Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
Standing Firm for Life: Lt. Governor Jeanette Nunez on Florida's Amendment 4 and Faith-Based Advocacy
Why should you care about Amendment 4 in Florida? Join us as we delve into this critical issue with Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez, who provides a clear and insightful analysis of the proposed measure that could dramatically alter abortion laws in the state. Discover the potential consequences of ambiguous terms and why it's crucial for believers to take a stand against this deceptive and dangerous amendment.
Our discussion doesn't stop at the legislative implications. We explore the sanctity of life through a biblical lens, guided by scriptures like Exodus 20:13 and Psalm 139. We tackle the ethical and moral dimensions of abortion, emphasizing the importance of protecting unborn life. Hear from passionate callers and community members who share their heartfelt prayers and perspectives, urging us to align our actions with faith-based values in every aspect of our lives.
Voting isn't just a right—it's a responsibility. We underscore the importance of making informed decisions that reflect our faith and commitment to protecting life. From heartfelt prayers, including one from a 10-year-old listener, to calls for strong community involvement, this episode is a powerful reminder of the need for divine guidance and unwavering support for the unborn. Don't miss this compelling conversation that calls for clarity and steadfastness in upholding God's respect for life.
So you may want to give us a call. This is a live program. This is Life for Jesus. Hey, the topic this morning is what do you have to say about life? What do you think about life, especially in the subject area of the unborn baby, the baby in the womb? What do the listeners of Life for Jesus have to say about that baby that's unborn? You know I hear these topics like my body, my choice, and that sounds very nice. However, what about the choice of the baby that's unborn? Who will speak for the baby? Who will stand up for the baby? Will the life for Jesus listeners do that? 786-313-3115. Who will call me? Who will speak on the subject? What about life of the unborn?
Razz:You know, in the Bible, in the word of God, in the scriptures it's Exodus 20, verse 13,. That says thou shall not kill. And so how can a believer, how can a Christian, how can a person that believes in God and has faith in God and has faith in the Word, how can they kill an unborn baby? Is there any way to justify that? Is there any way to sanctify that? Is there any way to swallow that? I mean, god respects life.
Razz:What do you think about the matter and, as we cover this subject, I want to be very clear. You know, because we have a mixed view of listeners. This is a marketplace for ideas. You know, whoever has done an abortion, there is forgiveness in God, yeah, there's grace in God, and the past is the past. But I'm talking about the present. I'm talking about what should the stand of the believer be in reference to the unborn baby? And, of course, we expand that. You know, as you well. I got the phone lines filled right now 786-313-3115. I believe Cora Gables was first Cora Gables. Good morning your life for Jesus. How are you doing on this Wednesday morning?
Caller:Another beautiful day on my way to Delicia, españa, for men's Bible study.
Razz:Excellent, excellent, excellent. You know we're talking today about the unborn baby life. What about life? What does Cora Gables have to say about that? What does the Word of God have to say about that? What's God's scope? What is God's view, what is God's heart on the matter? You got the mic.
Caller:Jeremiah 1.5, as a first verse. Therefore, I formed you in the womb. I knew you before you were born. Isaiah 49.1,. Before I was born, the Lord called from my mother's womb. Who was he calling to if there wasn't a baby? That was in Psalm 139, 13 through 18,. You created me in my inmost being. You knit me together, psalm 139,. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life, you recorded in your books. What was God talking to? What are these verses talking of? Recorded in your books. What was God talking to? What are these verses talking of? Are they talking about something that was not a living being, a spirit-filled image of God? Is that what it was? Murder, brother Murder. You kill an unborn child. Murder. Don't try to tell me any other way. My mind's made up. Scriptures are perfectly clear on it you're listening to god's way radio.
Razz:This is a program. Life for jesus is a life program. Call-in program text and program 786-313-3115. We're talking to one of our listeners from the coral gables area and he's given a scripture jeremiah 1 5, isaiah 49 1, psalm 139. There's, there's a, a, a part in that Psalms there that says something very beautiful. It says I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and it's an interesting thing. David goes on to say before I was even formed, you knew the number of my days, and so it's an interesting thing.
Razz:And before I let you go, I just wanted again to take a little survey here. You know, column yes, column no. Yes, we should protect, we should stand for the unborn baby. No, it's the woman's choice. But here's my question. Here's my question. Okay, what should the stand of the person that respects the Bible, the person that respects the Scriptures? What should the stand be? Is there any room for doubt? Is there any room for confusion? You got the Scriptures. What should the stand be? Is there any room for doubt? Is there any room for confusion? You got the mic, cor Gables.
Caller:No doubt in my mind. I mean, I think the Scriptures are absolutely clear that is an unborn child that needs to be protected. And please, please, for those who come up with the exceptions of life of the mother, rape and incest, let's look at that as a percentage of the abortions. So let's not lead with the exceptions, the very, very small percent, because I don't think, Raz, I don't think that the large percentage of abortions are due to those very unique, extreme situations. So let's not justify and flaw the analysis and the error by using the minor to become the major.
Razz:Very good, very good. Now here's a question what should a citizen do, a believing citizen? What should they do when they think about an elected official? Is it important? Their stance on this matter, on this subject, is this something minor or is this something major? The respect and the sanctity for the unborn baby, for life? And I love what you said. You know there are exceptions, you know everybody does have an opportunity to weigh in personally on certain matters, but what you're bringing to the table is that the minors shouldn't dictate for the major policy, the major guideline, the major practice of a culture and a nation and a people, and especially, I believe, the believing people in the living God. You got the mic. Any closing statements?
Caller:How can you be a believer and say that it's okay to vote for the other side? That feels like abortion at will. How do you justify those two in your mind? I don't get it. This is one of those topics. This will make me crazy in a nanosecond, because it just doesn't make any sense at all how you can, in one stance, say I'm a believer and then you have just tons of Bible verses indicating that that is an unborn child that needs to be protected, sanctity of life, and your elected officials. How do you vote for an elected official that doesn't see that the way the Bible sees it? You're effectively saying that I'm going to go with the world and go against what God's written in His Word. How do you do it? Can't do it, brother. Can't do it.
