Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
Valuing Life at Every Stage: Wendy and Linda Bell on Combatting Amendment 4 and Advancing Child Welfare
Can being pro-life extend beyond opposing abortion? Discover how valuing life from the womb to the grave informs crucial decisions regarding foster care, adoption, and child welfare in our latest episode of Foster Fridays. Wendy shares her recent seminar experience with Linda Bell, shedding light on the deceptive nature of Amendment 4 on the Florida ballot. We examine why followers of Jesus Christ must stay informed and proactive, especially in the wake of Roe vs. Wade being overturned. Learn how you can use resources like the Do No Harm Florida website to mobilize your church community and engage in meaningful conversations about the sanctity of life.
In a heartfelt discussion, we delve into the harmful effects of abortion through real-life testimonies and personal stories. Wendy recounts a poignant narrative about the severe consequences of chemical abortions, highlighting the misinformation and physical, emotional, and spiritual toll it takes on women. We emphasize the critical need to vote against Amendment 4 and stress the importance of registering to vote. With guidance on how to have impactful dialogues using scripture and genuine concern, this episode provides practical steps for making a difference in your community.
Linda Bell joins us to unpack the implications of state constitutional amendments, drawing from a white paper by the Center for Christian Virtue. Highlighting alarming statistics and the risks of vague amendment language, we discuss the role of pastors in educating their congregations and the broader impact of grassroots mobilization. We also explore concerns about government overreach and the necessity of unwavering spiritual leadership. Finally, we celebrate life through community events like the Walk for Life, encouraging active participation in supporting child welfare initiatives. Join us in this call to action to defend truth and stand up for the sanctity of life.
You're tuned in to Friends and Family, a God's Way Radio exclusive where we introduce you to some amazing people. In John, chapter 15, verse 15, jesus says I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. That's our aim that God would be made known to you. Stay with us until the end of our conversation for more information on this program and other unique offerings from God's Way Radio.
Speaker 2:Just to kind of catch up with our listening family. This is in a sense not in a sense, it is truly a part of our newest segment, foster Fridays, and you know it's a longer story and even sharing with the ladies in the studio, you know we've made connections with so many different ministries and foster care and adoption and it's something close to my heart personally and so, uh, you know it's, it's one of those things, you know, as you serve the lord and you have things even personally that he's called you to, it kind of bleeds together. And so, uh, you know, talking with our pastors and our leadership, he said, you know, I've always mentioned, hey, hey, could we talk about this more on the radio? I'd like to do more through the radio, and so they've so far given the green light and the newest iteration of that is Foster Fridays, which, again, for those of you listening, it's just Fridays, ending the week, looking at foster care, adoption, pro-life pregnancy centers, issues that we're going to be voting on, just as all of these things related to child welfare, the well-being of our kids, the safety of our kids, and again, I'm sure we're going to get into how so much of this is so connected.
Speaker 2:These issues are so connected and so related. So it's funny because I've been saying you know, foster, friday, the first 15 minutes, the first 20 minutes, it's going to be over the phone and it's like boom, it's just exploded to in person the full hour we're going to talk about these issues. So I'm so excited. So, thank you, everybody that's tuned in. But one of the most important things we wanted to talk about today was this Amendment 4. That's on the ballot in Florida. So, ladies, I know this is something that you guys have been looking at Tell us about it, tell us what's going on, please.
Speaker 3:Well, I'm going to let Wendy take the lead. I know she recently was at a seminar, workshop, an event with Linda Bell and heard firsthand from Linda all about what's going on right now. We've been talking about this issue for how long now? Months now, yeah, months, and here we're at the point where people need to really hear about it, but especially God's people, followers of Jesus Christ, and so we're talking to his people, we're talking to y'all, because you need to know the truth, and so I'm going to let Wendy kind of take that first stab at it.
Speaker 4:Go at it, yeah, you know, pastor Joey, as you were mentioning the things that Fridays are standing for and the things that you're advocating for, and it just just makes, it just reminds me that all of those issues have one thing in common that we do it because we're it's an extension of who we are as followers of jesus christ, not because we're good people and not because it's an individual cause that's close to our hearts. All of it stems from the fact that in god's word there's that he says that there's value to life, from birth to the, from the womb to the grave. Right, linda and so the womb to the tomb
Speaker 2:sometimes they say yes.
Speaker 4:And so everything related to what you said about foster care, about adoption, pro-life. So at the Pregnancy Center we're pro-life, not because we affiliate with any party, but because the word of God says that we're image bearers of him, and so that's why we're pro-life, and so this is not a political issue, this is a faith issue, and if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you're definitely pro-life, because it is an extension of who you are in your heart.
Speaker 2:Again, I love it. I mean, I have no means to interrupt, but again just because of the word you know. And again, this is a tough thing and it's I'm really. It's on the same subject, you know. I hope I'm not leaving the subject, but it's tough because, oh, politics and this and that and all you have to walk on eggshells, but this is not a politics thing.
Speaker 2:You know this Amendment 4 thing is not a politics thing. So again, continue just being pro-life and and getting into what amendment four is so to the theme of we are being light in this dark world and this is what amendment four is.
Speaker 4:Amendment four is a very vaguely worded amendment. I know that you've had other guests on here, pastor joey, who have talked about amendment four, so and I want to repeat too much of what being said, but it is so important to understand how we got here.
Speaker 2:I gotta interject because I would like you to to really get into it what it says, what it's about, and I know you're going to get to it it's very deceptively written from the beginning.
Speaker 4:You know, and it's and I want to again and and this is not to get on us, all of us but I want to repeat a little bit of how we got here, because it is important to understand that we cannot stay silent and we can't be complacent about what's to come in the elections in November. You know, roe versus Wade was overturned and we were all celebrating that and it was a good thing to celebrate. But you know what the pro-abortion side was doing. They were already readying themselves for war and for battle, and when they said we're going to take it to the states, they took it to the states.
