Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
From Trials to Triumph: Richard and Angeline's Testimony
Richard and Angeline's incredible journeys of faith, resilience, and divine intervention take center stage in this heartfelt episode of Friends and Family on God's Way Radio. Join us as Richard recounts his Cuban roots and the story of his birth in Miami. Meanwhile, Angeline shares the poignant tale of her challenging upbringing in the Philippines and her mother's unyielding determination to secure a better future for their family in the United States. Angeline's story of enduring and overcoming personal trauma through faith and the loving community at Calvary Chapel Miami is both powerful and inspiring.
Together, we explore the importance of godly counsel and open communication, drawing from personal experiences and mission trips where sharing stories fostered deep connections and healing. Richard and Angeline's testimonies highlight the transformative power of trusting God's plan as their paths crossed in the most unexpected ways, including a challenging financial accounting class and their spiritual awakening through persistent church invitations. Their relationship, rooted in faith, underscores the beauty of divine timing and God’s intricately woven plans.
We also delve into their commitment to service, from traversing the long drive to Calvary Chapel Miami to their faithful dedication to the kids' ministry. Hear the family's profound experiences navigating life transitions, tackling financial challenges with integrity, and the joys and trials of parenting guided by faith.
You're tuned in to Friends and Family, a God's Way Radio exclusive where we introduce you to some amazing people. In John, chapter 15, verse 15, jesus says I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. That's our aim that God would be made known to you. Stay with us until the end of our conversation for more information on this program and other unique offerings from God's Way Radio.
Joey:There's folks that have been behind the scenes, you know, and they listen, they participate, and we love when we have the opportunity to bring them and chat with them and share their story with you guys. So, richard Angeline, thank you for coming today. My pleasure.
Angeline:Thank you for having us.
Joey:Yeah, you guys, so richard angeline, thank you for coming today. My pleasure, thank you for having us. Yeah, um man, so much that we want to talk about and we're just going to start at the beginning. Um, richard, you were born, you said, in mercy hospital and your parents were they born in cuba yeah, yeah, they were both born there, moved before I was born to Miami.
Richard:They left Cuba during the revolution and yeah, and then I came out. Actually, my mom confided that I was a result of a marriage retreat where they felt guilt Interesting.
Joey:Yeah, I'm eight years younger than my brother got the closest gotcha, all right, awesome, awesome, uh.
Richard:Just one brother, just you, and one brother and one older sister and one sister awesome and mrs angeline, you were born.
Joey:You know it's kind of nearby mercy hospital or uh, not quite um.
Angeline:I was born from the Philippines.
Joey:Could you say something in your native language, say hello or greeting or something?
Angeline:Kamusta na. That's all. What's that?
Joey:How are you? Awesome, thank you. And what language is that?
Richard:Tagalog Tagalog Awesome Magundang umaga. Good morning Anyway.
Joey:You've taught the men well.
Angeline:Just a few so I can still talk to my mom about them in my dialect.
Joey:That's awesome. Um and um.
Angeline:Tell us a little bit about growing up in philippines so, um, I was born there and, um, I left the country in my early teens. My parents got married really early 18 and 19 years of age and they had myself, my two brothers and my younger sister within the first year, the first five years of their marriage. So there was a lot of growing up to do maturity that they had to do, and also there was just a lot of growing up to do maturity that they had to do. And also there was just a lot of conflict, financial problems, a lot of infidelity, alcoholism, all of that. And so my mom, over time, realized that she needed to do something to improve her situation. So she decided to leave the country, to go to the US and save money and to petition us eventually.
Angeline:So, with four kids under the age of five, my dad realized he could not handle all of us by himself and still work. Dad realized he could not handle all of us by himself and still work, yeah. So he called out to the family members to help out and, with my mom gone and we couldn't afford a nanny, his brother and his girlfriend or wife then moved in to help us, but unfortunately that started the sexual trauma for me, around four years of age yeah, um, thank you for being transparent and and I know that the reason or part of the reason that you're willing and able to share is the lord's done an amazing work um and and uh, you know, that's the really what we want to hear about when it comes to that um.
Joey:So, so what else can you share with us about how the lord has um healed you, I think, I mean, from four years old.
Angeline:That's, that's incredible, that's tough no, it's, it's totally a god thing, because I mean thinking back now, um, all along, from the time I was that young. It continued for many years. Unfortunately, my dad would get into arguments a lot, so we ended up being separated. I got separated from my two brothers. My sister and I were separated, so we went with my dad and we would live from family to family and what would happen is he would leave us and then we won't see him, and so with each new family we would lived in that it would start all over again. We I would get sexually abused, and but all along I don't know how, and I just know it's the lord thinking back now, the lord protecting my mind and my body, because, um years later, when we finally, uh, came to the states and and things you know, got better, your mom accomplished the goal.
Joey:She was able to she sure did.
Angeline:The lord is faithful. Um, we were able to be you reunited. She sure did, the Lord is faithful. We were able to be reunited here in the States. Years later I was able to have a normal life. God did a miracle of healing my mind, my spirit, through being invited to church. Wow, I didn't realize it then. I was carrying like a burden, you know confusion, shame, anger, bitterness, all of it. But after stepping into church, calvary Chapel, miami, our first time, the Lord just spoke to me, not immediately, but I knew that's what I was looking for. And he did a miracle work of just slowly but surely healing me.
Joey:And when you say he protected you, that was in your teenage years, when you left the Philippines and then you came to Calvary Chapel, miami, many years later. So was it? Am I understanding that it's kind of like, the whole time, even though you didn't know it, the lord what kind of like protected you and healed you and and he showed you later. Or could you elaborate like a little bit more from before? You knew the lord that time, your, your adult years, your 20s, I guess right?
