Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
Women and Suffering: Embracing Resilience and Love in the Face of Pain
Have you ever considered the weight of suffering and who carries it more profoundly, men or women? Our latest episode delves into this delicate subject, weaving a narrative of personal tales and spiritual insight that speaks to the heart of human endurance. as well as callers, including John from FIU, who shares the visceral reality of childbirth pain and its impact on his perspective of women's suffering. Through these conversations, we're reminded of the deep-seated resilience embedded within us, especially in mothers, and the spiritual companionship that offers solace amidst trials.
As we share a prayer for the alleviation of suffering, we also celebrate the emotional strength that family life bestows. A soon-to-be mother of four opens up about her journey, casting light on the emotional and physical fortitude that comes with motherhood. A child's interpretation of Jesus's love and sacrifice touches on the purity of faith that even in our darkest moments, guides us toward hope.
In the second half of our program we're joined in studio by Tatiana Pino and Lisa Lorenzo. Lisa is the host of the "Faith with Friends" podcast. Make sure to check it out! <https://www.instagram.com/faithwithfriends_podcast/>
You're tuned in to Friends and Family, a God's Way radio exclusive where we introduce you to some amazing people. In John, chapter 15, verse 15, jesus says I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. That's our aim that God would be made known to you. Stay with us until the end of our conversation for more information on this program and other unique offerings from God's Way Radio 786-313-3115.
Razz:That's the phone number into the studio. We're going to start our subject on the table today. We've got a special day planned for you, and so I want you to answer me what do you think? Who suffers the most? Do men suffer the most, or do women suffer the most? Is there such a thing as suffering in men? Is there such a thing as suffering in the ladies and women? That's our subject. We're going to be thinking about talking about suffering today, especially in women. But 786-313-3115, we want you start us off. We'll be right back. I got a call already, man, that's what I'm talking about. You're my strength, jesus, you're my shield. Hey, this is Life for Jesus. It's a call-in program, text-in program. Let's go to our first call Coral Gables. Hey, coral Gables, good morning to you. So glad to get your call. How are you doing this morning?
Caller:Good morning, Pastor Raz. How are you? I'm good On my way to Delicias, España.
Razz:All right, All right, Right. Bible study happening there right.
Caller:Absolutely, sir. All guys are welcome. Delicia, españa, on Bird Road and 74th Avenue, if you guys are interested.
Razz:All right. And what's the subject today? Where are you guys in?
Caller:We're continuing a study. It's a very interesting study the different relationships or impacts on people's lives of interacting with Jesus. We went through the rich young ruler, we went through Nicodemus and now I think we're going to another situation Pontius Pilate maybe, I think is the study this morning. So it's the interaction of people once they meet the Savior and how their life changed or their impact on their life.
Razz:You know, I like that.
Caller:So that's, I think, what the study. Yeah, it's a good study.
Razz:I like that, you know, and it's in line. It's in line with our subject today. We're talking about suffering. Today, you know, suffering in men, suffering in women, and it's true that when you meet Jesus, well, I could throw this question out there Do we suffer, does suffering stop, or do we get a better handle to deal with it? I don't know what Coral Gables thinks.
Caller:You got the mic, Better handle to deal with it. Suffering doesn't stop. Jesus promised us that we would have difficulty. Just like Johnny said right before your program started, we will have difficulty in this life. And in relationship to your question, from my generation, Raz your generation I would tend to say that the women suffered a lot more than the men, and I think it was probably just a situational thing from the era that we came from, where they were responsible for a number of different things, not only theoretically theoretically caring for the house, caring for the children, caring for their husbands, multiple job demands, multiple requirements on their time and efforts, and so I saw a lot of women from our generation go through a lot of difficulties balancing things. Now, from my son's generation, now, I don't know.
Caller:I got to tell you I got to tell you we're not going to go there.
Razz:That's a different program. Oh, that's a different program. But you know I appreciate Cork Gables. You definitely getting us started with a thorough perspective. You know introspection, you know looking within. You know what you saw in your generation looking without. I really appreciate it. I pray you guys have a great Bible study and let's see where the Lord takes us here at Life for Jesus today. I appreciate you and Leslie, dear to my heart, have a great day.