Speaker 4:Look what has happened since Roe versus Wade was overturned how many states, including Ohio, which Linda will talk about in a little bit were able to place a pro-abortion, abortion on demand amendment into their constitution. You know, and then you have God's people standing around going. How did this happen? We live in the state of Florida, we have a pro-life governor, pro-life both chambers, the Senate and the representatives. How did it come to this point, to where we're about to vote on whether abortion on demand can be in our constitution or not? And so what the other side did, what the pro-abortion side did last year. They were gathering signatures and can I tell you something, there were a lot of conservative Christians who signed that petition because there were students, because is that like public record kind of thing, or it's just from asking around?
Speaker 4:No, no, what the other side, what the pro-abortion side did is they hired people from out of state in their 20s they came into our state, they were paying them $20, $25 an hour and they were standing outside of Publix, Walmart, every gathering places, and they were telling us and we know from experience that they were lying about what they were signing. They were saying sign this petition because right now women are dying. You can't have an abortion in the state of Florida and, unfortunately, a lot of people are not informed about what the law is. And so here were, people were signing it and and I know that the pro-life side was saying, oh, they're not going to get enough signatures Well, guess what they did?
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 4:And so now this goes before the Florida State Supreme Court and we were saying well, this court interprets the law correctly. There is no way that they're going to allow this. Language is deceptive.
Speaker 5:It is vague.
Speaker 4:The justices are not going to allow this to go forward because of how they voted, how they've interpreted law in the past. And guess what? Four against three, the four men said it is vague, it is deceptive. But let the voters decide. And the three women dissented because they said we have the power and it is our right right now to say that this is deceptive and this is vague and it cannot go forward to the voters.
Speaker 4:So that's how we're here In a pro-life state with pro-life legislation, pro-life leaders, now with an amendment that's going to restrict any future law. If this passes with 60% or more of the voters, it doesn't matter what law tries to pass here in the state of Florida, because abortion is going to be protected in our Constitution.
Speaker 2:Wow, wow, wow, wow. That's what's at stake.
Speaker 3:Yes, and while all of that was going on, what were we doing as Christians? We were all dumbfounded, but we shouldn't have been. We should have been following what happened in Ohio and, yeah, there was chatter and conversation about oh, but here we were dumbfounded. And then where are we today? Are you seeing any ads? Are you hearing any ads about? Now we're at. Okay, this has got to be a grassroots thing, but is that enough?
Speaker 4:So now we're at the 11th hour, because we know from what happened in Ohio that any new campaign that came after Labor Day was already too late. But it's good, at least we're here, we're talking about it. I know there's a lot of information that has been shared.
Speaker 2:Now there's some things that I don't want to interrupt, but there's some things that I'm picking up on. Now. There's some things I don't want to interrupt, but there's some things that that I'm picking up on. Number one, which I knew this. I heard the language, but till this moment, I just realized what it meant A constitutional amendment, and you'd said the implications. This now supersedes, in a sense, any other future laws. Now again, you know, here's what's interesting, and maybe this is relevant To me. It didn't matter. And again here, you guys, you ladies, are probably going to look like well, how could you not? It didn't matter, because I'm going to vote. No, you know, I'm going to go and I'm going to vote. But what is on the line, how high the stakes are, I didn't realize.
Speaker 4:The fact that it's a constitutional amendment of the state constitution. So abortion is going to be protected in our constitution. And if you, if I can just read the first part of the amendment. It says no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay or restrict abortion. Okay, that's just the first part of it. More words to it no law.
Speaker 4:This is in our constitution, wow. So if this passes, it doesn't matter that the majority of the legislators are pro-life and that they've been protecting life with legislation that has been introduced. All the work that has been done over the past number of years for nothing. Yeah, because now abortion is going to be allowed up to birth, and I know I've spoken to some people who say, oh, that can't be up to birth.
Speaker 4:Read it in the language yeah they use terms like viability, which, joey. No one can define what viability means. What is viability? Is it 20 weeks of pregnancy? Is it birth? Is it and um? I sat in on a meeting where governor desantis was speaking and he did say if this passes, this is going to make us the mecca for the world in regards to abortion not just in the united states, but in the world, and you know what the pro-abortion side is seeing.
Speaker 4:This is the test, because if they can do it in the state of florida, they can do it anywhere. We are a pro-life state and if they can pass an amendment like this into our constitution, that means that they can do it anywhere yeah, if you just tuned in, we're talking with linda and wendy from eve's whole pregnancy center and we're talking, uh, a lot about.
Speaker 2:I know we're going to talk a lot about, uh, or about a lot of different things, but we're going to spend the majority of our time talking about amendment four.
Speaker 2:That's pretty much the title amendment four in florida yes, okay amendment four here in florida, the the uh fact that as a christian, you need to vote no, and and god's radio, we will stand by that statement unequivocally, and we were speaking about it before we went on the air and I'm sure we'll speak about it again as pastors. Uh, I know at our calvary chapel, miami, our pastor has been saying it very clearly and I pray that more pastors, leaders and churches would say the same. And, uh, all that to say. So we're talking about amendment four. Um, we're talking about the stakes that are on the line. I mean the incredible. Um, I mean that's the way you say it, right, what's on the line?
Speaker 2:And, uh, if you're catching up, if you have a specific question while we're speaking, I'm happy to field those questions. Again, I'm going to take care of my guests here. Uh, you know we've never had anybody belligerent or or anything like that on the radio, but just know that I'm gonna, you know, be a good host. You can ask any question that you would like and you could text. We'll field the questions and answer them as best we can. The phone number to the studio is 786-313-3115. So you read the first line. We're talking about how. Again, how incredible, how incredible is the word that this has even gotten this far and you are going to continue from there.
Speaker 4:Well, one other thing I wanted to say. As you were talking about somebody calling in and potentially having something negative to say, I just want to share with you that we have a different viewpoint on abortion, because we are a pregnancy center and so we're kind of like at the ground level. We see the risk and the effects and the aftermath of what abortion is, and so we're not speaking from a political standpoint, we're not speaking from just being against abortion for the sake of being against abortion. We know that God's word says that he protects life even in the womb. But we can both to the harmful effects of what abortion is.
Speaker 4:It is not a pro-woman issue. Can I tell you something? This is a very harmful thing for women and a lot of our volunteers have testimonies about having experienced it and the regret and the aftermath and everything that comes afterwards. This is not. This is how god presents his life and death and there's so many deathful parts of, if I can say it that way, to the aftermath of an abortion spiritually, mentally, emotionally, all the damage that is not tracked, you know, even medically some of the physical after effects of it, and so for us, it's on a personal level.