Angeline:yeah. So when I say protected me, um like well, protected me in a sense. Considering all the different encounters with different people, I could have easily gotten disease and then probably I shouldn't have been able to have children. And after you know being married, seven years later we were blessed with our first son, daniel, and 22 months later, david. So in that sense, the Lord protected me and I'm enjoying marriage, like I've heard of women that have gone through similar trauma, how that affected them mentally, emotionally, and they can't really form a healthy relationship. And, by God's grace, I'm very much in love with my hubby still and we're still. You know we get romantic, so I enjoy being with him. And and again, the lord blessed me with two children. That's awesome. Sorry, oh my gosh, I forgot. No, no, no, listen listen.
Joey:You know, when I'm, when I'm live on the radio, I'm always second guessing everything. What do I say? What do I not say? How old are the kids listening? You know, and I'm, you know this is way out of left field, but you know there was a murder, suicide in our community recently and I was live on the radio the same day and I was like, do I use that word? What do I say? Do I say someone died, but it? But?
Joey:It's just, you have to navigate and and you two serving now we're jumping way ahead, serving in children's ministry for 15 years. And how do you? You know the lord does it. You know the kids, they're gonna, they're going to understand as the lord gives it to them and and as you say it in sincerity, and and, and I was even uh listening to to an adult talk recently and how sometimes we try to shelter our kids. But so many of these things like intimacy, marriage, having children, it's holy in its place. You know it's holy. And so, yeah, praise the lord that there's families listening. So, um, you know, richard, when, when you uh began to to, to get to know uh, angeline and and and and love her and like her and want to be with her and all that I mean. When did this come up? Her past and everything? Did you know when you got married?
Richard:How did your perspective?
Richard:One reason we knew, or I knew that she was the one you know we would talk about anything and everything, and that was one of the things we talked about before we ever got married. And I remember being very bitter, you know, against her uncles, and especially knowing that one was still alive and still in the United States. I was not looking forward to meeting him and, but yes, I did know about that and I just looking forward to meeting him, um, and, but yes, I didn't know about that. And and I just let her tell her story and um, and yeah, um, I know that that is what's made her who she is, um, so, yeah, we, we avoid, you know, trials. We, we, we hate them, we don't want them to happen, but really they make us who we are. And I know you know she appreciates, you know what we have and I appreciate her because you know, partly because of what she's been through, and I know yeah, and again, you know, in all seriousness, if I continue to ask, it's just Lord, you know who's listening.
Joey:How is this going to bless them? But obviously only what you're comfortable with, you know. You know for some people they get saved and it's just totally healed, done. There's not even a second of whatever issue comes back again. Is this area or this past something that ever came up in marriage again, or even as a husband that you had to say whoa? You know, I have to approach this different. I have to be sensitive to something and anything come to mind, or or for you, angeline.
Richard:For me. Yeah, obviously you know tread lightly in that in that area, knowing you know what she'd been through. But actually Angeline's got an amazing how the lord worked something out way later and you should probably share, like your talk with your uncle, yeah wow yeah, so once you were able to speak to him again.
Angeline:Oh, the the lord is incredible. So, uh, just first off, the last five years we've been had the, we've had the privilege of being able to go on missions trip, and the first three missions trip the Lord used my personal testimony the trauma of sexual abuse. To speak to the young girls.
Joey:Because you met other girls in the same situation. Exactly, yeah.
Angeline:So the Lord used that and I knew after we got saved that God though that was not his heart he wanted to use that as a testimony someday for his glory.
Angeline:So, I knew that, even though that was ugly, he was going to use it for something good. And I saw that happen in my mission strip. Even here in the church I've been able to share with the ladies. But I remember when we had the mission strip going to Alaska, we were praying, we wanted to go but the Lord just was not allowing that to happen. So we okay. So we figured, all right, all right, the lord, this is not our time. And we stayed the the. The time that the, the day that the missionaries left for alaska, was the day I got a call that my uncle, my first abuser, uh, had cancer and um, and you know I was sad for him but at the same time, you know I've forgiven him. I've. You know I've left sad for him but at the same time, you know I've forgiven him. You know I've left this at the Lord's feet to just take care of him and his doing. And I'm good with that, you know. But I sensed the Lord telling me you need to call him and I resisted.
Joey:I said Lord Excuse me.
Angeline:I said Lord, wait, wait. I haven't seen this guy for years. How do I open a conversation? Wow, you know, and I remember reaching out to Mrs Sell, Ms Sori, a few other ladies and asking for wisdom, asking for prayers.
Angeline:And, yeah, they prayed for me, but the Lord would not let me be still, I could not do any work. My mind was just like the Lord was saying call him. So I finally obeyed, I did, and the minute I picked up, you know, when he picked up the phone and he recognized me, he started to cry. And I didn't expect that, actually, because I didn't even know how to talk to him, I just you know. But he started to cry and he said oh, angeline, you don't know how long I've been wanting to hear from you. I wanted to talk to you. I want to ask you for your forgiveness for all the wrong things I've done.
Angeline:I mean, he confessed, he was crying and I didn't know what to do with that. I didn't know how to deal with it. Like, emotionally, do I cry, do I so? Then at that moment I said Well, you know why I'm calling is because Jesus loves you and he's forgiven me much of my sin, and I want you to know he will forgive you of your sins when you confess. You ask for forgiveness and I do forgive you. I told him and I shared the gospel with him and he actually prayed with me and a week later he passed away, prayed with me and a week later he passed away. And and then the funny thing is, his wife later had had called me and she wanted to know what we talked about, and I said, well, um, I just told her, lord yeah, exactly, I told her about the gospel, how I shared that.