Razz:Thank you so much. If you want to have a closing prayer, that would be good. I think we need a lot of prayer when it has to do with the subject. You got the mic.
Caller:Thank you, father, for all the blessings that you give us. We pray, lord, that we would look at all the decisions, all the situations that we face in life under the microscope of what your word has to say for all of us, not our feelings, not our thoughts, not our beliefs, but what the Bible teaches. Lord, your word has been given to us so that we would excel, that we would draw close to you, that we would be one day with you in heaven. Help us to follow what it says, lord, and not come up with our own thoughts, beliefs and feelings about the situation. Lord, thank, thank you for all the blessings, thank you for this radio station, the ability to share our thoughts this morning, father, and we pray these things in Jesus' name, amen.
Razz:Amen. Thank you for your call. You have a wonderful day you too, brother. Bye-bye, thank you, bye-bye. You're listening to God's Way Radio 104.7 FM on your radio dial. Remember you could also download the phone app. You go to the Android Apple Store, you type in God's Way Radio. I love to say this, fuakata, once you install that app, you stay connected even when you go beyond the radio signal coverage area.
Razz:It's 7.15. We are down to the first quarter hour of the program. We have our guest in the studio. This is going to be special. You have an opportunity to hear from our guest, very special person, very special. Stay tuned, we'll be right back. Life for Jesus. Monday through Thursday, 7.04 in the morning. The phone lines are full. Hey, be ready. When you hear somebody kind of disconnect, you can dial in 786-313-3115. The time is 716 this morning, wednesday morning, september the 18th 2024. Man, I don't know about you. September's going quick. We got a little bit of music for you. We got a phone call. The subject today is what should the believer, what should the person that believes in God, believes in God's word? What does God's word have to say about the unborn life, the unborn baby? Should we, at will, just exterminate. Should we just eliminate that child? Who will speak for the child? What does the word of God have to say? You can call me 786-313-3115. Let's go to the FIU area. Fiu good morning, is that you?
Caller:Yes, good morning, Pastor Raz. Yeah, no, thank you for having the courage to talk about this important topic today.
Razz:Well, you know, it's an interesting thing. A lot of people are doing choices by popularity. You know, what does the mass, what is the popular stand? But the believer should do things according to God's satisfaction and pleasure. So this morning in the program well, we're going to have a guest in a few minutes here. They're already in the studio. I think I might invite them to come in earlier. But here's the question what should the stand, what should the opinion, what should the view of the person that knows the scriptures, that knows the Bible, that knows God, you know, from the nation of Israel all the way to the church of God, what should that view be? And so you got the mic. Please let us know.
Caller:I'll tell you. Well, joe, just rattled off about five verses where it talks about and I had Jeremiah 1.5 as I was driving in my mind and I don't have the whole thing memorized, but I know before I formed you in the womb.
Caller:I knew you and before you were born I consecrated you. So you know God. Like Joe said, god said it in his word that you know he consecrated you before you were born and he knew you before he knit you in his womb. I mean, it's very clear in Scripture. There's no doubt.
Caller:Now, you know, when it comes to a Christian, you know we're called not to be silent. You know there's sins of omission and we're called, if we don't do what is right, that is a sin according to God's word. So we are called to stand up for the innocent, for the unborn. We do have an opportunity here in South Florida to stand up for the unborn and do what's right. You know, on our ballot on November 5th there's going to be Amendment 4 that we're going to be voting on and it deals with allowing late-term abortions. You know, moving the protections for women and children. You know, eliminating parents' rights. There's a lot of things that are in that amendment form and you know and this is my opinion, not the radio station's opinion, but in my opinion and I don't know you could talk to the radio station, but as far as my opinion, we have to vote no because it's this is our opportunity to stand up for the unborn child.
Caller:And you know there's a lot of things that go into. You know, in our country, in the Bible it talks about how, you know, we call right what's right, wrong, what's wrong right. And that's what's happening. They're calling what's wrong right. But you know, the irony of it is the contradiction of it, because there are states where today, if, if, if, if somebody commits murder on a, you know, and kills a pregnant woman, they are prosecuted for double homicide. Yet those same states will not, those same states will still have abortion laws that allows abortions up to, in many states, nine months.
Caller:And you know, when you start asking that question to somebody who might think what's wrong is right, you start asking the question is it okay to abort a child at nine months, at eight months, at six months, at seven months? Most you know will say six, seven, eight, nine, no way are not right, even in that category. And then the question is where do you draw the line? You know, when did we become God to draw that line? And that's a question that everybody has to ask, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to stand up for the unborn child, and it is a child.
Razz:Interesting to hear from you, fiu, again, as a person that believes in God, that believes in the Scriptures, that believes in the Holy Bible. You're saying that, yes, we should stand for the unborn child. In other words, is it okay to kill an unborn child and you would say no, absolutely. I will put you in the no column. And so there's many ways to look at this question, and I think I like the word no because when it comes to an election, sometimes they phrase things that they say opposite of what the real agenda is, and so, to be very clear, a believer should say no, it's never okay to take an unborn child. Obviously, there might be exceptions, but we're not talking about the exceptions today. We're talking about the general rule, the general law, the general practice of a civilized population that fears God, that believes in God's Word. Interesting to have your presentation this morning. Any closing statements that you may have?
Caller:I would just say, whenever it comes to things like this, you know, and to our voice to be heard, especially in an important amendment like this, is, I would tell people to really research it, because when you, you know and I'm not, it not, I can't, you know, read the whole thing, but if you were to read the amendment, it's very confusing in the way it's written and it could be deceptive, and that's why we need to you know we're called to you know to stand up, but also to you know, investigate and know what we're doing and get involved. So the challenge would be read it before you go to vote, understand it and know what's going on in your community, know what's going on around you, because you know life is in the balance.
