're experiencing, which is very real, that shame is very real. That is a lie, because Jesus loves you. He loves you exactly the way you are and he knows exactly the way you are. He knows the circumstance that you're in. So my recommendations are and also getting in a group. We do not know, we don't know what we're like, we have blinders on, and so to get in a group. Not only do the people come around you, help you. They might not be able to identify with your situation. There might be somebody going like oh my God, really that's happening to you, yes, that's happening to me, and it is so freeing when you say what's happening to you and you set it out there. It's out there, it actually helps.
Razz:Not only does it help people, it helps you to release it, not to be locked in Pembroke Pines. I can't thank you enough for your call, 786-313-3115. It's 737. We want to get you to heaven, pembroke Pines. Closing statements.
Speaker 9:Just seek the Lord and he's going to direct you, but try to be open to the Lord. Be open to the Lord.
Razz:I like that. Thank you, god bless you. Bye-bye.
Speaker 3:Jesus, you were always by my side. You, jesus, you were always by my side. You call me deeper waters, you say don't be afraid To trust where you will lead.
Razz:And walk on waves. To walk on waves what a great song. Huh, you say, hey, are you suffering? To walk on waves? What a great song. Huh, hey, are you suffering? Do you know what pain is like? Have you ever felt abandoned? Have you ever felt locked in? Have you ever felt I'll never get out of this? Who's going to help me? That's our subject today.
Razz:Can God help a woman in suffering? 786-313-3115. You can call, you can send me a text. I haven't even checked the text message machine yet, but I'm going to 786-313-3115. I have two open lines here.
Razz:We got our guest in our studio lisa, tatiana. Ladies that are acquainted with so many ladies and I'm sure they know along the way they met ladies that suffer, ladies in pain, and they've discovered something they're here to share with you. 786-313-3115. By the way, if you need prayer, you can call. We can pray with you on the phone or off the mic. We just want to reach out to you. If you're suffering, don't suffer alone. We're here for you. God is reaching out to you right now. We're going to come back from this music song and we're going to be listening and speaking to. I think Tatiana has something to tell us. You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is the program live for Jesus. Monday through Thursday 7.04 in the morning we get started. Our guest today, lisa Tatiana they're here in the studio, by the way, nobody's calling you. You've been trying to get through. The phone's been busy. There we go. We got somebody calling, but before we talk to the caller, tatiana, I think you had something to say.
Tatiana:Thank you. Well, thank you for that last listener calling from Pembroke Pines. It reminded me that, yes, you're not alone in your suffering. I want to encourage you today that if you're suffering, the Lord knows it. He knows it. It says in Exodus 3-7 that I read the other day. It says I have observed the misery of my people in Egypt and have heard them crying out because of their oppressors. I know about their suffering. The Lord knows about your suffering. He's observing you. He knows you. He sits on the throne and he's hearing your cries. So cry out loud to him. He hears you and he's with you. He keeps us safe and after we have suffered a little while, he's going to establish us, he's going to strengthen us and he's going to settle us. The Lord can do that. The Lord is able and he can. So I just wanted to say that Thank you for calling Pembroke Pines again.
Razz:I so love what you're saying because you read from Exodus. This is an incident that happened thousands of years ago, but that story is still helping people, and Lisa and Tatiana thank you.
Tatiana:This is our Egypt. This is our Egypt today. Whatever you're going through is your Egypt, and he's observing you, he's hearing you cry and he knows about it.
Razz:And he's planning to bring you out. He's going to redeem you. Someone said that recently and it's important to let our story, even when God redeems us and now we're living on higher ground, on safer ground not to forget where God redeemed us from, because there's other people that are going through. You're either on top of the mountain or you're in the valley, and it's a. What do they call that? It's a journey, something like that. Hey, we got a phone call, let's go to this phone call. Hey, good morning, you're. Live for Jesus. And what area of town are you calling from?