Angeline:So I got to share that with her and I also got to pray with oh my goodness so I knew. That's why the Lord didn't want us to go to Alaska that's crazy.
Joey:Did you ever get to?
Richard:speak to him. Finally, I did. I did not much, um, but yeah, we, we spoke briefly, wow man that well, we're done it's amazing you know, and the God gets all the credit, we know that.
Joey:But, man, you know, you mentioned something else in your story and this is kind of a hobby topic of mine, that's a weird way to say it, anyways is this idea. You know, I've encountered people that they say, oh, I'm private, I'm private, you know, oh, I'm a private person and I always that kind of like puts off a yellow light in my head. You know what do you mean by that. You know you need, you need the lord, you need accountability, you need people. Here's the point. You know you said, oh and and I don't mean to to make fun, but just to make the point, you know, oh well, you know, I called two ladies about my uncle that sexually abused me, about when I was going to call him what, what? Okay, you know how. How in the world did you feel comfortable talking with them? I mean, why did you call them? Couldn't you figure this out on your own? I mean you, richard. I mean, why get people involved? What's with that?
Richard:I mean personally. I think talking about it helps me to process, it helps us to process.
Announcer:Just in general.
Richard:Just in general, but especially when talking to brothers. You know someone, a brother in Christ, because we're growing together and we're discovering God's plan and sometimes we don't even realize what His plan is until we're telling it. You know to someone else, and I remember clearly in one of the mission strips that we went to that we were separated. Angelina and I was with another group of kids and we were praying with the kids and one of the girls shared her story with me, which was exactly angelina's wow, um, and so I knew that I was a child, she was a child, she was about 12 um and I stopped her and I let, let me get my wife, you two need to talk and they spoke and I was translating.
Richard:Anyway, it was powerful Because it was Spanish. It was in Spanish.
Joey:So I'm translating. That's why you married the Cuban For the mission. I was just kidding.
Announcer:That's amazing, I mean he gives us.
Richard:I think we shouldn't let even our trials go to waste. Our pain, God uses that.
Joey:But just that idea of calling for prayer and getting them involved, you know, is that something that somebody taught you? Is that something the Lord just did in your heart?
Angeline:Well, you know, in the Bible it says, you know, in the multitude of counselors there is wisdom. So, even though I sensed that was the lord telling me to call, I just wanted wisdom, like how do I go about it? And I, and, and you know, I reached out to godly women that I know are solid and that I can trust, you know, to to share my most intimate information and they're not gonna, you know, spread it around, uh and and um, and, and I knew that, yeah, like Richard was saying, when I talk it out and I explain it to others, it helps me to realize. Okay, maybe this is good.
Joey:Or maybe this is not so good. The Lord just uses that man. Thank you. You mentioned a couple key points, at least that I heard Godly, there were godly people and you trusted them. You mentioned a couple of key points at least that I heard. You know godly.
Angeline:There were godly people and you trusted them, you know.
Joey:So I just pray that the Lord. You know, I don't know. I don't know if you guys have seen that. To go on a little bit of a tangent, I don't know if you've seen that or you say, no, you know, I don't think it's such that you're telling everybody everything. But I mean the Bible verse that she quoted, right, the multitude of counselors. There's wisdom. I think we could do better at that. I don't know what you guys think if you've seen one way or the other.
Richard:I agree. I think God gives us each our story for a reason you know. It becomes our testimony and it blesses others. And people learn, I think especially with the kids. So when it's a life story, the attention changes in the room. Usually you'll notice those times when there's silence you can hear a pin drop in the room. You have focused kids, which is not a usual occurrence. It's a miracle, but that usually happens with personal testimonies and the Lord uses that Awesome awesome.
Joey:Well, getting back to your story, it's been, you know, I love it. You know the conversations. We're thinking we're going to go in order, you know, and God has us touching on different things. But getting back, you told us a little bit about you guys growing up and then you're getting your degrees and I don't know where did you meet School or yeah, accounting class.
Angeline:Go ahead, Accounting class.
Richard:Yeah, I'm sure they're calling on the radio before, but yeah, we both struggled with the same financial accounting class, so it was like a turning point. Yeah, we both struggled with the same financial accounting class, so it was like a turning point. You needed to pass this class with a. B or better, or you're not allowed to major in accounting, and so I did not get that B, and neither did my honey the first time around, but we took it again and you needed help studying together.
Richard:They only offered it in one place she was living in Broward. I'm living in Dade, so because of that we had to both go to Dade. I think no, it was in Nova In. Nova okay, so I had to schlep up to Nova and. I saw this beautiful Asian girl sitting there and a friend who actually knew her, and he didn't introduce me, and so I had to insist amen help a brother out.
Joey:Yeah, hook a brother up what's wrong with?
Richard:you, um, but uh, yeah, we met that way and anyway. So, yeah, god took beauty from ashes to put a you know, a biblical spin on that. Yeah, crash and burn the first time, but there was a reason yeah, so uh, you guys spent some time in minnesota.
Joey:How about how long were you guys? Uh, you got married first uh, no, actually so you moved and then got married in minnesota. Yes, and then how long were you up there? Like four years, four years. And then you come back to miami not quite. We went to tampa first to tampa, that's right tampa for a little while, then back to miami, and then somebody's bugging you about coming to church. What's up with that?
Richard:yeah, my sister, uh. So we stayed with her and she had been talking to me about going to church for a long time, um, and we spent the night, um, while we're living in miami. And we woke up on sunday morning and she says, all right, let's go to go to church to Calvary Chapel, miami, and all we had was shorts. So she says I can't go. I mean I'm dressed like a bum. And she said, don't worry, we'll all go in shorts, everybody. No, I'm just kidding the family. They all went in shorts for our sake.