Razz:Thank you so much. We know one thing God is not the author of confusion, god is a God of clarity, you know. Anyway, thank you for your call, fiu. You have a wonderful day, appreciate your participation and God bless you. Thank you, pastor, god bless you. Open line. This morning we have a special guest. It's 723. We're like about maybe seven minutes away. Please stay tuned. We have a caller from the Richmond Heights area. A little bit of music.
Caller:I'll be right back. I'm going to turn off the music. To buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives. Because he lives, I can face tomorrow Because he lives All fear is gone Well.
Razz:the phone lines are full this morning. It's exciting 786-313-315. Our subject this morning is the unborn child. What should be the stand of the citizen, the believer, the community, the elected officials? What do you think? 786-313-3115. It's 724. Let's go to this caller here from Richmond Heights area. Richmond Heights. Good morning, is that you?
Caller:It is, I yes, it is.
Razz:Good morning sir, how are you Good morning Better, now that you've called in, I'm wondering what does Richmond Heights have to say about the unborn baby You've called in and wondering what does Richmond Heights have to say about the unborn baby?
Caller:You got the mic, Amen, Listen. When you said the believer, my mind went into the realms of the believer. You're not talking to the people of the world that lives by their standards.
Caller:My mind went straight to the Pharisees, the scribes and the elders when Jesus began to heal the people on the Sabbath day or heal the people period, and how they wanted to kill him. Why would you want to kill someone that is trying to help? Why are you trying to kill these? People are suffering, the blind eyes are open, the arms of the people are being stretched out, people are beginning to get life themselves and life begins to be breathed into the people, but you, with your religious mind, wants to kill that. So my mind went there like you're not looking to see that this is God, this is the things of God, this is the ways of God. We live by the things of God. So therefore, we cannot kill the things that God is in. You know, when you got that mindset to be religious or a certain, like you said with the elected officials, you will see oh okay, well, they don't believe, they believe in abortion, but they also want to give us more money or they want to not have us under a certain set. You're looking at one part and not looking at all. You may not like this official because they're for this part, but when it comes to the word of God, it is the abortions, it is the different things that you're treating people wrong. You cannot. You cannot. If you can't weigh it in the balance, then you need to go before God and say God, what do I do? Because your word says this is what we're talking. Your word says we are believers. Your word says I can't vote. I can't vote this way because it is against your word. However, they're doing other things I don't like, but it is not against your word.
Caller:We go to the polls for the word of God, to seeking out the word of God. We get married to people that are in the word of God. We fellowship with folks that are believers. That's doing what God says. Our whole lives has to be based on the word, not what we want, not part of it. Well, this got a little bit in it.
Caller:No, if God says thou shall not kill, then thou shall not kill. You cannot vote that in. You cannot overwrite that. You cannot put what you want. It has to be what God says and let him handle the rest. You do what he tell you to do and let him deal with the rest of it. So my mind went there with the Pharisees, the scribes and the elders. How they were so full of religion and they could not see God. We can't go and just see what we want to see. We got to see God, even with tears in our eyes, pastor, even with things that go against what we think and feel. We're not in our feelings, so that's my spiel on it. I went a little different, but no, we're not to kill.
Razz:Very interesting to hear your participation this morning here on Life for Jesus. By the way, you're listening to God's Way Radio 104.7 FM on your radio dial. You could also download the phone app and then you could listen to the station when you go beyond the radio signal coverage area. We're talking to one of our listeners from the Richmond Heights area and it's very interesting to hear you this morning. Richmond Heights area, and it's very interesting to hear you this morning. In other words, am I hearing you correctly that when you believe in God, when you believe in the Bible, it's really not just your opinion, but there's actually a God heart. God will God flow about it? Am I hearing you correctly?
Caller:You got the mic closing statements yes, yes, that is what it is and we got to know that everywhere we go, even when it comes to grocery shopping, even when it comes to fellowship with people, everything we do has to be God-centered. We're not walking around religious and looking up in the sky being weird and strange, but those that know he leads his children, he leads his children. So we have to take that everywhere we go.
Razz:Richmond Heights. You've been very clear. I appreciate your call. You have a wonderful day and continue to shine there in the Richmond Heights area and neighborhood. Okay, thank you. God bless you. Thank you, bye-bye. I'm waiting on a wave. Only you can break. I'm waiting on a move only you can. It looks like heaven pouring out, the kingdom calling out. I'm waiting on a wave. Only you can break. So come on word and spirit. Come on, move the mountains, lead us through the desert, lead us to the fountain Springs of living water. Leave me thirsty, no more. Hey, you're listening to God's Way Radio 104.7 FM on your radio dial. This is the program Life for Jesus and you can call 786-313-3115. It's 730, so I want to start promptly and on time, because God's time is prompt time. Sometimes you hear culture's time and I don't know about that. You know they say Calvary Chapel time is always on time. So 730, let's get started here. We have our guests in the studio. Good morning to you. How are you this morning?
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Good morning, Pastor Raz. I'm doing great Good.
Razz:And just for people to know who you are, please introduce yourself.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Yes, I'm currently Lieutenant Governor of the state of Florida, a proud woman of faith and so honored to be here with you talking about this very important topic.
Razz:Well, it's a pleasure to have you this morning. As you know, we have our listenership audience and they're tuned in. We have people on the line. I think somebody just hung up. We have you here for a very specific reason, and so there's something coming up on the ballot, I think November the 5th. Would you tell us a little bit about that?
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Yes, coming up this election, we're going to see Amendment 4, which is an amendment that is deceptive, it is dangerous, it's extreme and it's around abortion, and I know you've been talking about it already this morning and I've been listening in a little bit and praise God that there's so many believers that have called in to express their views, but not necessarily their views, god's views. And so the way that this amendment is written, it's written in a way that's really intended to confuse voters. It's ambiguous, it doesn't provide definitions, it confuses and it conflates certain topics, and so I actually have a ballot summary that I think it's important. If I could, if I could read it just really quickly so people can hear what it?