Caller:You got it, brother.
Razz:Thank you God bless you, bye-bye, 786-313-3115. Who's going to call next? Hey, I think I got Richmond Heights. It is God's Way Radio, monday through Thursday, 7.04, right here. Live for Jesus. Today we're going to be tackling suffering in women. But to get us started, who suffers most? Men suffer most or women suffer most? We're taking a little survey here. So far we got one for one and they say that you know what women suffer most. Hey, I can't. I can't take the suspense. Let's go to richmond heights. Hey, good morning, richmond heights. Your life for jesus. This morning it's 7, 11. How you doing this morning.
Caller:Good morning. In the morning I am doing well.
Razz:Great to hear, great to hear. So what column do I put you under? Do men suffer most or do women suffer most?
Caller:Well, since we're talking about the things of God and this is not a early station, I have to go spiritual. And I'm caught in the middle because if I go natural, I would say, oh my God, do women have the baby? No, I can't go natural, I have to go spiritual. And I'm caught in between because of the fact that we're going to suffer some hardship and we have to do it as a good soldier. But I want to go to the point of suffering without Christ soldier. But I want to go to the point of suffering without Christ.
Caller:And if you going through without Christ, men and women alike is going to suffer equally because you don't have the things of God in your life. So I'm going to go that route which, in fact, is without Christ. You're going to do a level of suffering and once you realize that you don't supposed to do this without Christ, you're still going to suffer. Now, suffering you're going to do, but you have to do it in God. Man and women In God suffer the things of Christ, because the sun shine on the rich, the sun shine on the poor, the sun shine on the just as well as the unjust. However, we want God to be that buffer for us. We want to suffer in Christ with tears in our eyes, heart full of pain and joy at the same time. Wow, with God is different. This is a great subject and we can go on, but I know them lines are busy trying to get their input in.
Razz:Yeah, you know I'm encouraged today by the Live for Jesus listening family. I mean, I got somebody on the line already. The lines are full and we haven't even gotten started. We got special guests coming in at 730. We got a social worker lined up to call us at 8 o'clock in the morning.
Razz:I mean this is going to be today an opportunity not just to learn on the subject hey, pray with me, richmond Heights that whoever's listening and they're suffering in pain, today would be a day of a balm and Gilead. It would be a day of healing, it would be a day of hope, it would be a day of restoration. And going in line with what you said, richmond Heights which, by the way, you made me add another column, you know you put me to work this morning. I had who suffers most, men or women, and then you say, well, without Christ, they both do. So I'm going to put you in the column for both. They both suffer the same without Christ. So you put me to work, but that's okay, you can redeem yourself by a quick, mission impossible prayer Whenever you're ready. You got the mic.
Caller:Father, God, we thank you God. Now, God, we embrace the suffering that you put on us, because we know God at the end and at the beginning and in the middle. It's all good because it's all God In Jesus' name amen.
Razz:Thank you, you have a great day.
Caller:Have a great one too. Bye-bye 786-313-3115.
Razz:I got an open line. I don't know for how long you better get in. Who suffers the most? Men, women, I got to call them. Both suffer the same without Christ. What do you say Now? Don't just copy somebody that called before you. I want to know what you think. I want to know your heart. Today we're going to discuss the subject here in Life for Jesus. By the way, monday through Thursdays we're here 7.04 in the morning, suffering in Woman, but right now let's go to the phone lines. Hey, good morning. Your Life for Jesus. And you're number three. What area of town are you calling from?
Caller:Good morning, Pastor Ross. I'm calling from.
Razz:Bentree. You know I always love to have Bent Tree checking in, so what do you have to say this morning, ben Tree?
Caller:Well, first of all, thank you. Thank you for the show and for the opportunity to just become part of the body of Christ through this method. Alright, very thankful for that, thank you. You know, when we look at natural disasters, diseases, things of nature that happen, you know there is a discrimination between the rich and the poor and between the sexes. The plane's going to go down, it's going to go down, it's going to take everyone right. That's just the way it is.