Richard:Oh man, that's amazing, and so we went and actually it was from that very first time that it's just what I was hearing. I was believing, I knew it was true and, yeah, I was convicted. And when the invitation was given whoever wants to receive the Lord stand up. And I stood up and I looked over and, thankfully, angeline was standing up too.
Joey:That's incredible. First time, first day, did you have any background with church or god?
Richard:or anything. I had been raised catholic. I'd gone to, you know, catechism sunday school while my parents were together. But when my dad started traveling a lot, um, I, I stopped going. You know, when I didn't have to, I didn't go um. And then when my parents broke up, even less um. So it wasn't until many years later that I started getting curious again. Like you know, there's something as an adult, as an adult, as an adult I was, and I would be talking to my sister who was um.
Joey:She had been saved many years before me she had been praying for me for a long time. That praying witness, there it is, yeah, and I bet she was praying for Angeline once you guys got married, praying for the both of you, yep. Wow, wow, that's amazing. I mean, angeline, what was your experience? You stood up. I mean, well, can I just backtrack?
Angeline:on some of the stories. So just real quick, a real neat story. So Richard and I were both accounting majors.
Angeline:And I think you already said it, but I was living in Broward, he was living in Dade. So even though we were together on the same course, we were parallel, so we would never have met.
Angeline:Gotcha peril, so we would never have met gotcha, and and it wasn't, it wasn't until that um, um, uh, faithful day that we have to retake that we met. So I was just reminded how it's so important for us to trust the lord. Yeah, because he has that specific person for us, if he wants us to get married, so we don't have to do. I've heard this teaching by other pastors you don't have to do anything, let the lord do it.
Angeline:You be faithful as a single person and then he'll bring you the spouse and and I just remember I had given up being in any relationship because I realized I had to focus on my school. I wanted to make sure I finished this degree you weren't even thinking about I was not. I mean prior to getting serious I was, but then I realized I can't do that I just have to focus, and that's when the lord brought him to me.
Joey:So anyway, just uh, yeah an encouragement to the singles out there listening yes, love it.
Angeline:Yes, don't rush until it's it's time, the lord knows. Um, so back, uh, so moving forward. So that day fast forward. Yeah, I remember I resisted wanting to go because my experience was when I was younger, looking at the cross. Jesus was on the cross. I remember looking at it and really being afraid and terrified by the sight was it more.
Joey:It was like very Catholic in the Philippines.
Angeline:I was in a oh yeah, the the majority of the people, if not all, are roman catholics gotcha so, um, I just remember looking at the image and I and I asked my mom, hey, who is that guy? What she knew. I mean she told me that's jesus christ. I'm like, okay, who is he what? But I had all these questions that she couldn't answer and then so with more questions came up. I just got more confused and then, without being answered, I just kind of assumed, okay, well, this is just, you know, it doesn't really mean anything. So I grew up thinking, well, it's just, it's nothing. And so when I was old enough not to attend church, I stopped. And so that day when we were invited, I just remember hearing a teaching and the Lord just like got to my heart right away and I couldn't believe it. Like this is what I wanted to hear, like I didn't want to hear it, but yet I needed it, you realized it.
Joey:You didn't realize it until it happened, or until you heard it, oh yeah. Yeah, man, that's amazing. I mean, tell us more about just those early days. I mean, I'm guessing you came back. You continued to come, continued to come.
Richard:I love this one story.
Richard:Where early days in Calvary Chapel. We live in Miami Shores and Calvary Chapel at the time was on 67th Avenue and Bird, so it's kind of a hike, it's like what do they call it?
Joey:Ludlum is the area Ludlum or near Westchester, kind of a long drive, a little bit.
Richard:Yeah, and being the accountant and the cost saver, after we had been attending for a while, I noticed that there was a Calvary Chapel near us, several blocks, and you noticed the gas bill and the gas bill kept getting higher and the wear and tear on the vehicle and the tolls, and the tolls.
Richard:Yep, yep. So I logically suggested that we maybe go there, because it's about the Lord, it's not the place. And we got a little resistance. I got a little resistance in the family and the both boys were in the car listening to us, you know talk wait, wait, okay, so pause.
Joey:So so you guys got no, no, no, that's okay, but but to to, to, to get where we're at in the timeline here. You guys got met. You guys came first, came to calvary chapel, uh, married, no kids, correct? So how old are the boys now when, when you're when this story happens.
Richard:Daniel's about. He just started sitting with the adult service, so he just graduated kids ministry, so he's sixth grade, so you were coming 10 years at this point. Yeah okay, see, that's a, that's interesting, that is wow.
Joey:I just realized yeah, yeah, we had been 10 11 years, so it wasn't like a few months and then you were looking for your church. This was your home church for a while. Yeah sorry, I fast forwarded a lot no, no, no, no, but, but it's interesting. I it's interesting and I don't know what to make of it yet because you know we're we're talking. This is all all new to me the time frame.
Joey:It's interesting that you can be in a church for so long and still have those questions or still have these considerations yeah, sure, and, and, and it's okay, okay, and, and there's folks listening that maybe maybe this is important for them.
Richard:So so you're 10, 11 years in your church and you're thinking maybe I need to change my church yeah, so you're going through this again and for those reasons and and I'll never forget, um, because that day it was on, it was on a sunday morning and daniel sat next to me in the front row um, we're sitting in. The church was really full at this point and the front row is very close to the state little church, yeah, in a splash zone.