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:says. And then I can walk through what the real problems are with this amendment. So it says the ballot summary says no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient's health, as determined by the patient's healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the legislature's constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion. So if you listen to that, sometimes things are written in a way, like I said, to confuse voters and I think it's important that we talk about it.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:When it says viability, it's not defined. There are many doctors that consider viability at different points of the pregnancy. So there's not one standard clinical term. They have a range, but there's no one standard term. When we talk about the patient's health, does that include just physical health or mental health? When it talks about healthcare provider, is that solely the physician or could it be a nurse or a physical therapist?
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:And then the last thing which I think is so important for your listeners to understand, that it says it doesn't change anything about parental notification. So you think to yourself oh, that's good, parents should be notified. But current law in Florida is not only that you have to notify parents, but parents have to consent to a minor getting an abortion. So notification and consent are two very different things, which is why this amendment, I believe, is so extreme and so dangerous, because it removes a parent's ability to consent, and for me as a mother, I can't think of anything more damaging to parental rights something that Governor DeSantis and I have been fighting for here in Florida than to eliminate that right for a parent to consent.
Razz:So, if we're listening correctly, by the way, you're listening to God's Way Radio. This is 104.7 on your FM dial. This is the program Live for Jesus. This morning we have the privilege and the honor to have our guest, our Lieutenant Governor, here, jeanette Nunez, and she's here to inform, she's here to educate, she's here to instruct on this important ballot vote that's coming up in November the 5th. I understand and I believe it's Proposition Number 4, so that the listeners know Now I might understand you correctly that what's being voted on is that if you vote yes, then that means that anyone that wants to get an abortion, when you talk about viability, when you talk about parental consent, that you could have a minor actually making a choice that they might regret for the rest of their life, and they cannot even consult with their parent. Did I get that right? Would you expound a little bit on that, because that sounds insane to me.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:That's what a yes vote on Amendment 4 is. It's all of those things, and so, for us, why we've been so vocal and why we've been talking about this issue nonstop, is because it is extreme. It could potentially allow an abortion up until the time of birth, a late-term abortion. We would be an outlier in the Southeast. We would be the only state in the South that would allow for such extreme abortions to take place. It would remove parental consent completely.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:It specifically talks about it in this ballot summary, and so, for us, we think that voters need to understand what they're voting for, and really, if you look to God's word which is the only place you should be looking to to get instruction for this amendment it's very clear. There's no gray area, there's no wiggle room. This is really a matter of life and death, and so I, as a believer, want to stand for life. I want to make sure that we are supporting things that create that culture of life and that protect an innocent child. So we're really proud to be fighting this fight, and I think believers need to come alongside us.
Razz:Yes, if you just tuned in, you're listening to God's Way Radio. We have Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez with us. She's given some clarity on the proposition number four that's coming up in the ballot in November, the 5th. It's interesting because you're saying that the way that is presented it's almost saying the opposite of what it's going to do. It's very confusing, like you say, and so it's important for the listener to know that a yes vote, a yes vote is not that you're, yes, protecting the child, but a yes vote is that you're instituting, you're agreeing with laws to be instituted that will actually not stand for the life, not stand for the child, not stand for the parents. It's almost like, if I'm reading it correctly and please help me out with this you're kind of like approving the extermination and the death and the killing of the unborn, defenseless baby. Am I getting that correctly or is that just me being too fanatical? No, you are, and just like Satan is the killing of the unborn, defenseless baby. Am I getting?
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:that correctly, or is that just me being too fanatical? No, you are, and just like Satan is the father of lies, the other side on this amendment that's pushing for a yes vote. They're filling the voters' minds with lies. They're saying that you know. Everything we're saying is not true. They're trying to make us seem like, oh, you can fix that or you can change that, or nothing in this amendment is going to restrict parents' rights, and that's just false, plain and simple. And what they're doing is they're enshrining a right to abortion up until the time of birth. Make no mistake, this is not about, okay, we're deciding whether it's 12 weeks or 15 weeks or six weeks or 24 weeks, up until the time of birth. They're enshrining this right in our state constitution, which is the ultimate law of the land. It's not like the legislature can come back and say next year, okay, well, we don't like that.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:The voters approved this, so we're going to change it and we're going to tweak it. The legislature makes laws all the time. As we know, they change them from time to time, periodically. They'll go and they'll repeal laws or they'll fix laws, or they'll tweak them, amend them. This is not something that is easily amended. This is our state constitution that you are enshrining for all, for for everyone to have an abortion. This is just something for me that I cannot fathom how the other side can sit there and try to promote this and and fill really the voters minds with lies, because that's what they're doing.
Razz:Now we're going to come back in a moment. I have someone on the line that's holding One of the things that somebody asked me recently. They said why does this subject keep coming back? You know, I thought with the Roe versus Wade I thought that we agreed. You know the national constitution that. You know it stood on protecting the child, the unborn. So that got turned around. We kind of got it straight as a nation. Why is this subject coming back? Maybe you have something to say in the matter, but right now I got a phone call. Let's go to this phone call. Hey, good morning. You're. Live for jesus. I believe this is miami shores. How are you this morning?
Caller:I'm doing well. Good morning, I'm so blessed by your station, by this station, pastor, I've got to tell you. I'm so blessed by what the callers have been saying, by what the lieutenant governor is saying, and I just wanted to give another reference to God's word. It's in Proverbs 31, verse 8. It says open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all who are appointed to die. To me, I think that verse being so clearly and so directly on this subject that I just wanted to share that with the listeners.
Razz:You got to give us the address to that again. It's Proverbs.
Caller:What 31 verse 8.
Razz:So glad you called Proverbs 31, verse 8, for the listener that maybe is deciding. You know, and I don't want to put anybody on the spot, but what about the person that says well, you know, it's my right, it's my body, I got a choice. What would the Word of God, what would God, what would you say on the matter?
Caller:That's why, to me, this verse speaks directly to me, speaking of those who have no voice. Again, the previous callers made so clear the many verses that clearly say that we were His before we were born, while we were still being formed in our mother's womb. We were His, he knew us, and so they established that. Now, to me, to the reader, to the child of God, the Lord is telling me what to do, and he wants me to speak up for those who can't speak up for themselves, for those who are appointed to die. It just speaks so loudly to me I had to share it.