Speaker 4:That way, we know that God loves life and he loves women, and we see what this is doing for women. And so that's why it's such a personal and very heartfelt thing and to ask people to please vote no on Amendment 4. Absolutely.
Speaker 3:Well, I'll share a quick story with you because a lot of people know the type of work that I do and the ministry that I'm involved with. A lot of them will share their story with me. And I recently heard a story of a woman who, not too long ago, sought abortion and she took the chemical pills. She ended up hemorrhaging and having to go to the emergency room. And these stories you don't hear about, but this one I heard about it and the woman ended up having to have a hysterectomy and removal of one of her ovaries okay, from a chemical abortion, and we think we don't— which they probably call the quote-unquote safe one.
Speaker 2:Is that probably how they refer to it? Yes, yes, wow.
Speaker 3:Yes, it's as easy—the women are being told it's as easy as taking an aspirin, but they're not being told it's a regimen of pills that they take and it's a process, and so unfortunately, it's actually a flat out lie.
Speaker 2:It's not as easy as taking an aspirin.
Speaker 3:Right, right, yes, and there are. So we hear these stories, we know firsthand. We have a nurse chat line, we've heard from women who are taking the pills and and some of the things that happen to them. So we know, yeah, we know. Our eyes are open. God has allowed us to see and have open eyes. So when we look at this and and we know the harm that abortion causes as wendy said, yeah, physical, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, I'm sure we'll circle back around, but but I want to make sure that people have very specific and practical information.
Speaker 2:For example, and and I'm just being fully transparent here, I hope you know there's there's grace, uh, for it truly. I know there was an opportunity to vote just recently. I asked specifically someone. I said is the amendment four issue gonna still be there for me to vote no later in the november?
Speaker 4:it's only a primary election. It was not. I mean sorry, I'm gonna correct myself yeah, yeah general election in november. It was not on the primary ballot so it was not at all.
Speaker 2:It was not okay. No, that's a general election, okay, okay right, uh, I made sure I said hey, if this is my only chance, I'm, I'm bye kids, I'm figuring out, I gotta go vote so. So I was told that it's gonna be there november no, it's gonna be the general election, so specifically, and it might just be as simple as you know go vote in november.
Speaker 2:If that's it, that's it. But what do we need to do in case somebody's they're they're tuning out, they're going to get out of their car. What do they need to do starting today?
Speaker 4:OK, well, first of all we know from statistics that in churches look the population of the churches in the state of Florida. If everybody got out to vote and voted no on this, easily defeated.
Speaker 6:Wow.
Speaker 4:Easily defeated because of the number of churches that we have, bible believing Jesus following churches, but we know that um statistically most churches, only 50 of the people are registered to vote and out of those 50 that are registered to vote, only 25 show up to vote that is a low.
Speaker 2:So what is the?
Speaker 4:step number one is registered to vote, and I know that that may seem like a really hard thing to do, but I'm going to guide you to a website you can either go to the florida department Elections or easier to remember website. This is where I'm gonna get some of the information that I'm gonna share today is called do no harm Florida org.
Speaker 4:Okay, and this is a pack that is set up specifically for amendment for but, there is a register to vote button on there and you can hit that and you can register to vote. You have until October 2nd, I believe, to be able to be eligible to register to vote button on there and you can hit that and you can register to vote. You have until October 2nd, I believe to be able to be eligible to vote in the November election DoNoHarmFloridaorg.
Speaker 2:DoNoHarmFloridaorg. I want to make sure to get some of the paperwork and flyers, if you have extra, so maybe we can put it up on some of our sites and stuff as well. So register it up on some of our sites and stuff as well, um, so register by I mean register right this weekend, register now, but uh, but, but definitely within the month, you know, october 2nd, cut off, and then get out there and vote in november. That's what I need to, I would imagine, and and share this and tell people share oh, yes, absolutely tell people.
Speaker 2:We need to vote. No, talk to people, right.
Speaker 3:Exactly when we first heard about this, I told Wendy this is going to be a grassroots kind of thing. We don't want it to be. We want PACs to be out there and we want advertising and all of that, but we need to share it with everybody we know. So when I see somebody that I know, I say, oh, have you heard about Amendment 4? And I let them know vote no. And why Can I ask you?
Speaker 2:something I want to get very personal here for a moment. Either of you. Have you gotten any pushback? I mean, you're passionate. This is important. You're spending, I'm sure, much of your time and energy sharing this with people. Have you gotten any pushback? Or well, you know, stop telling me, or any, because I got it.
Speaker 3:I'll share with you because I got it. I'm thinking of the listener, that maybe they're timid.
Speaker 2:You know they're shy or they're scared, or what are people going to say?
Speaker 3:I'll share this with you because the first time I did that with the person that I saw, I was at a restaurant and I looked at her.
Speaker 2:This was a stranger.
Speaker 3:And she said I think I know you. And I say I think I know you too. So I said, oh, go for it, girl. And I shared with her because I I knew, I knew her in my christian circles. Okay, so I believe she was a follower of jesus christ and and I shared with her about the lord and and you know, you know I've been reading and studying that we're image bearers, I'm creating the image and you know, there's this amendment, number four, and this is what it wants to, to, to to enshrine abortion. But God doesn't want that. God has gifted us individually to be his image bearers and we have a responsibility, and so that's kind of how I went about it with her and she kind of looked at me in the very beginning. But because I'm talking about God's word and his scripture and sharing with her about, you know, god creating Adam and Eve and what did God instruct them to do? He told them to procreate, populate.
Speaker 2:And she took it well she took it well.
Speaker 3:She didn't tell me oh no or walk away. She listened, I said okay, oh no.
Speaker 2:Amendment four and I love that because you went from the word, from the Lord, you know, very heartfelt, I got to imagine that when this is something that's in your heart, when you're praying, when you're seeking it's, it's, there's that God element. You know, you're not just there with a sign. You know and and and again, not that that's bad. I mean, look, and maybe this is going off in left field here and maybe you actually say, no, joey, we don't do that anymore. Know, but but man, to even just pray, you know, pray outside of a planned parenthood or across the street or wherever is appropriate, or man, you know people. I know that there's been situations where those folks have gotten flack or or or push back or whatever, not that to not do that. But I imagine that also it just comes out in conversation, you know, just in loving person to person conversation.