Richard:Yeah, yeah, but we're sitting there and Pastor Raz starts teaching on the people. You know, after the kingdom was divided, that Rehoboam and Jeroboam and then Jeroboam. In order for the flock or Israel, not to travel to Jerusalem, he set up temples closer to them and, out of convenience, they ended up going astray and they ended up becoming into idolatry and Daniel. He nudges me and he says hey, dad, that's what we were just talking about. And I'm yeah, I guess we're staying in Calvary Chapel, miami. So Angeline had called Raz to do the teaching. No, she didn't what we were just talking about. And um, yeah, I guess we're staying in calvary chapel, miami.
Joey:So angeline had called raz to to do the teaching. No, she didn't I'm just kidding, I've that joke is to make the point that it was the lord he spoke clearly, loud and clearly, and and I've heard you share that story before as well were you sitting right there in the front row as well?
Angeline:I don't think so, because we were already serving in kids ministry.
Angeline:But I just remember we were having that conversation, that resistance he was talking about. I was telling him you know, how can we make an abrupt decision to just change church? If we're committed to serving you know, we at least need to fulfill our commitment and um. But also, you know, I I was just remembering how the israelites traveled in the wilderness for 40 years and their clothing were not worn out, their shoes were not worn out. So the lord provided. And so I said, yeah, we're making those long, but God will take care of our tires, god will take care of our finances, so we can afford to take care of things. But at the end of the day, I know, as a wife, I have to submit. So, yeah, if he decides we were to move, I'm going to submit.
Richard:Ultimately, yeah, a lot of pressure. Yeah, so thankfully, going to submit ultimately. Yeah, a lot of pressure, yeah, so thankfully that didn't happen. The Lord kept us here. He spoke loud and clear and even our son heard it, you know. So cool yeah.
Joey:Do you? I mean, it's kind of a silly question, but do you see the why? Now you know? Because you could still say, well, you know it would have been fine either way. Is there any? Can you elaborate on that? It's kind of a silly question, like because of everything that's happened, I don't know, but anything come to your heart, like man, like how important it was to stay or how meaningful or what would have been different, I don't know. Anything come to mind.
Richard:Definitely. Especially, today happens to mark the first day that I'm I don't want to use the word retired, but I'm going to use it anyway. But basically, as of today, I'm no longer overseeing or teaching in kids ministry. Now I'm just leading worship with the kids. So we've just transitioned and many people have come up just to thank me for my faithfulness or our faithfulness in the ministry and I realize I can't take credit for it because I was a dummy that wanted to go to another church, so I can't even take credit for it, because you were going to leave.
Richard:I was a dummy that wanted to go to another chair, so I can't even take credit for that. I was just enjoying the ride so much.
Joey:Most people say you know, at least I showed up, you weren't even going to show up.
Richard:I wasn't going to stop showing up if God hadn't spoken, that's hilarious yeah yeah. And still they had me overseeing kids' ministry for so long, so that's another miracle in itself.
Joey:Well, okay, interesting point. Did any of the leadership or the pastors know you were making this consideration or did you tell them after?
Richard:No, no, we're only in the discussion. Gotcha Again, just a long dry sad time.
Joey:So years later, people heard the story. We almost left what.
Richard:Yeah, wow, wow.
Joey:Yeah, and again, the credit goes to the Lord. The credit goes to the Lord, you know. This is why I wish I had somebody else, so we could just talk about you as if you weren't here, about your faithfulness, about your and your family I mean your sons for so many years served alongside you guys. And again, to really drive the point home, let's talk about kids ministry. For a while, you guys had an incredible tenure there, 15 plus years.
Richard:Yeah, that's so overseeing.
Angeline:Overseeing about 15, but we've been serving before 20 plus years, so about 20 years at least. Wow.
Joey:And you know. Do you remember when you were asked to oversee and lead the ministry? How?
Richard:was that? Clearly, george Vega. I even remember my first day as a teacher sitting. Well, actually I was sitting as a student just observing Swanee teach kids ministry. So blessed by that. And again we even started because thinking ahead and thinking logically, look, we want to teach our sons, we want to raise them up in the church, and so what better way than to learning by teaching other kids? Cool, yeah, I forgot where I was going.
Joey:I mean, that's a really interesting point. That's a really interesting point. I wonder if there's any families listening, if there's any dads, if there's any moms and they're thinking, man, I don't know how to talk to my kids, I don't know how to minister to my kids. Why don't you sign up for boot camp, you know, in a sense, and jump in and serve in children's ministry and get the exposure and the training of teaching kids? That's a very interesting. Um, it could be an answer to prayer. You know, it's like you don't know how, just dive, dive in, teach everybody's kid. Again, you're gonna get training, you're gonna get guidance. But you know, um, very, very interesting. Again, just who could be listening, lord? So?
Richard:yeah, oh yeah. And then george vague, after we had been serving for a while, he asked if we'd consider overseeing um, and I immediately said okay, uh, and jillian wanted to pray about it a little longer.
Joey:She's more spiritual hey, now it's reversed. You were, you were the uh, the the one, uh, the hesitant one.
Angeline:Yeah, that's funny yeah, how it's funny how the lord does pair up people perfectly, because you know when, when I'm like not the encouraging one, richard is, and then when he needs to be encouraged, I'm more in the strong part of that. But awesome.
Joey:So what was your hesitation?
Angeline:Well, I do. Actually, I just remembered. You know, overseeing kids ministry would require like a full time job per se, like you have to be there every weekend, every Wednesday. And you know, since the boys were still little, I wanted to enjoy a lot of outing, a lot of those last minute. Hey, let's go camping, let's do this, let's do that, and I knew that could stop it, or you know just affect it for sure.
Joey:I knew if the Lord was calling us to serve, and especially Richard being the husband and the one to ultimately make the decision, I had to just admit and kind of fast forward, and then we'll go back again Would you do it again, absolutely, absolutely, did you.