Razz:It's very interesting because in my Body, my choice, I think the unborn baby should have a choice too, right, and it's an interesting thing that everybody wants to make a choice. Well, they were born, they're alive. What about the unborn baby? Miami Shores, if you could say a short prayer, one of those Mission Impossible prayers, not the whole program. We still have the lieutenant governor here.
Caller:We want to get right back to her, but go ahead. You got the mic. Father, I want us all. I need to keep my eyes on you, lord. You're the only one that teaches above the storms is when our focus is completely on you. Lord, help us, help the listeners not be distracted by arguments, by our own rights, lord, but may we be focused on you. We pray in Jesus' name.
Razz:Amen. Thank you so much for your call. God bless you. 786-313-3115. We have Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez here today, a woman of faith, one of the things I like about the governor and I'm not trying to get her to treat me to breakfast because I already had it, but you know she's a mom, she's a wife, she's a citizen. She's not only Lieutenant Governor, but she's a woman that wants to stand for God. Lieutenant Governor, I got a question for you here. The amendment is a stark contrast from many of the things that you and Governor have accomplished for protecting the sanctity of life and building strong families. Can you tell us a little bit more about that? You have the mic.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Yeah. So since the governor and I got elected in 2018 and subsequently reelected in 2022, we've really fought each and every day for Floridians. We've fought to protect freedoms, we've fought for families, and that includes families at all stages. So, whether we're protecting the unborn and fighting for life, also helping those that are having difficulties single moms, really pushing the issue of fatherhood we know that kids that grow up without fathers are much more likely to end up in trouble with the law, dropping out of high school, having issues with mental health and substance abuse. So we really have focused on fatherhood, making sure that men, especially Christian men, rise up and become the leaders of their family, like God intended. We help those that have special needs, and so we've really looked at it from the perspective of how can state government, in its proper role, really make sure that we're promoting that culture of life, and so we're proud, on this amendment in particular, to stand up and fight for life, fight for the unborn.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:They are often those, like the previous caller said, they don't have a voice. We need to speak for those. We need to open the eyes of those that are professing to be believers. You cannot say that you are a believer. You cannot stand as a Christian. You cannot be someone that professes on one side of the coin and then, on the other, say you're going to vote for this because you believe in choice or you believe in women's right to choose. So that's something I think we have to be very clear and that's why I'm so honored to be here and a pastor like you, someone that's speaking the truth, that's not afraid, because many people are shy away from this topic because it is controversial and it does keep coming back, and voters are, you know, sometimes confused or exhausted and don't want to deal with it anymore, and so. But we have a responsibility as believers and as people of faith to stand up to be bold and to do what we know is right.
Razz:Excellent to hear you say things like about the importance of fathers, you know. Excellent to hear you say the importance of standing for values that help people and people to have values, which is one of the reasons that you're here. But it's very interesting to me how, in the days that we're living, there's like misinformation, you know, and the word of God says that the times would come that people would call right wrong and wrong right. They would call the light dark and dark light. They would call bittersweet and sweet bitter. So it's interesting to hear from you the things that you and Governor DeSantis have been standing for, which is an interesting thing, that when you elect an official, it's not just about the pretty things they say about during the election process, but how do they follow through and carry that out? And obviously right now you're already elected and you're here very early in the morning, you know, in a radio station. So I asked you a question.
Razz:We're going to get to another question, but eventually it'd be good to hear why do you think this topic keeps coming up of wanting to have a door open to exterminate, to kill, to end life in a womb, which should be the place where that baby is most protected. We're going to get to that, but I got a call right now. Let's go to this phone call. Hey, good morning. You're. Live for Jesus. Whatever town are you calling from? Hello, from Westchester to Tamiami. Okay, you got the mic. What would you like to say this morning to our guest here? Lieutenant Governor.
Caller:Thank you so much for coming in this morning. My question I hope it makes sense is what can we as voters and citizens do in the future to prevent anything like this from getting this far? I know there was, or my understanding is that there's a process and a vote and approval before it even gets to the ballot. Is there anything we can do in the future to stop it earlier.
Razz:Thank you for your question. I'm going to hang up you can listen as Lieutenant Governor Nunez will respond and, if I got you right, is there anything that we can do as citizens that we don't have to keep going on this topic every election that comes up? Thank you for your call. You have a wonderful day. Station manager.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Thank you, so that's a great question. I think a lot of people want to know how did this come to be? How did it get on the ballot? Who approved this? And so we in Florida do have a process. It's a process that can be led by citizens to collect enough signatures to get any issue on the ballot for consideration for amending the state constitution, and so that process took place. The Supreme Court ultimately had to sign off on it, and that's how that got on the ballot for this November.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:So, as Christians, what can we do? There's nothing at the current time that you can do to prevent a process like that from going through and coming to fruition, but what I can say is that you may not be able to prevent it from getting on the ballot, but you can certainly prevent it from being approved, and this amendment would need to pass with 60% of the vote. So the threshold is a little bit higher than your typical elections. You just have to win a majority right. Most elections, this issue, these amendments to the Constitution have to be approved with 60% of the vote. So, if you think about that, what can you do?
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:You can, of course, vote no. That is your duty and your obligation as a Christian. You can continue to pray the power of prayer, as we know, is something that you cannot discount and you can pray that the Holy Spirit will fill the believers with a heart for this issue and they'll vote against it. Of course, if people want to donate to the cause, there's many organizations and there's many opportunities to do so and then share this information like we're doing here today, talk to your family, talk to your friends. Oftentimes, like I said, people don't really understand what they're voting and they'll just oh, I'm just going to vote yes, whatever. What difference does it make? But you need to be informed and you need to share with family, friends, like-minded, and even people that are not like-minded, and try to convince them otherwise.
Razz:Conversation, you know to be able to discuss. You know, that's kind of like the world that I grew up in. Today, it's like if you don't agree with us, we're going to cancel you, we're going to shut you off, and that's never the way for civilized and open-minded people. You know, if you're so open-minded, let's discuss the why and the how. There's another question here that I have for you, lieutenant Governor. You might have mentioned it. By the way, you're listening to God's Way Radio 104.7 FM on your radio dial.