Caller:So I think that suffering, we are in a broken world, so we can expect to suffer, but the good thing, the joy and the greatest hope is that we had Jesus. Jesus, you know, free. We have the gift of that to save us and to focus us on an eternal eternity. You know what's in the future, so we should think about that with hope and joy, because we're going to spend a long time there. Okay, it's not a. Having said that, you know society has lost its identity. We are in a crisis, an identity crisis. I don't mean to be politically incorrect, I really don't care. I want to say it. We suffer an identity crisis where men and women are being confused. Men and women are being confused, but then again it just goes back to focusing on the greatest gift, which is the living Christ, and so I think we just need to cowboy up and cowgirl up, grow up and move forward with hope and joy of what's to come for us in Christ Ben Tree.
Razz:I got to say that you covered a lot of ground but you're leaving us at the point of hope and at a point of man. It's difficult. You know I'm kind of torn because I know you're speaking to the body. I'm also thinking of that person that may be listening right now and they're getting beaten. You know they're getting beaten. There's an overpowering how would you say it person in their life and they're trapped. They're trapped, but I like what you're saying. You know what we have hope in Jesus. I think I'm going to put you on the column of both. I think what you're saying, especially from a natural disasters perspective, both suffer.
Razz:Ben Tree, thank you so much for your call and thank you for being a part of Life for Jesus. Okay, god bless. God bless you. Thank you. 786-313-3115. You could get in on this. Who suffers the most? Men, women, what do you have to say? 786-313-3115. I got Pembroke Pints on the line. I got an open line. I got text messages that could come in. Please, please, give me a call. Hey, I can't believe it. Today, man, you people are really jumping in here. Pembroke Pines, we're on the line. I got somebody else. It's 718. You're listening to God's Way Radio.
Caller:Pembroke Pines, you got the mic. Yeah, I'm going to have to fall in the double you know both columns because Jesus said that in this world you're going to have tribulation, but I have overcome and I will give you peace to make it through. I just want to read. I just want to read from Daniel um, chapter 3, 23, and I'm going to just go down. Okay, so these guys, uh, were ordered to um. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were ordered to bow down when they played music or something like that. They had to worship some. Okay, so here's the story. Here's the end of the story.
Razz:I think you could appreciate this From our generation. It's like the family stone. They had to dance to the music. Yes, anyway.
Lisa:I'm sorry I digressed there but it's your fault, I blame you. That's a way different direction.
Razz:I blame you, pembroke Pines, but quickly go ahead. Please read 3.23, Daniel.
Caller:So Shadrach, meshach and Abednego were securely tied and fell into the roaring flames. But suddenly Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and exclaimed to the advisors Didn't we tie up three men and throw them into the furnace? Yes, your majesty, we certainly did. They replied. Look. Nebuchadnezzar shouted I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire, unarmed, and the fourth looks like God, the fire, unarmed, and the fourth looks like God. And then Nebuchadnezzar came as close as he could to the door of the flaming furnace and he shouted Shadrach, meshach, abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out of there, come here. So this is what our pastor said this weekend about suffering that God, these guys loved suffering because they were so close to Jesus. They had to be ordered to come out of suffering. They had to be ordered, they had to be commanded come out of the suffering.
Caller:Because they were so close.
Razz:God bless you no no, wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute wait a minute.
Razz:I just got to. I got to know you that are holding on on the line. Please hold on. I also have to open the door. No, no, wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I just got to. I got to know you that are holding on on the line. Please hold on. I also have to open the door. I have somebody our guest at the door. It's 721. You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is the program Life for Jesus, monday through Thursday 704.
Razz:The subject today is suffering in women. Man, what you're saying is Pembroke Pines. I don't think you even know the challenge of what you're saying. If I'm hearing you correctly, you're saying that for me to come out of suffering, I can't wish myself out of it, I can't push myself out of it. I need divine intervention. It's like suffering gets to a point sometimes that not even the king of Babylon I mean, if you're talking about that, that was like the power and he says guys, come out, your suffering is so intense. I, with all my power, all my money, all my influence, all my intelligence, I can't break the chain of suffering. We need God. Pembroke Pines, I don't think you knew that you were going in that route. I don't know.
Caller:Correct me if I'm wrong, but Well, I mean, god does amazing things, but we can't put them in a box, that's for sure.
Razz:Thank you so much, god bless you God bless you.