Joey:And again, I appreciate the honesty and the Lord will use it. It's kind of a two-part question Did the outings and all that you wanted to do with the kids get affected? And if it did, was it still worth it and did God kind of cover it in other ways? You know what I'm saying, because maybe, no, we got to do everything we wanted to anyways, or maybe, no, we didn't. But there was something greater.
Richard:You know it's a perfect illustration. We were talking a little while ago how important it is to talk about what God is doing. It just so happens the ministry that now we're starting, we're going into, is kind of an adventure-type ministry, which is exactly that. So, no, it didn't stop us. We still had gatherings, we still had kayak trips and stuff. We just had it with church, family. We invited people from church and, no, I am so thankful, so grateful that we did and included them, because it changed the whole dynamic of it, the whole focus of our time together now with family.
Richard:It wasn't like before. This was, you know, we're taking care of the kids. We're talking about even curriculum, kids' ministry, god's creation Isn't this amazing what he's created? And look at the oceans and the fish. And again, god took things that I love and he molded it. And actually, even now, this new chapter, this new page, it seems like God went into my brain and thought okay, if you could pick the ideal place you'd like to serve in, what would that be? My kids are grown now, he's in there, he's right in there. It involves the ocean, it involves camping and making fires and not getting yelled at.
Richard:And it looks like that's what's happening.
Joey:People can't see right now, but Angelina has been nodding the whole time. Anything you wanted to add?
Angeline:no, really really exciting. In this new chapter, the lord is is opening for us um, so I can't wait to see what he will do how how he's going to reveal it to us I want to come back to that.
Joey:You know we'll rewind and fast forward again, uh, because I I want to talk about and and I don't want to forget. So now you know here, kind of like live in the moment, I'm asking you guys to remind me. I want to come back to this and kind of end with talking about this transition a little bit, because I wonder if there's anyone listening that they're going to go through it. You know, or they're going to be moved or they're going to be transferred, whether it's in church or in work, or there's going to be something. It becomes part of your identity. They're the kids' ministry couple and whether you like it or not, it's just for so long it happens, it happens. So I want to come back to that. But there's a story that I wanted to, mrs Ang angeline, have you share about with with david. You know the lord, uh, you know kind of mother's intuition, the lord intervening that was amazing.
Angeline:Oh yes, so uh, when I was pregnant with david um I I remember, since I was three months pregnant with him, he was constantly moving in my belly uh now david's, your second, my second, son yes who is now 20, soon to be 21, but I just remembered waking up one day. One morning I was already full term 40, uh 40 plus weeks yeah, and Well, you said you were a couple days over actually, yeah, yeah.
Angeline:Exactly. So I just remember waking up and he wasn't moving and I thought that was really strange and so I called the doctor and the nurse said oh, just eat. And so I ate nothing. Okay, why don't you take a shower or take a bath? And you know, maybe the temperature, whatever, maybe some movement, but not a whole lot. So I finally went to be seen just to make sure the baby's okay, and I remember the nurse giving me a hard time afterwards because the baby's fine, the heartbeat, everything, there's no stress. And so she said you know you guys are just going to end up going home, you know you're wasting your time. And I said you know you guys are just going to end up going home, you know you're wasting your time. And I said well, I just want to make sure the doctor sees me. And so when the doctor came again, the baby was still fine.
Joey:But he asked me On the numbers at least.
Announcer:On the numbers yeah, he wasn't distressed and everything.
Angeline:The heartbeat's still good. But he asked me would I you? You know, since he's there and I'm there, would I like to go ahead and be induced? I said, sure, I. I think I want this baby out today. I just get this feeling.
Angeline:He needs to go out and so I remember um after being induced and the baby finally came out, um he actually was purple and the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he commented to us that had I waited, he may not have made it wow, and again, just on my side, we, if you remember, we had planned something for that day.
Richard:Um, we were going to some auction or something, and you insisted you know I think I need to go. So we canceled and, yeah, that nurse was giving her a hard time, just saying you're wasting Basically she didn't say it like this but you're wasting our time. You're going to be wasting the doctor's time, you know, and they're going to send you home. You're going to be here for hours and hours. Wow, david was born.
Richard:Born like within three hours of that happening, and and yeah, ready he was, ready he was ready and I saw, I saw his head and the doctor showed me and he was purple, and he showed me, as he unwrapped the umbilical cord, how he just got the pink you know back in his head you know it's.
Joey:It's so amazing I mean the when you have a good doctor. You know whether it's um, I don't know the term is ob. You know doctors that delivers babies, or any doctor. I mean you. You went through an incredible well, your arm or elbow broke or something, and I think you were treated very well I said were you treated well?
Joey:fantastic, okay. So, whether you have a good doctor, your bicep, whatever, and man, how it's like life and death, but they're just professional. You know the way you describe it is like, hey, watch this. He already knows what he's gonna do, he knows what's gonna happen, he knows what's going on. What a blessing, what a miracle. He teaches. Yeah, yeah, amazing. So you know. Just another testimony. You know I don't know if I had said this during the recording or before how man is like every day is a testimony to the lord. You know, we could just be talking about anything and it's just like man, the credit goes to the lord. Guys. You know I didn't warn you about this, but it's coming to my heart and my now and it's a little bit funny, it's a little bit kind of like high pressure, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Raising two boys, kids, ministry for decades, literally. Man. Do you have any tips, any bullet points for parents? I mean what? How do we do this?
Richard:stay as close to the lord as you possibly can. Um, that's, that's a secret. Um, yeah, because, yeah, you don't know what's going to come up, but in a body, um, you know, in the body of christ. I mean the people that attend, the people that you meet, the family that you make. They're such a source, they're such a treasure. So, yeah, people that you can struggle with, you can share your struggles with, and they really love you, they really pray for you, they really bless you and are there for you. I never found it anywhere except right here amen.