Razz:This is the program Live for Jesus, monday through Thursdays, 7.04, a live program. We're in the studio. Our guest today is Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez. She's here with us and we're discussing this November, the 5th election day. One of the ballots on the ballot is going to be Amendment no 4. And how should a believer think this through? How should a believer vote? What vote would protect the life of the unborn?
Razz:Now here's a third question that we have for you. As you mentioned this amendment to our state's constitution. That's what we're looking at. If this is going to pass, if believers don't go to vote, if people sleep on this day and don't take action, so if this passes, how difficult is it going to be to make the changes to the language. In other words, can we just say you know what we'll cover this the next time. How crucial, how important, how vital is this election and this amendment number four, which I think it's already been said that if you stand for God and God's word, the vote should be no. We don't want this to change that. If you stand for God and God's word, the vote should be no. We don't want this to change. Lieutenant Governor, help us instruct, us, educate the listener on this situation.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:So, as we've been talking this morning, this amendment it's deceptive, it's extreme, it's dangerous and it's not what people think it is as they read the ballot summary, as they start to process what this information that they're presented with in the ballot will mean for them. And so it'll permit late-term abortions, even through up until the time of birth. It will eliminate Florida's parental consent law, as we talked about. There is a concern that it will allow non-physicians, so non-doctors, to perform abortions, because currently only physicians can perform abortions. It opens the door to taxpayer-funded abortions, because currently only physicians can perform abortions. It opens the door to taxpayer-funded abortions and it'll make Florida, as I mentioned earlier in the program, an abortion tourism state, if you will, because, since all the other surrounding states have much more strict and stringent laws around abortion, florida could potentially become a haven abortion tourism, and so that's something that we're concerned about long term. But really and truly, once this is once, hopefully, we defeat this, this is something that we're going to have to continue to fight and, god forbid, this amendment is passed.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:It is not just as easy, as you know. Snap your fingers. A legislature will come back together. They'll be in session in March. They can address it. They can strike down provisions that they don't agree with. They can roll back the time frame in which one can get an abortion. That's not something they can do. It'll be struck down by the courts. It is something that, like I said, is enshrined in our Constitution. It will be there for generations to come and I don't think we want to be the generation responsible for that kind of amendment to be dictating what we can do here in Florida as it relates to life.
Razz:Lieutenant Governor Nunez, thank you so much for that clarity. For you, the listener, I would say as a host, we need to pray. This is an important issue. This is not the type of issue that you know you could sleep this one, sit this one out, you know, take a break, walk to the refrigerator, get some snacks. No, you got to get involved and I like what the lieutenant governor brought to mind. There's many different ways to get involved. The question was asked you can actually vote. You can vote. No, you can pray, which is what we need to do. Very important you can help funding organizations that are getting the message clearly across and not the confusion to what I would say achieve their undermined schemes of terminating a life in a womb.
Razz:Lieutenant Governor, I kind of spoke a little bit ahead of myself, but another question here is what can our listeners do to help defeat the amendment? And although I've heard that one of the things about radio is that people are getting to the destination, like, I'm sure, everybody here, you're going to be going on pretty soon, and so people tune in, and maybe some people are tuning in right now and that's why I say you're listening to God's Way Radio. This is a live program, live for Jesus, monday through Thursdays at 7.04 in the morning, and today we have a special guest with us, lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez, and we're discussing Amendment no 4 on the ballot coming up this November 5th, which I hope you're registered to vote. I hope you go and vote.
Razz:A lot of times things happen because we've been sitting it out, being too quiet. You got to get involved because we are going to be accountable. We are going to give an explanation, a reason why we either sat it out. One of the things Lieutenant Governor said which I loved is hey, don't let this happen in our watch, don't let this pass, and this being the generation where Florida becomes a tourism state for people to drive in and not just get the sun, a nice state, but they also make a terrible choice of ending the life of an unborn baby, really for no reason at all. So, lieutenant Governor Nunez, what can the listeners do? What can we do about this very sad, tragic choice that's coming up on the ballot for the citizens to vote on this November the 5th? You got the mic.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Pastor Az, I'm glad that you reminded me. Yes, if you're not registered to vote, maybe you just turned 18. Maybe you've never really cared to vote. You absolutely have a little bit of time left to register to vote. It's fairly simple. If they call my office, I'll be more than happy to mail them the actual ballot for them to register to vote.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:But I think that we have a responsibility as believers to vote, and you also triggered something in my mind that I wanted to share at the beginning of the program. You would be shocked you would be shocked, and I think all of your listeners would be shocked to know how many evangelicals, self-professed evangelicals, people that consider themselves devout in their faith, people that consider themselves regular churchgoers, that do not vote every election cycle. And that is a travesty, because not only are you not meeting your obligation something that we have so sacred that many just 90 miles away do not have that right. I think that we again, as believers, have a responsibility to vote. To vote, no elected official is perfect.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:We are far from it. We are all flawed individuals. But you know you need to do your homework. You need to know who are the types of people. Their values align with you. They espouse the same views, they're fighting for things that are important to our faith, and I also think that you need to be clear on these issues, these amendments. They can be confusing. Trust me, I have to read them and reread them and I you know I'm pretty knowledgeable.
Razz:You're in the field.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Yes, I'm in the know, as they say. But when you read these amendments you think, oh well, maybe you know. It says the ballot summary says it's not getting rid of the legislature's authority to do parental notification. Well, just for people to have a frame of reference, in the state of Florida, a child, a child, a minor, cannot obtain a tattoo without parental consent, but yet this amendment says it's okay for a child, a 12-year-old, a 14-year-old, a 15-year-old, to have an abortion, a very sensitive procedure, something that could actually cause them harm or even death. And so how are you going to allow a child to go in and get an abortion, like you said, consequences that will be lifelong and not have parents involved and consenting to that?