Speaker 8:Yeah, I'm calling from Miami-Dade County and I wanted to say thank you to Lisa and to Tatiana. I'm friends with them, my name is Alina Garcia and I want to thank them because they are always an example and they're always a path for us to get closer to Jesus and they're always there for their friends. So I want to say thank you and I want to thank. This is a great program. Thank you Because it's true we can't is a great program because it's true we can't. You know, together it's so much easier and you know, sometimes we think that our problem is the biggest problem, but everybody suffers and everybody has problems. So with God we can do all things in God.
Razz:Amen. Well, I want to welcome you. Thank you for your call. I'm sure that Lisa and Tat they're just chopping at the bit in a sense they want to answer you, but you got to tell me a neighborhood, because we want all neighborhoods to be represented here. Miami-dade is so big as we fine-tune, fine-focus in the neighborhood that you're representing specifically where you live. What neighborhood is that?
Speaker 8:Is that West Kendall too? You live? What neighborhood is that? Is that west kendall too? Because what's kendall? They take over, they're taking over. I know where are you, I live.
Razz:I live in unincorporated miami-dade county and it's between palmetto bay and pinecrest. Okay, so we got to palmetto bay and pinecrest.
Lisa:Welcome, I just want to say this was not planned and it might sound like a political commercial. However, miss alina garcia, apart from being our sister Christ, our friend and part of our prayer group, she's also the state representative for Florida and she's also a candidate for supervisor of election. So I hope you vote and if you're looking for conservative candidates who love the Lord, alina Garcia would be the one.
Lisa:There you go, well recommended I love Alina, though, because Alina is one of those real people. Yeah, and she's one of those people that will come in when you're having a pity party and say come on, focus on somebody else, let's go help somebody else. You need to pray. She'll realign your focus. She doesn't allow you. She'll come aside you when you're having issues, when you're going through painful moments. She's one of those people that'll pick you up out of the pit and say let's go excellent right alina yes that's right.
Speaker 9:Just like you, miss lisa, just like you that's great, that's great, daddy.
Razz:Anything to say to?
Tatiana:alina. No, I just want to thank her for calling. It's always a pleasure to hear her.
Razz:We love you, alina thank you so much for your call today god bless you have a great God bless you, have a great day.
Speaker 8:Thank you, you too.
Razz:Thank you, bye-bye God be with us always. Amen, amen. How excellent. 786-313-3115. Can God help a woman in suffering? Has God helped you? Do you have something to say about that? Let's go to the next phone call.
Speaker 3:Hey, good morning. This is the bent tree area. How are you this?
Razz:morning sir, I am doing great. I can't complain past rest. Uh, how are you doing? Well, doing well. Caller number five. What do you want to say? You got the mic yeah, I uh.
Speaker 3:First of all, I want to compare and contrast uh two, two stories, uh the the. The first one is uh the story of ruth and naomi um, okay but I?
Speaker 3:But I want to contrast that with 1 Samuel and the daughter-in-law of Eli. And so here we see two examples of a set of women that keep their focus. They're suffering, there's no doubt that they're suffering, but they keep their focus on the Lord and they stay with the program. Keep their focus on the Lord and they stay with the program. They don't leave the race, they find endurance, they endure the suffering. And of course, the first Samuel story is kind of different. They sort of are giving up. The glory has left them. In fact, the son, the son of Eli's daughter-in-law, who dies when she gives birth, his name means the glory has left us.
Razz:Ichabod yeah.
Speaker 3:So I guess the message for women and for all brothers and sisters in Christ is to keep the example of Ruth and Naomi, is to keep the example of Ruth and Naomi, to stay good and not acknowledge the suffering. Be honest about your suffering, be honest to God about it, as honest, just as transparent as you can be, but don't lose hope and don't think that the glory left you, because the glory, the final analysis, all will be well, yeah, and have faith in that.
Razz:Well, I'm going to let Lisa and Tatiana answer the points that you brought up. You can hang up and listen, but I like what you said, because there's a focus where the glory does depart and that's a bad place to be. But what you're saying is that there's hope, there is mercy, there's grace in Jesus if we seek Jesus in our suffering and our pain. Bentry, you've done well this morning. Thank you so much. I love what you said about Ruth and Naomi. What a perfect example of suffering. You lose your father-in-law, you lose your husband, you lose your brother-in-law death, famine in the land, but Ruth comes back to the house of bread, to bethlehem. Good stuff, bentry. Hey, thank you for calling. God bless you. Hey. By the way, I just wanted to know what station do you listen to? God's way? All right, all right, thank you. Thank you, sir. Bye, bye. Hey, we got him. We got him. Lisa, tatiana, you got them.