Speaker 4:I think it's just like sharing the gospel you know it's led by the Holy Spirit and you just can't be afraid that. And I think that that fear factors the reason why the church and as a whole I mean I'm including myself too that maybe we've been afraid to speak up and we are to speak up and we are to speak up when things like this are happening and that's why we're vocal about it. And I think, like you said, if it's from a genuine place and you speak with integrity, that people are going to receive it.
Speaker 4:And I haven't had an experience where anybody has outrightly challenged me on anything. I I think I'm well informed. We we make sure that we do our homework, and so, from that standpoint, we're equipped and we're ready and I wonder I'm connecting some dots here and I wonder if it's that simple.
Speaker 2:I wonder if most people, if they really understood what this was about, would not support it, and it's just the deception that is getting people going. Well, let's talk about it then I was just going to say hey, I was going to say we're on number three.
Speaker 4:I was about to go to number three. But before you go to number, three I just want to tell you that when it says no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay or restrict abortion, can I tell you something? We've seen it in New York, we've seen it in New York, we've seen it in California. Where it says delay abortion, they use that word to go after pregnancy centers, because the very fact that we are presenting her.
Speaker 4:Before you make your final decision, please consider options. Here are some options. Let us educate you that we would then be delaying the access to abortion.
Speaker 2:Now I'm mad.
Speaker 4:And so now we're seeing it and we're not making this up, we've seen how they go after the pregnancy centers in New York.
Speaker 2:You're saying we've seen this in other states already, in New York and in.
Speaker 4:California.
Speaker 3:It's happening.
Speaker 5:Wow.
Speaker 4:Okay, so that's a plug into how it would affect pregnancy centers. Before viability we already talked about it. It's very hard to define what viability is. Even the other side doesn't have any experts that can tell you. This is exactly what viability is right.
Speaker 1:Yes, it is not defined.
Speaker 4:It does not include painful late-term abortions through birth. It will include, excuse me, painful late-term abortions through birth. Okay, the next part. It says or when necessary to protect the patient's health. Well, what is that related to?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's super vague.
Speaker 4:Yeah, like what does it relate to your physical health, your mental health, your emotional health?
Speaker 2:What part of your body's health is it talking about? Well, I like how it says here. They can even stretch it to say well, financial health yes. That's, that's tough.
Speaker 3:Okay, so that's why it's vague?
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's determined by the health care provider. Well, who is in the state of Florida health care provider? Well, that's vague as well, because it could be a podiatrist, it could be the nurse practitioner, it could even be the receptionist I've heard Linda Bell say this, the president of Florida Right to Life. It could even be the receptionist at an abortion clinic. Wow, in the Florida Right to Life, it could even be the receptionist at an abortion clinic. So who is the health care provider that's going to be saying?
Speaker 5:that you have a health issue.
Speaker 4:Okay, this amendment does not change the legislative constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion. And you're looking at that and you're saying, well, that sounds good. Well, what is notification Me? Sending you an email Me sending you something in the mail afterwards like where?
Speaker 2:where is the notification defined?
Speaker 4:and so it doesn't say before and so just in contrast, if people are not aware of how constitutional amendments are presented, usually the language has a summary like this, but then there'll be like three pages afterwards defining what each term means there is a concept. There's another constitutional amendment that we're going to vote on as well. That amendment has three pages, has the summary version, just like this does, and then pages defining.
Speaker 4:This means this this means that this abortion amendment, this is it, this summary is the language wow undefined terms, nowhere else to be defined and this is why the florida supreme court should have struck it down and should not have been allowed to go on the ballot, because they've done that in the past. In the past they've said that vague, deceptive to protect the, the people of the state of florida. We're not going to allow this on the ballot unless it is further defined yeah, I mean just just the more you look at it.
Speaker 2:It's just the deception. The evil is so clear, so clear. And, man, man, if you just tuned in, we're talking with Linda and Wendy from Eve's Hope Pregnancy Center. What's the website?
Speaker 4:The website that.
Speaker 2:For Eve's Hope.
Speaker 4:For Eve's Hope. It's eveshopeinfo.
Speaker 2:Eveshope's hope is eve's hopeinfo, eve's hopeinfo, eve's hopeinfo online, and, uh, they do a ton of stuff. They're amazing. Uh, one of those is is going grassroots to to talk about amendment four and the need to vote no and how much is on the line. But I did want to talk about some other things as well and, like I mentioned, we'll probably circle back around to this because just the timeliness and the importance of Amendment 4. You may have some other information there. Yeah, it looks like you have something you want to say, linda.
Speaker 3:Yes, so I have a. Actually it's called Vital Signs and it was produced by the Center for Christian Virtue and it's like a white paper report on what happened in Ohio, in the state of Ohio. So I have some things in here that I kind of want to highlight for everybody to hear. So in the state of Florida, yes, and before you go there.
Speaker 2:Why the comparison of Florida and Ohio? What's the connection there?
Speaker 3:The connection is Ohioans didn't think this amendment was going to pass okay and so they weren't prepared, and we know what happened in ohio and florida. What did we say earlier, when we started out?
Speaker 5:we were dumbfounded.
Speaker 3:Yeah, oh we. We didn't believe that that the uh justices would vote the way they did, and here we are well that the petition would get vote the way they did.
Speaker 4:And here we are. Well that the petition would get as many signatures as it did so in Ohio. This is a constitutional amendment to their state constitution.
Speaker 2:Okay, the same requiring— Going down the same road, basically.
Speaker 4:Supermajority to amend their constitution.
Speaker 2:So you were saying Ms Linda.
Speaker 3:Okay, so I pulled out the Florida numbers for last year. Florida had— in the state of Florida we had 84,052 abortions in the state of Florida, in Miami Florida, or let's just say, in Dade County. In 2022, they had 18,488 in their state.
Speaker 4:So our county numbers match the entire state of Ohio's numbers.