Razz:If I understand you correctly, you're saying that this amendment will give the opportunity of a child making a terrible choice. They're going to be influenced by someone you know, so they'll be influenced by a stranger, by someone that, lucratively speaking, is going to make money from this procedure. So for the money. If you follow the trail you know, follow the money, and yet the parent will be eliminated from the equation.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Yes, they will be completely removed from that process.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:A parental notification is something as simple, as you know.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Here you go, here's an email or here's a note, and so, really, their goal is to and I think this is Satan's goal it's to really eliminate the family nucleus.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:It's to create chaos and strife in our families, because if we don't have healthy families, we don't have healthy churches, we don't have healthy communities. And so I think again, for all of those that are listening and for those that have the privilege of leading a congregation, of being at the pulpit on Sundays, they have a responsibility and I'm actually heartened to see how many pastors are talking about it and my own church I know my pastor is going to be speaking about it very soon because, at the end of the day, you all, in particular leading God's children, god's flock you have a responsibility to educate people, not about politics. I know churches don't get involved in politics and they don't get involved in particular candidates or individuals but this issue, this issue is so important I don't think we can sit on the sidelines. Like you said, you can't wait it out, you can't sit it out. You can't sit it out. You have to be very focused on defeating this amendment.
Razz:You're listening to God's Way Radio. Lieutenant Governor, thank you so much and I'm thanking you, but you're getting me in trouble here because I need to say something. You know, is there any realm of life that Jesus Christ should not speak to? You know, is Jesus the Lord? Does Jesus have the authority and the privilege of speaking in any area of life? So this thing that has been sold and people have bought it, that you know. Don't discuss politics, wait a minute. Is politics part of life? And so if politics is part of life, then Jesus can speak to politics and politicians and the political process. And I am born in an island where the church failed to do that and it's been travesty and it's been tragedy and it has so changed and my heart breaks because I'm seeing the other nation, that kind of like, adopted me and I adopted it and it's going down very fastly, because this only works, the democratic process only works, if believers in God participate in the process. That's why it was designed. I mean the Bill of Rights, god, the right to pursue liberty. I mean you take God to the equation and God speaking to the equation. We're done, it's just a matter of time. So I would politely, I would say forgive me for saying that, but in my heart I would say you better believe. I said that I have the right to right to speak.
Razz:Lieutenant governor, I have somebody on the line. Let's go to this call real quickly. Hey, good morning your life for jesus. Whatever your town are you calling from? Hi? Oh, my, my goodness, how old are you? I'm 10, 10 years old. You're the first 10 year old that calls today. What would you like to say? You got the mic.
Caller:I think that we should not do abortion because there's little kids that could have been born but they're not because people chose to abort them.
Razz:I so love what you're saying. I mean, even a 10-year-old kid can get striked from the mouth of babes. Thank you so much for that. Would you like to pray? Yes, please, okay, whenever you're ready, please pray.
Caller:Dear Lord, I pray for all the people who are trying to stop the abortion law from passing and I pray for all the little kids whose parents want to abort them, that they choose not to. And I pray for God's way radio and I pray for the person.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Lieutenant Nunez.
Caller:Lieutenant Nunez and I pray for everyone. Amen.
Razz:Amen, amen. Thank you so much for your call, lieutenant. Maybe you want to say something to our 10-year-old listener.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:I wish people would listen to this morning's radio program and hear how simple and how true the words are that she just spoke. So thank you for being bold, because not too many 10-year-olds are willing to be that courageous.
Razz:Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Caller:I'm actually stepping out to school have a great day, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm actually stepping out to school. Okay, have a great day okay, thank you.
Razz:Thank you, god bless you. Bye-bye. 786-313-315. We ran out of time, but let's go real quickly to this. Call pembroke pines.
Caller:You're on the line oh, I thought it was an hour show. Oh my god. Um, I just wanted to say to the church that we stand for the truth. Of course we stand up for what's right, but we have to remember that many people in this country have had, many women have had abortions. They are not saved or lost by their abortion. They are saved or lost by the rejection or acceptance of Jesus Christ as their savior. So do not. They are not. I think we have to be careful to love these people but stand for the truth. It's a very difficult stance. I just that's my comment, thank you Thank you.
Caller:Thank you, Governor. Lieutenant Governor, Thank you for being here.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Thank you, thank you.
Razz:Thank you so much for your call. Pembroke Pines listens very faithfully and we did say it. If you're listening and you've committed an abortion, there's grace in Jesus for forgiveness and there's new opportunities. God is a God of opportunity and God is a God of forgiveness. Our subject this morning has to do with the vote, with November the 5th, with the ballot, amendment no 4. Amendment number four and so on. There we want to be very clearly that we want to instruct, we want to inform so that you don't make a mistake that you have to now repent from. And so, to have clarity, you want to vote on the side of God, on the side of God's word, on the side of the unborn, and God will hold us accountable for that. There is forgiveness. There's forgiveness in Jesus Christ, but there's accountability as a citizen of the kingdom. We have a call here right now. Hey, good morning. Your life for Jesus. What area of town are you calling from? I think this is West Miami's in the house.
Caller:Hi, good morning. Good morning, this is West Miami. Thank you, lieutenant Governor Nunez and Governor DeSantis, for your leadership. We see the transformation of our state. People want to live here. They're fleeing other states because of how well-run Florida is, how well-run Florida has been now for about 20 years due to the leadership that's been there. If you look at it, it's consistently been one of the best states in the union.
Caller:My question goes to something you had started with, which is the lack of definitions in this Amendment 4. From my understanding, it seems to say that when it's necessary to protect a patient's health, it doesn't specify if it's mental health and by a health care provider, and it doesn't define a health care provider. So perhaps, lieutenant Governor Nunez, you can educate me. I'm not understanding. Does this mean that a psychologist, a psychiatrist, if it's determined that a mental issue has arisen that is causing some issue with regard to the, the woman, that that is enough of a basis that it can? Now it's now a psychological issue, the baby's causing psychological impairment, now that's enough to allow for the abortion, because the proposition doesn't define any of those terms. So I just wanted to see what your thoughts were and, once again, thank you for the incredible job y'all are doing.