Tatiana:You got to keep it light every once in a while, lisa, and in that story we also see the king's redeemer.
Lisa:The king's redeemer, it's beautiful how Jesus comes in again as redeemer. You know she had a choice. She could have gone back to her family and had them take care of her, and she chose to stick with. She saw something special in her mother-in-law and she chose to stick with her. And it's beautiful because, again, how god uses that scripture that's one of the scriptures that pastor ross recently sent dadiana and I that it says um don't ask me to leave you that's right.
Lisa:Where you go, I'll go, yeah, and where you live, I'll live, and where and where you're buried, I will be buried, and your people will be my people and your god will be my god. And your God will be my God Will be my God, and I think that is the key really to suffering. What are you making the center of your life? I can make very easily the center of my life this suffering or this prayer that I've been praying for decades and it's still not happening.
Lisa:And, lord, where are you and do you hear my prayers? Or I can seek God and I can run after him. And there's a scripture that says hold on one second, let's see if I can find it here. It says what is my desire? To dwell in the house of the Lord forever. If that's our greatest desire and we seek God, we seek Jesus, then we will never be disappointed.
Tatiana:And Lisa, not that we're not going to. We are going to have that time of pity, that pity party, and it's okay, because it's okay to have that. What is it, that night of mourning? Because joy comes in the morning. If you focus your eyes on Jesus, you can have a night of mourning. I mean a night of crying and sadness and sorrow.
Lisa:I like what you're saying tears.
Tatiana:But the morning, you remind yourself that God brings new mercies every morning and then you can say, okay, this is my situation, let me focus on Jesus, and what does he have for me today? And what does he have for me today? What does he have for me today? That shift of focus, that centering your eyes on Jesus instead of the suffering.
Razz:Tears may last through the night.
Tatiana:Tears may last through the night. But joy comes in the morning, and we're humans, we're going to have those times. We need, those times of I'm going to have a good cry, I need to have a good cry.
Lisa:I need to let it out. One thing I learned from Tatiana is when you can't pray, you can write.
Lisa:And she journals and she writes the scripture that she's reading. And sometimes maybe you don't even connect with it, Maybe you don't even feel that, but you can write down your prayers. You write a letter to God when you feel I don't know what to say. Sit down and write a letter to God. How often we skip that part and we'll say all I can do now is pray. I've done all I can do. All I can do now is pray. Now, the first thing we should do is pray. But when you write a letter to God and say this circumstance is painful, it's. You know, I've been betrayed, I've been hurt.
Lisa:I'm injured, I've been let down. But God, because I find that when we do write, if we follow the example set up in the Word right Throughout the Psalms, it's David crying out to God, but God. And then there's the shift where he focuses now.
Razz:We got somebody on the line patiently waiting. You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is the program Live for Jesus, monday through Thursday, 7.04 in the morning. You can text me, you can call in Our guest in the studio today, lisa Tatiana. And our subject this morning is can God help a woman that's suffering? Are you suffering? Do you feel that they pulled the ground from underneath you, the bottom out, and you're falling? You're in a free fall. Are you hurt? Are you up against something that you think, man, they can't help me? This is just too strong, too powerful. This is too overwhelming. Well, you heard from the ladies here. Write it down. You heard from the ladies here tears may last through the night, cry it out, but joy will come in the morning. Let's go to village green, I think. Maybe, possibly, let's see. Hey, good morning. Your life for jesus is this village green. Yes, all right, I got it. I got it. Welcome to the program. Thank you for covering for me yesterday. You did an excellent job, you and west miami.
Speaker 6:You got the mic um so, good morning pastor, as welcome back. And good morning ladies, good morning good morning, um.