Speaker 3:Yes. So can you see what's at stake, when we can potentially become that magnet for all the other local states for the women to come and have their abortions here in the state of Florida, a state we would become the destination state in the South but in the world. So I wanted to mention that number and there are some other things here. 30% of Ohioans who believe life begins at conception still voted to pass Planned Parenthood's extreme abortion amendment.
Speaker 2:Is there any explanation for that? Is there any thoughts on on that number? Why?
Speaker 3:absolutely, because what they did is they polled the people after, um, uh, after they voted. So they had people polling them, and here's what they found half of the self-identifying evangelicals and catholics voted yes to enshrine abortion in the Ohio Constitution.
Speaker 4:Because of the wording. Now, if we didn't break this amendment down, this amendment summary, if you just took it for face value, why were some conservative evangelicals signing the petition that Planned Parenthood was circulating? One, because they didn't fully understand it. Two, because just on face value, if you're reading it quickly, it sounds good, it doesn't sound as harmful.
Speaker 2:Once you break it down and once you realize the vagueness, you could interpret it as, if you don't read it carefully, you can interpret it as oh, in an emergency, when you really, really have to. Of course, we would want to help and allow this right, but that's not what it's saying at all exactly.
Speaker 3:So what happened? The church got involved too late, and that was one of the things that comes out.
Speaker 2:This is now back to ohio, ohio yes.
Speaker 3:So the vital signs they say here. The church got involved too, too late, and they found that 87% of the people who learned information from their pastor about the amendment voted no.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:What was the number?
Speaker 2:87%, let's pause right there and in case the whole thing goes offline.
Speaker 4:What that means is pastors need to be telling your people 87% of people who heard the message of this constitutional amendment and to vote no from the pulpit then voted correctly.
Speaker 2:We have somebody on the line. I wanted to take this phone call. That's why I kind of jumped in there. Good afternoon, you're live on God's Way Radio. Where are you calling us from today?
Speaker 5:Good afternoon, Joey. I'm calling from the beautiful city of West Miami.
Speaker 2:The beautiful city of West Miami.
Speaker 5:What do you want to share?
Speaker 2:or ask our guests.
Speaker 5:No, you know, I love very much a lot of what they're sharing, because some of this you don't get in the mainstream media and just hearing them share about how vague this whole thing is set up, I mean it reminds me so much of and I don't want to push any buttons, but you know, I know, you know, back when the pandemic came, there was this whole thing about giving the government emergency power in the middle of a health crisis and all that, and I couldn't help but think the same thing. Then, you know, similar to what they're saying now, how you know this. I don't know if to call it government overreach, but this idea, like just listening to them talk about what do you define as health? Because you could very easily say, hey, public health and safety is mental and if you say anything against homosexuality, you're affecting the mental health of people and just seeing the world go that direction. I mean, for me it's just nothing more than a blessing to hear these two ladies just stand up for life and really stand there in the gap for those that every time I say this I get, for those that don't have a voice.
Speaker 5:So I applaud the both of you and I thank you so much for what you do, because people need to hear this. People need to hear how vague they're being, and it's on purpose. It is on purpose. There is an agenda. We don't war against flesh and blood. There is something very much behind all of this and, as believers, we need to stand up and be vocal, as vocal as these ladies. We need to be as educated as you guys. It should not just be you, we should all be experts in this arena. So I applaud you both and thank you so much for the work that you guys do.
Speaker 4:Thank you so much. Thank you for that encouragement and you're absolutely right. We just read a statistic about how effective the pastors can be in doing this. But it is all of our duties to be speaking about truth. And, yes, you're absolutely right. The underlying theme of this whole process of dis-amendment, from its beginning and where we are, has been deception. And that is definitely the enemy's weapon is deception.
Speaker 5:Yeah, and you know, I have to say I love that you guys mentioned that whole thing about pastors and if any pastors are listening and, joey, you got to turn you tell me, turn you, tell me, hey, stop. But we know we a lot of times people get afraid oh, I don't want to mix. Uh, you know politics in the pulpit and we are not mixing politics in the pulpit when you're talking about the defense of life and and people really need to, we really need to stand up for and I love that about.
Speaker 5:At least our pastor is very vocal from the pulpit about the importance of supporting life. Yeah, obviously not making political picks, but you know hey you need to support life.
Speaker 4:This is not political, that's right. This is definitely up their alley and standing up against something that very perversely stands against the truth of who God?
Speaker 5:is, and I think that you make it and I'm sorry, you make an amazing point. People paint this as a political issue, but it's not.
Speaker 6:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5:I think that's it.
Speaker 2:That's another part of the deception, but anyway, I could keep going, thank you hey, maybe you'll be on the radio soon, uh sharing and uh, you could bring it up in your time as well and it'll get brought up more and more thank you.
Speaker 2:Thank you, god bless you guys, thank you that brother's such a blessing he he actually just kind of started guest hosting, uh. So he comes co-hosts with one of well, you guys have met Pastor Raz, the founding pastor, so he's got a heart for radio. He just started serving and it's a blessing, so I'm going to hold him to it. I'm going to say, hey, did you talk about Amendment 4? But Can I give you another statistic, joey, if I can just add to the Florida pastors.
Speaker 4:So in this Zoom meeting with Governor DeSantis, his coalition shared that 30% of the pastors that they were talking to here in the state of Florida did not want to touch this. Say again, say again the number 30% of the pastors that they were speaking to said that they did not want to touch this in the state of Florida.
Speaker 2:Was there any explanation? Yes, COVID has just happened, they're just now getting their people back, and they don't want to upset anyone they don't want to.
Speaker 4:You can't see what I'm doing and so and it is not to be derogatory to pastors in any way. We just, we just need I'm saying that statistics show that we need the pastors to stand up. We need our pastors to be the spiritual leaders that god has called them and we as a people need to support when our pastors like your pastor is out there and he's, and he is standing up for the, the truth of god's word. We need to then come alongside them and make sure they're not standing alone.
Speaker 2:Yeah you know, I I so appreciate that that kind of disclaimer there. You know, we don't want to sit here and be judge and jury, or Monday morning quarterback as they call it. Thank you for that and I can resonate with that. And we want to be so careful here at God's Way Radio. That being said, you know, I'm thankful for our senior pastor. I mean, I wish and I would hope that everyone is doing the same.