Razz:Thank you, sir, you could listen in. I'm going to hang up, but Lieutenant Governor is going to answer.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Well, thank you for that question and, yes, you're spot on. You hit the nail on the head. Those key terms that are in the amendment are not defined in any way, shape or form. They could have easily defined viability by putting a date a week in the trimester. They could have defined the health of the mother. They could have defined a health care provider, but they chose not to. And they chose not to because they intentionally designed this amendment to be deceptive, to be ambiguous, because what's going to happen when you say, okay, viability, like I said, there is not one single standard.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:There is a range of what viability could be, should be, maybe, but there is many courts throughout this country that would strike down that would allow for an abortion to happen up until week 40. If a physician or another health care provider deems that an abortion is necessary for the health and yes, the question remains, does that include mental health? If I, as a pregnant woman, decide that I have anxiety and this pregnancy is causing me depression, would that be sufficient for a physician to sign off and say, yes, this is for the health of the mother? That is something that is just not defined in this amendment. That is something that a court could deem, yes, that is indeed a reason for an abortion. And so why are we going to go down that road? Why are we going to go down that dark path? We know what happens when we allow for all of these things, from the secular point of view, to take root in our society.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:And you know, you've consistently said clarity, clarity, clarity on this amendment is important for believers and non-believers to understand what they're voting for, and that's why, again, I heart back to the point. We have a responsibility, especially those that lead churches throughout our community. As I mentioned, my pastor is doing a series on clarity is kindness. That's how we titled the series and at first I didn't really quite get the reference to the statement clarity is kindness. I was like why don't we get something more to the point? But that is the point. If you're clear in God's word, that's kind and that's understanding what we have a responsibility to do as believers.
Razz:You're listening to, lieutenant Governor Nunez, so good to have you this morning. Before we let you go, I have the final question for you, which is as a Christian and as a seed of contamination, everything will topple down. Uh, you know there was a prophet in the bible that they were trying to get the prophet to curse israel and he couldn't do it. God wouldn't allow him. And he says I can't curse israel, but I could tell you how to topple them. If you bring immorality into israel, it, god, god's heart, will be hurt and they will lose it. And so it's funny that the previous caller said you know, florida has been an incredible state and I want every citizen of Florida to know that.
Razz:You think that this Amendment 4 in the ballot is like nothing? I think it's one of the most important amendments and one of the most important things to vote on in a very long time. And here's why Because if we allow this kind of thing to be introduced as a practice into our state, god's heart will be broken and God will frown on it, because God defends life. And that's why he said to Jeremiah before you were even born, I knew you. I knew you in your mother's womb, and God knows every baby. And so, lieutenant Governor, as I ask you the question as a Christian woman, can you leave us with a message of hope? People would say well, what does Christ have to do with this? You know this is political. I would say he's got everything to do with it. But, lieutenant Governor, whenever you're ready you can answer the question. You got the mic.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Yeah, thank you. And again, Pastor Oz, thank you for having me here. This topic is so important. It's so important for people of faith, for believers, for people to understand what Amendment 4 means, and so you have to vote no on 4 if you're a believer. You have to vote no on 4 if you stand for life and as believers.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:And so many of your callers have referenced wonderful scripture references and they've been able to talk about the importance of God's word, and that's where you need to turn to when you're making decisions like this. God's word is so important. There is absolute truth in God's word. There's not your perspective, my perspective. There's absolute truth. God set us apart. He knew us before. He formed us in our mother's womb. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Children are a blessing. They're a heritage from the Lord.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:There are so many Bible references that we need to turn to to be able to stand strong and defeat this amendment. As believers and Galatians tells us, do not grow weary of doing good. At the appropriate time, you will reap the harvest, and so this is sowing the seeds for our community, for your congregation, for your listeners, for this radio station and for so many others that are talking about this. I think now is the time to get informed, to get educated and to get involved. Please make sure you're registered to vote. Please share this with your friends. Please vote no on Amendment 4. Please consider donating to the cause. There are so many ways for people to get involved, and so I encourage them to do that, to fight this terrible amendment and to stand for life.
Razz:Excellent For the teenager, for the person that's 19,. For the person that's not registered to vote how can they get registered? How can you? Your office, how can they listener? The listener maybe you just got your citizenship and you haven't been registered yet. How can you vote? Because, if I heard you correctly, lieutenant Governor, this is vital. We must vote. I have a phone call also. I don't think we'll be able to get the phone call. I so apologize. Lieutenant governor has a stringent schedule. She's giving us some time this morning. I hope you'll grace us again and come back one day. We would love to have you again on the radio, but before you go, maybe you could give information to the listener. How can you get registered to vote and how can you get the information to get your tita, your your grandma, abuelita? Get everybody voting out there and, if I understood you correctly, it's a no vote on ballot number four If you want to stand for God, for the word for the unborn child. Lieutenant Governor. Closing statements.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Yeah, so you can register to vote. If you live in Miami, dade, you can go to miamidadegov, look for the elections tab and there's a form there you can fill it out. It's fairly simple. You could do it online. I believe you can also send it via mail. My youngest just turned 18 earlier this year, so I made sure he was registered to vote.
Razz:Good mama.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:This is going to be his. He voted in the primary, but he's going to vote this is his first presidential election and of course I'm going to make sure he's educated and all of his friends are educated to vote no on four. So, those of you that are listening, there's still time to register to vote. There's still time to get involved. Please do not sit this one out.
Lt. Gov. Nuñez:Do not wake up on November 5th, rather November 6th, and regret that you didn't go out to vote, that you didn't talk more about it, because it truly is a matter of life and death.
Razz:Thank you so much. God bless death. Thank you so much. God bless you, your husband, your family, all the guests here in the studio this morning. Thank you, I'm going to put a little bit of music on. Actually, we're going to go to the program that's already in progress. Again, this has been Life for Jesus. So you can live for Jesus Monday through Thursdays, 7.04. Open the door, We'll give you some more. God bless you. Bye.