Speaker 6:So I was looking at in luke there's a there's a luke 13, there's um, a passage where jesus was in the synagogue on a sabbath, and it says there was a woman who for 18 years had a sickness caused by a spirit and she was bent double. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. Um and so this, this woman, and just like we can read through that quickly and not realize that for 18 years, long time, she could not straighten up at all. All she looked was down at the floor at her feet. You know, you think about that and you stay there and that's suffering. That's so difficult, you know.
Speaker 6:But what touched my heart was that she was at the synagogue and he saw her, called her over and said Woman, you're freed from your sickness. He laid his hands on her and immediately she was erect again and began glorifying God. You know how the Lord does not want us isolated. The Lord wants to touch us. He wants to touch us, and so I love what. You know what Pembroke Pines was saying. You know, find people that love Jesus, that you can be surrounded by, that can bring you to that quote unquote synagogue, that place where you can meet with Jesus, and it doesn't have to be a building or a place or a physical place, but it definitely is a place where you're open to meet with him. So I just wanted to share that. 18 years bent over. If you could imagine what that's like and how the Lord saw her and touched her and healed her immediately, and that's so beautiful.
Razz:Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm going to let you, I'm going to let Tatiana and Lisa respond to you. Thank you so much for your call, village Green. God bless, you have a great day. God bless, thank you, bye-bye.
Lisa:Well, one thing I love about that scripture is the woman had to reach out, she had to exhibit faith, right, she had to reach out, and then she had to touch or cling to the hem of Jesus. So she knew that the one hope, the one thing that she needed in that moment, the one thing that could help her maybe not change the situation but definitely change her was to get close enough to Jesus to touch him.
Razz:I like what you said. The situation may not change, but Jesus will change you and strengthen you and enable you to deal with the situation will change you and strengthen you and enable you to deal with the situation.
Tatiana:So many years. And yet she was seeking God, she was at the temple, she did not lose heart. That's right. So we should not lose heart, you women out there who are suffering, do not lose heart, For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So it says in this verse. So we fix our eyes not what is seen, but on what is unseen, Since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.
Razz:Wow, we're going to listen to some music. We'll be right back. I got two open lines 786-313-3115. Do you have anything to say to our guests this morning? Lisa, tatiana, they're here, they're waiting for you to call. 786-313-3155. It's 755. I know you've been trying to call. I know it's been busy. You haven't been able to get through, but right now you have an open opportunity. 786-313-3155. If you want to call, you have something to say. Can God help a woman in suffering, a woman in pain, a woman that feels rejected, abandoned, beaten down? Can God help? 786-313-3115. Waiting for your call.
Speaker 3:Put some Johnny on the radio, the kind of music that can soothe your soul.
Lisa:Soothe your soul.
Tatiana:Slow down, don't have much. But I can promise you Whatever comes, you know we'll make it through Me and you Slow down.
Razz:Why don't we slow down? 786-313-3115. You're listening to God's Way Radio, the program live for Jesus. We have two guests in the studio. Our subject today is Can God Help a Woman in Suffering, a Woman in Pain? Well, Lisa, well, Tatiana, time is leaving us. It's 7.57. We want to get you to heaven. We'd love to keep you the whole day, but I know you guys got to get to work. You got responsibilities, like our listeners. Anything you want to say, you got the mic no-transcript.
Lisa:The Lord hears them and he delivers them from all of their troubles. It says that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and save those crushed in spirit. And does that mean that all of our problems will disappear? No, it doesn't. It means he gives us grace and mercy to go through those problems. It says A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all. And then if you turn over to Psalm 27, verse 13 and 14, and it says this I am confident of this I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I will see the experience touch the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I will see the experience touch the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. So what are we told to do? We're told to wait for the Lord. Be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord.
Razz:How wonderful. I got a text message I got to share with you Good morning. Love this topic and the guests. So many stories in the Bible of Jesus helping women in suffering and even today he's still doing it in my own life. So many times Jesus has pulled me out of suffering From the moment of salvation. Even now, praise Jesus. And this is East Kendall, lol, competing with West Kendall. Thank you, east Kendall, for that text message, lisa, back to what you said, man, how he is close to the brokenhearted, how as painful as suffering is, I think you both would agree. I think anybody that's been in suffering agrees that you never have a sense of God being so close as when you're in suffering. Tatiana, as you had said, man, tears may last through the night. You have those nights of tears, but the Lord is there, you know. Anyway. Any closing statements? It's 7.59. We've run out of time, but any closing statements, tatiana.