Angeline:Um, I would say use the bible as the manual book in raising them when you set rules, when they question why you say god says so, it's right here and you can actually show them and you can show them.
Angeline:You know, I didn't make the rules, god. This is what we have to do and as your parents, we're going to be held accountable. And I want the Lord to say I've done good in raising you. You're going to come to an age where you're going to have to make your own decision, but until then you need to listen and obey and I'm really thankful, like Richard was saying, to have a church family that supports you in this endeavor of raising a godly child, at least to walk in a godly way.
Angeline:I mean, at some point they're going to be having to make their own decision.
Joey:If you're listening right now, gentlemen.
Angeline:But it's so important to engage them in any venue that the church offers so when they were young enough, like after graduating kiddos, they could go to youth. They were going to youth. They were going to all the summer camps. Whether they wanted to or not, they were going. And then after that, I'm so thankful that the young adult became available just in time, did you homeschool?
Joey:I did yeah, okay, so okay so yeah, that was another funny thing.
Angeline:Uh, yes, some of the ladies, uh would would constantly come to me and say, hey, have you prayed about homeschooling? And I remember resisting that wow but uh, over time the lord did soften my heart and, uh, eventually pulled them out.
Joey:Yeah, the Lord did it yeah, you know, another story came to mind, just another testimony. Man, I wonder, do we have time? Let's do it, we're gonna do it quickly, but before that, because I'm all over the place. So we, you gave us their bullet points. Now, again, I, I really would ask you guys to really consider trying to trying to trying to have an answer for this, even though it might be, you know, you might feel bad or something, um, but it's important. What are the don'ts? What are the don'ts? You guys have seen kids, you've seen families, seen parents and I'm sure, all right in yourself, you go, I'm not doing that again. I'm sure you've seen something.
Richard:You go, I'm not doing that again, or nobody should do that the don'ts would be don't, don't listen too much, don't let your kids call the shots. That's a big don't um, because, as angeline was saying, we, um, we basically forced our children to come to church and especially, you know, serving in kids ministry.
Richard:They not they stayed for two services all the time. It just wasn't a question. No, that's what we're doing on Sunday and they didn't always like it, they didn't always enjoy it, but now they've thanked us for that. And again, coming to church is great, but I don't know, for me it wasn't enough. I had to be involved, um, and doing life, basically putting feet onto the scriptures, um, you know, doing life together and and that happens when you serve together, when you, you know, when you keep contacts outside, you know of the, just the church services so that you see the church family outside church as well and hang out and yeah, yeah, yeah and another don't is don't expect to always be comfortable, you know.
Richard:Don't expect for everything to always be convenient, because that's part of what serving is. It's what commitment is that?
Joey:that's how we show people we love them. Thank you, angelina.
Angeline:Any don'ts when it comes to raising kids so I'm gonna confess, as a mom with zeal to raise our children, my firstborn, unfortunately, he, kind of got the brunt of it. I was so strict because, you know, I wanted to follow you know, and and just not let my, my poor son breathe like no, you got to do this. I was super strict and, thank God, richard was the opposite. You know, he's more the relaxed, so together we balance each other. But just don't be so uptight. I mean, god has given all of us a certain character, you know, and the Bible says know the bent of your child. And so I was just so bent on doing it one way when really I needed to just listen to the Lord.
Announcer:You were trying to bend him the other way.
Angeline:Yeah, to try to make him kind of like the way I think he ought to be. But God had. He was built different, you know he was made different and so I did better. With my second one I kind of learned to relax and I can see the difference. But overall, because of my mistake I apologize I came to my son and I confessed Son, I'm so sorry and that's my recommendation. Nobody's perfect. We try our best and when we make mistakes, let's be honest with our children and ask for forgiveness.
Joey:I'm so glad you shared that and again, thank you for being transparent and I want to go on record saying both your boys are amazing. So I don't know how bad of a mistake it was, but I'll leave that between you and the Lord and the family. You know, Richard, this is the story I was thinking. I don't know if we have time for it, but we have to, because if somebody's listening with a careful ear they might say man, these people got saved. They're amazing. Parents amazing. Everything's good. The Lord never let the tires wear out. It sounds like they're millionaires. They've never had financial problems. Hires wore out. It sounds like they're millionaires. They've never had financial problems. You're not millionaires, but there's a testimony when it comes to finances, when it comes to putting it all on the line, that I know you wanted to share. So I want to give you an opportunity.
Richard:Yeah, Early on in our walk. I mean, this happened more than once, but I was transitioned out of jobs and so one particular time we were, we had just and that's.
Joey:you're not just trying to be polite, it was just a weird scenario where things were closing. It wasn't anything your fault.
Richard:Exactly, I was working for a company that was kind of voiceover internet protocol. It was like a new technology-ish and it just didn't work, and so I was getting let go. Okay, but just backing up a little bit, we had just started the process of getting a second mortgage. We need, we wanted, you know, a line of credit. And and now, you know, after we had signed the documents, all we were just waiting on was for the close.
Richard:I received the news that the company was closing down, and so we struggled, you know, I told my wife, my wife, and look, reading the contract, it does say that I need to tell them keep them, or actually we have to sign saying that nothing's changed. And so I don't feel comfortable about this. And we talked about logically, it's already a done deal. What are you doing? Maybe we should just stay quiet about this? And I was convicted Because I would sing songs to our sons and we prayed about it. But one particular song on one particular night I was singing Above All, and the song said above all treasures, above all wealth and treasures of the world, there's no way to measure what you're worth. And I was so convicted with that that I mean I just had to stop and say no, honey, I've got to tell them. I have to tell the bank.