Speaker 2:And again, he's very thoughtful, he's very careful with his words. You know, he's gotten up, you know, and said, for example, one time he said, hey, he said this is funny. He said, hey, guys, just before we start the Bible study and I love that he separates it from the study he says, hey, I want to make a few comments and then we'll pray and we'll get into our Bible study. And you know, if it comes up in the Bible study it's great. But otherwise he doesn't try to kind of mix things in there. And again, he's just so thoughtful. But point is, he said, hey, before we start the Bible study. You know, some people will say I'm too political and some people say I don't talk about politics enough. And then he says, you know, I don't think I talk about politics that much. However, today I'm going to talk about Amendment 4. Today I'm going to mention something and then he goes on to say, hey, this is why this is harmful, this is why we need to vote, no, this is why it's important. And then he'll pray and we'll do the Bible study. So, just so important. And again, you know, in that same Bible study, he'll say you know, it's not about this party or that party. And you know, definitely, man, just great. So I mean, what an encouragement. And we've been on this for several minutes now.
Speaker 2:Pastors, leaders, if you're listening, be bold, be bold. And if you're listening and you have your pastor's ear, encourage them, ask them. You know, I can tell you as an assistant pastor don't come and berate us or berate them, you know? Hey, I have a question. Have you heard about this? Have you been praying about sharing with the church? Do you need anything? I'm gonna just try to get in there and be an encouragement and just be a blessing. So, so important.
Speaker 4:And Linda's available to speak.
Speaker 2:Hey, if any church wants to invite.
Speaker 4:Okay, tell us more about that.
Speaker 3:She just volunteered me. You got volunteered. Listen, listen. I have members on the board as well that would be more than happy to come out with me and speak, linda and Wendy, I'll come with you.
Speaker 2:You're just going to keep going back and forth.
Speaker 4:Wendy's available, linda's available, but we are available if anyone wants to invite us to speak to a group or whatever it is. It's just that important. Yes, yeah, to speak to a group or whatever it is, it's just that important.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah, for sure, and I'm reading another statistic here for this white paper report from Ohio and it says that Christians voting with the culture 30% of the Christians voted with the culture. And I'm reminded of my grandchildren. I have teenage grandchildren. I've got three teenage grandchildren. Oh, actually, two of them are 20 now. Oh, my grandchildren. I have teenage grandchildren. I've got three teenage grandchildren. Oh, actually, two of them are 20 now. Oh my gosh Wow.
Speaker 2:Young adult grandchildren.
Speaker 3:They're in college. You know it's like, oh my gosh, they're Gen Zers and I do my best to really understand their generation and what speaks to their heart and this issue. I talk to them about this issue. It's important for me that they understand what's at stake and when life begins. When does life begin? And so if I'm talking about the scriptures and what God wants from me and how I should vote from me and how I should vote there, is no question that I need to vote the way God wants me to vote, and that's how I answer the question.
Speaker 3:okay, what is God expecting from me as a follower of Jesus Christ? And if I'm an image bearer and he says you know that we are to procreate and populate the world, what are we supposed to do with this decision, when people are saying it's your body and your choice, yeah, okay. So what does God have to say about that? And we know, you know, we know, as followers of Christ, he wants us to do the thing that is morally right.
Speaker 3:And I encourage my grandchildren to do what God intends them to do or wants them to do, and yet when we do that, we can share with them. Yes, this is God speaking to us from his word, and we are going to have an opportunity to vote.
Speaker 2:Amen. You know, that phrase and argument has never made sense to me. It's another body, it's another person we're talking about. We're not talking about your body, we're talking about this other person.
Speaker 4:But we also, the scripture says that we make our bodies, we submit them right, because our bodies uh are the temple in which god resides another point yeah and so it's not our bodies if we're followers of jesus christ.
Speaker 5:Amen and can I just share something yes linda was talking.
Speaker 2:I had a question.
Speaker 4:I don't want to forget, and you, uh, had asked us before. You know, it's important, just like when we're sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's important that when you're talking about this, that you don't beat people over the head with it either.
Speaker 4:I mean, there you know, you say this is how you should be voting. But a lot what we found in speaking throughout Miami-Dade County is that a lot of followers of Jesus are just not informed in this area, and so they're not coming from a place of not wanting to vote that way, it's coming from a place of not being informed. So most of the time, you're going to be informing people to vote correctly, and if you do that, people are willing to listen and be educated on such an important issue as abortion.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, I got to imagine how many people I got to imagine. It's a big number that they're kind of. Would I say this? There's a word for it. Dis disinterested is not the word there. They've got him frustrated with the whole thing and now they don't care anymore.
Speaker 2:There's an english word, it's connected apathy apathetic, maybe, or indifferent to just politics and voting, and they stole the vote and they didn't steal the vote, and it counts and it doesn't count, and this person and that person, and, and, and they don't realize that I hear you yeah, yeah so.
Speaker 2:So I'm gonna make an extreme statement in the sense of appealing to those folks. Not that I necessarily subscribe to this myself, that's my disclaimer. Okay, fine, even if none of that matters and don't care about any of that, but at least vote on this thing. You know what I'm saying. Does that make sense? That that might be, that might appeal to some people, that, okay, fine, let's say your vote doesn't count, or this or that, or you don't care who's the president, or whatever, but this, this matters. You know, if you're a christian and you're fed up with the system, at least vote on this I agree with you, but we do need to say that the elections do matter, right?
Speaker 5:at all levels, they do matter right.
Speaker 4:Amen At all levels. They do matter and prayerfully, every Christian becomes as they start to vote more and more. I show up to every election.
Speaker 5:Amen.
Speaker 4:I mean because that's just my right and I'm a citizen of this country and our responsibility.
Speaker 2:And our responsibility when you look at a citizen.
Speaker 4:And so I look into who the candidates are. But maybe not everybody's like that, but this is how we express the direction of our country here. This is how we do it here in this country, and so if you're uninvolved, then what's the saying? Then don't complain about the direction of our of our country.