Tatiana:Well, I just want to thank you both for this morning. Thank you, the callers that have called in and those that were not able to get through, but I just want to continue to press and encourage all of you, those that are suffering that taste, and see that the Lord is good.
Tatiana:Come to him. He's waiting for you. He's waiting for you, and it says in Psalm 107, let the redeemed, let the redeemed of the Lord, tell their story. So those that have gone through suffering and you are on the other side of that storm, tell your story, encourage others. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is Jesus.
Razz:Amen the light of the world, lisa.
Lisa:And in closing, we have a friend who didn't want to call in this morning, but she is a spiritual sister to us and often encourages us with the Word of God. And this is what she put. It goes perfectly with what Tatiana said. 2 Corinthians 1, verses 4 and 6, it says Praise be to God and the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles so that we can comfort those who are in trouble. God comforts us, not for us to keep it a secret, but to share what we've been through and how he's delivered us.
Razz:There's a reason, there's a purpose, there's a plan in our suffering. Well, we've gone a little bit over. The next program is already in progress, but we can't end this program without a short prayer from Miss Lisa, from Tatiana, for you listening. If you're suffering, I know you're doing better right now and that's because of God's word and God reaching out to you. But don't stay there, remember. You can call the radio. We're here to help you, 786-313-3115. And before Lisa and Tatiana prays, I'm sure they might give you some other possible options. You have to help you deal with your suffering. So the suffering would not be the last chapter in your life, but in your story, suffering would be one of the chapters that would lead to redemption, would lead to salvation, would lead to that which is sweet, from the bitterness of suffering to the sweetness of salvation. So any closing statements, tatiana, lisa, prayers, you could say whatever you want to say and then a short prayer. Then Lisa, please, you got the mic.
Tatiana:Yes, well, I want to encourage those that are suffering again today Seek the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.
Lisa:Yes, and I think you know. If you don't belong to a Bible-teaching church, then seek one out. Calvary Chapel, miami. There's plenty of churches that teach the Word of God. Don't just say I've been to church once and I've been hurt. Yes, we all have been hurt by people who are supposed to lead us spiritually. That doesn't mean that's not our excuse. Right to skip it. We need to be involved with the church. We need to be involved with growing spiritually. We have a podcast, faith with Friends podcast, where we just go on and talk about the word of God, what we're going through and how God redeems each moment.
Lisa:Draw near to God. He's there, he's waiting for you.
Lisa:And he promises if you draw near to God, he will draw near to you. Amen, and if you'll allow us, then maybe we can pray, please, heavenly Father. We pray for each and every person. You see, those that are brokenhearted. You are with those that are crushed in spirit, father God, but you don't leave them there, lord. You tell us not to be afraid. We don't have to have fear because you are with us. So, father God, I ask you to intervene in every situation. Every broken heart, every broken promise, that every person that's listening today, that just finds themselves in a place of brokenness, would you intervene, rescue them, redeem their suffering and draw near to them, lord. Help them, father. Surround them with believers, help them to seek you in worship, in praise, and to know you and your word. We love you, lord, and we ask you please touch them tangibly today and help them. In Jesus' name.
Tatiana:Yes, lord, we're reminded that we lift our eyes. Where does our help come from? Our help comes from you, lord. We're reminded that we lift our eyes. Where does our help come from? Our help comes from you, lord. So, father, would you help us to lift our eyes, lift our faces to you, lord, you're waiting for us with open arms. Your mornings are filled with new mercies every day Father.
Tatiana:Lord, they're mercies that are unfailing. Your love is unending. So, Father, we thank you. We thank you for this morning. We thank you for the callers out there. We thank you for this church. We thank you for this radio station that continues to reach out those in need, those in suffering. Father, May they seek you and may they find you in Jesus' name.
Razz:Amen. This has been Life for Jesus, so that you can live for Jesus.