Richard:There was resistance, but I told them and even the person I told got angry with me. He said so I guess you don't want this line of credit, are you kidding? We need it now more than ever. And he said well, you're not going to get it. I mean, you didn't have to tell me this. No, I do, and and we're christians, so I want to be totally honest. Anyway, um two weeks later, during the close or right before he called, called us back and he said I don't know how this happened, but the bank approved you anyway for the, you know, even though you're gonna have less income or whatever. He said I've never seen this happen. And I was just praise the lord, that's the lord. So it turned into a testimony. But it was a, it was challenging, it was a stretch you.
Joey:It was probably the boys resisting right now.
Angeline:No, no uh yeah, gosh, I'm looking, I'm sounding bad in this. No, no, I'm just kidding.
Joey:I was gonna say he said what I was thinking. You take turns in one situation and jaleen's kind of like how's the more faith? The other one, richard, no, no. And this time, if you're willing to share, no of course, Of course.
Angeline:No, this time I was the bad one. I was trying to tell him are you crazy? We need the money. This is the Lord just giving us opportunity to save. And then I remember him telling me how can the lord bless us if we're gonna lie about it?
Angeline:and I just I couldn't say anything like, but you were right, but I wanted to tell him, like, just be quiet. So, uh, yeah I. I remember he said let's pray, and I didn't want to pray, I was so mad, but then the lord proved me wrong later yeah, richard, again, just getting to the fine details of it again.
Joey:Whatever you're willing to share in that moment, if you can remember, did you feel that pressure from her? Was it hard or did you just have the lord just gave you a lot of faith to do it? Anyway, I had a husband. I mean, what was?
Richard:I. I did feel pressure right up until I was convicted, right up until like, once that song hit and like it just got me, the pressure was gone. It's like no, this good or bad, you know, whatever comes of this, that's not important. The important part is the testimony, it's the story.
Joey:Yeah, um so no, right up to that point yeah, I struggled, it was tough yeah, man, thank you again, thank you guys for sharing again these just snippets, you know, because, because we're all going to go through this, I mean, right, we're trying to cover your whole life in an hour, you know an hour or less, and and these are just moments that we're all going to go through, you know, finances, integrity, uh man, the safety of our kids, um, uh, trauma, I mean just incredible. So, that being said, we have to start to land the plane here, and so I want to talk about where you guys are at today. And again, just that idea of a major life move, a major transition in church, in life, uh man, I we've seen folks at least I've seen folks go through it and and they don't go through it. Well, you know, their, their identity is too wrapped up in one thing, or they're holding too tightly, or they haven't planned, or they haven't considered.
Angeline:So how's the Lord been helping you guys? What's been tough. What's the Lord done that gave us the opportunity and privilege to serve in kids' ministry, have prayed long and hard and are now also getting a sense from the Lord a new direction that we need to take, and so we trust that they were praying and it just so happens, we have been talking about a new direction, so really it was just the Lord confirming it all.
Angeline:And just again, like you said, our identity at the end of the day is not the ministry itself, but it's in Jesus Christ, and if he's leading us to go this way, that's where we have to go. Amen.
Richard:And I just have to share, yesterday, our devotion. I was reading in 2 Samuel, I believe, when David had just heard that Absalom was dead and he just agreed so bad that it dishonored his men, the people that had risked their lives to protect him. Joab confronted him and said it's like your app.
Joey:your son would have lived and all these, all of us, would have died and and in that context, in case people don't know the bible story his son was a wicked person. Yeah, I mean, he had killed, he had done horrible things and not that you know now we're getting. But, but in the context of the justice, of the situation, he he basically earned a death penalty, he was being pursued, he needed to be stopped, he was evil. And so that's the situation he he basically earned a death penalty, he was being pursued, he needed to be stopped, he was evil, and so that's the situation.
Richard:That that absalom, yeah, yeah, yeah and what david I think was guilty of there is that he he was showing too much grief, um, and that's. That's something we got to watch out for, something I got to watch out for, like when we hold on to things too tightly.
Richard:Um, I read something, I forget even who wrote it, but, um, when we're overcome in tragedy or sorrow, the problem is not what we know, it's what we've forgotten. Um, and so, to remember, in those times, god has been so faithful. Um, and it's not like he's. He stopped like, oh, I'm I use the word retired earlier and I did not mean that I was joking. He's turning the page.
Joey:Well, some police officers, they'll retire from one police department and then go to another one and get two retirements.
Richard:So maybe that's what you're doing. Oh, there you go. Well, no, I'm just turning the page. Just saying we're children of God before anything else, before any ministry we're associated with, and we just got to keep trusting him like a good child, amen. Hey, sounds like you learned something in children's ministry Just this morning.
Joey:Guys, I can't thank you enough for coming. Is there anything, any thought that you know you're kind of like still stuck in your mind that you didn't get to share? Last word of encouragement, I mean again, we could be here just so much the lord has done.
Richard:Yeah, it's so many stories, I'm just so thankful um I just want to encourage people who are listening to to stay faithful, stay close to god, um, trust him, um. And I'm saying that to myself now too, because, as much as I don't want it to be weird, it's weird, you know, leaving a ministry.
Angeline:You've been serving him for so long, um, but again it, I can't wait to see what he's going to do cool, awesome and I just want to share um proverbs 3, 5 and 6, where it says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and he shall direct your paths.
Joey:Amen. May the Lord encourage you and strengthen you. May the testimony of Richard and Angeline just fill you with faith for what God has called you to and for what God is allowing you to go through Grace and peace.
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