Speaker 4:If, spiritually, we're heading in the wrong direction and you don't vote well, then you have your opportunity to be part of the whole, yeah, and, and your vote does matter. If you don't vote well, then you have your opportunity to be part of the whole.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and, and your vote does matter if you didn't participate, don't complain, kind of thing yeah and so, and so.
Speaker 4:This is how we elect our king, right? This is how we stand up for who our leader is going to be. This is how we vote for the policies that our country is going to stand for, and so you do have to show up and you do have to vote thank you for that register to vote and then Don't just show up to vote.
Speaker 4:Yeah, especially when it comes to judges and all of that. Can I tell you something? This is one thing we don't lack in this country information and resources. So we just have to make sure, especially in the media, that you have a radio station, that you equip your listeners with where they can go to be informed when they show up to vote.
Speaker 2:I'll tell you honestly, I kind of have a secret weapon for that. So our guest host on Thursdays he's a gentleman named Ariel Sagre. He's an attorney and he also happens to be involved I don't like saying politically, because I don't think that's the right term he's on different, like councils and boards and stuff, and so he has a good pulse on these issues, current events, legislation especially. So I always ask him. I said, hey, what do we need to know what?
Speaker 1:do we need to be?
Speaker 2:talking about.
Speaker 2:That's great so he's such an asset and such a blessing to the ministry here. I'm so thankful for him. So, so not everybody has an adi like. That's what I'm saying. So you got to do your homework, you got to pray that the lord will provide um, guys, uh, family, radio, family. You know, if you can believe it, we're down to 15 minutes left of our time together. We've been here for over 45 minutes.
Speaker 2:There's a question I had that I hope could be answered briefly, and then there's other topics we wanted to talk about as well. But if you're listening right now, you can call or text 786-313-3115 and you might be thinking okay, joey, fill me in. I just tuned in. What am I calling about? What's going on? Well, I'm talking quickly to get back to our guests, but let me catch you up. It's linda and wendy from eve's whole pregnancy center.
Speaker 2:We've been talking pretty much the entire time about amendment for, the need to vote no on amendment for, and talking about what is at stake this upcoming november and talking about the fact that all Christians need to vote no on Amendment 4. And so we have somebody on the line. We're going to take their call. I did want to ask one question. If this caller ID is correct. My brother, just hang on for me for just a moment. But I would like to ask one question, because I think it's important, if anyone is on the fence, and this is their question if you could address their question please. It is well, you know, if there's an emergency or the mom's gonna die and everyone's gonna die, and there's this terrible emergency and rape and all these exemptions, well, if I don't vote on this, then then all the bad things are going to happen. I'm obviously summarizing very crudely.
Speaker 4:Yes, so our current law in the state of Florida allows abortion up to six weeks, but it does make an exception. It makes exceptions for the case of incest, rape or for the health of the mother. Now for the rape. Obviously there's a police report and something and that needs to be presented because they need to catch whoever the offender was. And so there's already things in place that will allow abortion past six weeks in those areas of exceptions.
Speaker 2:And again, that's a whole other topic of what we think about that God's word, how we approach that, and I want to let folks know that I'm not giving you enough time to get into all those, but I at least wanted to answer that one question.
Speaker 4:I'm just saying that. That's our current law Correct. That's what I wanted to get to.
Speaker 2:That's what I wanted to get to Thank you. So we have somebody on the line, my brother. I so appreciate your faithfulness If you could just keep it really brief today. Thank you for calling. I believe this is Dural water represented yes, it is yes, my brother, go for it short and sweet please okay, short and sweet.
Speaker 6:You guys know the election, when uh trump was running, he got invited to a bunch of not bunch a couple of churches laid hands upon him. They prayed for him, and what I share is trusting the Lord. And then we do pray and guess what? You didn't come out as president. Don't lose the focus on Jesus.
Speaker 2:Thank you.
Speaker 6:Why I share that? Because it's all about Jesus. It's not about Trump, about Biden, it's about Jesus. Jesus knows what he's doing and he didn't want me to become president for a reason you know what He'll give glory to God doing and he didn't want to become president for a reason. You know what he'll give glory to God. Oh, but he didn't have a prayer. Yes, he did answer the prayer. He said no, and when?
Speaker 6:Jesus says no what do you do? The obedience? A thank you, jesus. You made that goal for a reason and I'm not gonna go back there to open thank you.
Speaker 2:Thank you, my brother. Thank you so much. God bless you, thank you. You know my my biggest takeaway from his encouragement. It really goes back to what I was saying you know, don't, don't give up hope. You know, if you're discouraged or disappointed with the results or with something like that, what a good encouragement. I would like to hear about an upcoming exercise opportunity.
Speaker 3:No, that's not what it is it's so much more than that, please tell us about the Walk for Life. Okay, so we're really excited about the Walk for Life. We hosted the first one.
Speaker 2:It was amazing. Last.
Speaker 4:October. It was so much fun and we had over 250 people show up Everybody was having a lot of fun celebrating life, so this year we're having another one.
Speaker 3:Okay, last year we told everybody there hadn't been a walk in in miami for 15 years, for life. But why was the walk so important last year? Because we're celebrating life and we we held it in the evening and it was just beautiful because we walked as light bearers for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:It was so cool seeing the whole group of glow sticks just going through the park. It was amazing.
Speaker 3:So John 8, 12 says when Jesus spoke again to the people, he said I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. And there's so many scriptures on the light, and particularly us being lightbearers. And so, as we talk about Amendment 4, we're the light in the world, we're the light in this community, and we're going to be walking October the 12th for life as lightbearers, and we're inviting all of the churches in this county to walk with us, united as one, as light bearers. For life means so much more to me and to all of us that we've been working on this event. Uh, because of amendment four. Yes, you know. So it's um, but what else wendy's on the committee? So, wendy, you want to say a few things about what we've been doing?
Speaker 4:yeah, well, we want to make it bigger this year.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know my prayer is that eventually we're gonna have to close down a highway or something I'm serious. I mean, there's what millions of people in this county, yes, it is probably over a million christians. I don't know, I'm just throwing numbers out, but enough enough to have to shut down the street. Thousands for sure.
Speaker 4:But I'm sorry I interrupted, wendy, please no, there, this is a very tangible way yes of standing up for life. Maybe you're not a lobbyist, maybe you're not in the political arena, maybe none of that, but we still can stand up for life, and this is also a way to teach children on on the value of life, because it is a family event. Everybody comes out.
Speaker 2:Oh, my kids had tons of fun. They love the free food at the end well, not free because we registered, but they loved it.
Speaker 4:We didn't charge you for the food, it was included it was included, so yes, it was just an atmosphere of really people of light are people of victory. People of victory are people of joy, and so when we gather in those kind of numbers and this year we have a goal of maybe 400 people, 400, 500 people as we're getting there, and it was just such an essential part of the ministry to Eve's Hope, as you know, is the boots on the ground pregnancy center.
Speaker 4:We're meeting her where she is, we're providing her with medical information, medical services. In the abortion process there's so much information lacking and she goes from a panic towards an abortion pill without even thinking of the consequences. And so at Eve's Hope, on our mobile clinic, she's able to pause for a moment to think about the information that we're presenting to her, to let her know that there are other options other than abortion. And we have women who, after hearing and seeing and getting that free ultrasound Linda, what happens? Oh, they fall in love with that baby.
Speaker 2:They see their baby.
Speaker 4:That orphan baby in the womb now is a baby that is loved, and we continue to be with her, because it's not just about the baby, it's about her as well and, as you know, pastor Joey, at Eve's Hope she gets to hear the gospel every time she comes. Last year we had 119 clients that accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, 16 born-again believers who wanted to rededicate their lives now these are ladies that, even though they were professed believers, they were seeking out information on abortion yes, and instead they rededicated their life to the
Speaker 4:lord, yes, and so all of this is happening, and so october 12th is the day of celebration for us to gather to see, to celebrate what the Lord is doing at Eve's Hope. It is a fundraiser for us, so every participant that walks gets to register on our website, pay $35. But what do you get for that $35? You get a bag, a T-shirt, food, glow sticks and a lot of fun, and a lot of fun.
Speaker 2:I so appreciate your humility when talking about the money, part of it. But, guys, I'm going to, I'm going to go out and say it for them Thirty five dollars, just don't go to McDonald's once and support Eve's Hope and said I mean seriously, I mean with with price and everything. It's like that's that's save a little bit of money and and come and walk and and support eve's hope and and again, guys, the lord will lead you. Guys, if, if you're paycheck to paycheck and and you're in a tough season of life, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer, uh, but many of you listening it will be a good use of your finances and you know we've already um, our goal this year is a hundred thousand.
Speaker 4:Last year we raised 51 000, which was 10 000 more than our goal, and we're so thankful to the lord for that praise, praise the lord this year our goal is one hundred thousand and, if I can just give a shout out, we already have some sponsors yeah from last year that came back.
Speaker 4:We have us century bank, kirtland financial management, waters, mechanical card Science they were all sponsors last year and they're sponsors again this year. And we also have some that just came on board Kai's Real Estate Company, the State Farm. We have Miami Design Center 40 Days for Life.
Speaker 2:Shout out to all you businesses supporting yes.
Speaker 4:All of them are sponsors as well, and so we're just we're off to a great start, so go on, register to participate and join us so that you can be part of this year's walk eveshopeinfo yes eveshopeinfo.
Speaker 2:We're going to make sure to get that uh on our sites as well, eveshopeinfo. Um, we have just a couple minutes left. Any more information?
Speaker 3:or yes, I would encourage the. The goal is to have as many churches participate as possible to extend the reach out this is something different you're trying to do, like groups this year.
Speaker 2:Okay, yes, so go ahead.
Speaker 3:So so what are we doing? We're saying, okay, if some people are telling me, oh, but our church is so small, it it's like, well, come as a church, you know. Or my church is so big, you know. Well, come with your small group. So come with the people that you know from your church and gather together. So I saw, I know Wendy, wendy came with her church people.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, I knew who New Beginnings was.
Speaker 3:She had a lot of people from her church and then some of the folks from other churches came in their small groups with their small groups. Or you can come as a family. Your family came, beautiful family, and I remember your—. Your picture's on the website.
Speaker 4:Oh cool, You're pulling the plug. We walked in the kids' road. They rode the wagon.
Speaker 2:That's right, rode the wagon and ate candy Suffering the wagon.
Speaker 3:That's right, rode the wagon and ate candy, suffering so so, um so. So come register. If you own, own a business and would like to participate, definitely let us know. We would love to have you sponsor.
Speaker 4:Yes we put your logo on our shirt, on on yard signs.
Speaker 2:I actually just got a question from a listener, but also they're a friend. Um, they said is there like a infographic on social media that people could pass around and repost, or not?
Speaker 4:yet it is on our social media, but, um, if you can go to the website and then from there, we'll be sure to direct you to wherever.
Speaker 2:I don't have the address for our social media right search up eve's hope on social social media and go on the website as well. We'll reconnect and we'll post stuff on our stuff as well.
Speaker 4:Okay, thank you.
Speaker 2:So eveshopeinfo is the main website and through there you can find information. If you find Eve's Hope on social media as well, there's going to be information there for the walk. But this is a good suggestion. This is a good suggestion that I know you ladies are going to take to heart, and oh, definitely, and lindsay and I don't have social media and that's why it doesn't naturally flow, but we do need to wait. You want to know something funny.
Speaker 3:Neither do I but uh, but.
Speaker 2:But the radio has one and and we try to get information out through there, okay, so if you can, post it on your site, then they can find the information.
Speaker 3:We'll be sure that they get what they need to get. Now we have cards that we produce for the various churches, who individuals are church ambassadors for us, and we have a code, the. Qr code and it takes you directly to that, to that um, to that website, and you can participate thank you so much for your time.
Speaker 2:I can't believe it.
Speaker 4:We have seconds left but, I think I told you so much more to talk about it was time well spent.
Speaker 2:Uh, ladies and gentlemen, listening, I mean, we've just talked about such important things. If, if I could ask you for two things if you can fit them into your weekend, go to eveshopeinfo, register for the walk, participate, engage with Eve's Hope some way online and make sure you're registered to vote and vote no on Amendment 4. Guys, we love you. Have a wonderful weekend.
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