Caller:Jesus, you can have all this world.
Razz:Hey, I got to open the door. I got somebody on the line. Please hold on, I'll be right with you. You're listening to Life for Jesus. This is going to be exciting today. We have two guests on the way to the studio. One guest has arrived already. We have a social worker going to call us at eight o'clock this morning, or we're going to call them.
Razz:The subject this morning is suffering in women. I have two people that voted, three people that voted on. Both suffer the same. I have one that voted. Men suffer the most. I have two that voted women suffer the most. But here's the question. Here's the question what does this statistic say the most? But here's the question. Here's the question what does this statistic say? What does life say? Who suffers the most? Well, let's get in on this call here. We have a call coming up. Hey, good morning, you're live for Jesus and we have to hear from you. First of all, what column do I put you under? Who suffers the most? Do men suffer the most? Do women suffer the most? Or what do you have to say? Do men suffer the most? Do women suffer the most?
Caller:Or what do you have to say? Am I on? This is John from FIU.
Razz:John FIU, you're on. You know, like the lawyer guy says, you're as live as life can be.
Caller:All right, I was on hold. I wasn't sure. Okay, well, I got to tell you. My first gut feeling at first was I was going to women because you know I have four kids and I was there for all four births and I never suffered through the pain that my wife went through Not like the wife suffered, that's for sure.
Razz:I'm glad you're being honest, otherwise you'd be in trouble.
Caller:Yeah, exactly. So if I didn't say that I'd be in big trouble. You're right. But I gotta say, you know, when I start really looking at what the Bible says, you know, in Luke 9, 23 says we're called to pick up our cross daily and really what we're called to be is first responders for Jesus. You know, we're called to put on the Word of God, which is like our fire suit. We're called to go into the fire. We're called, called to head. You know, to take suffering head-on, but not alone. We're called to take it head-on with jesus and we're called to be those first responders, you know. So I think it's it's a little bit different for a christian because you know, like, like the uh, I forgot which color said it that the color said, hey, we're, we're gonna suffer.
Razz:Jesus said it fiu, let me, let me interrupt here a second. I'm getting I got another call on the line, but let me say I like no, wait, wait, I like what you're saying. What you're saying is, in a sense, we got to deal with the subject of suffering, but god has provided solutions in the believers. In other words, that christians need to do more than just sit in a pew and go to church. They need to identify the suffering around us and then see how can we address it. Anointed by the power of God, but let me say something Finally. What column do I put you under? Because I'm not going to let you get off that easy. You got to put your vote.
Caller:Well, I got to say, at least in my life I've seen the women in my life suffer more than the men in my life. I got to say, at least in my life I've seen the women in my life suffer more than the men in my life. I got to say, fortunately, in my life I've been surrounded with men that have helped to hold up those women. But they've gone through so much and worked so hard and gone through so much physically, I would say spiritually, probably mentally, equal opportunity suffering. But I would say, physically, at least in my life I've seen the women in my life suffer more.
Razz:Okay, so that means that we got three for women. We got three for both those people that put both I don't know if they were just being spiritual, biblical or trying to take an easy way route noncommittal. But for the subject today, so far we only have one that said that men suffer the most. The other say women suffer the most. Hey, fiu, thank you so much for your call. God bless you. And what station are you listening to?
Caller:Oh man, god's Way Radio every day.
Razz:Okay, you got that right. Thank you so much. God bless you. Thank you. Hey, you're listening to God's Way Radio. This is Life for Jesus. We have our guest in the studio. This is going to be exciting this morning. Who suffers the most? Our subject today is suffering in women. How do we deal with it? How do we respond to it? How do we provide intervention? I have Miami Shores on the line going to Pequeña, havana. Hey, miami Shores, how are you this morning?
Caller:I'm doing well. Good morning. I'll keep it short because I can't wait to hear who you have in the station and before I give you an answer, I think the one who suffers most is the one who loves the most.
Razz:Wow, wait a minute, we're not going to let you get off that easy. That's pretty amazing what you're saying, because there's generalities, there's statistics that show, but what you're saying is the one that loves the most suffers the most. Now I've got to ask you a question. Isn't it true that sometimes, especially when you think about moms, I mean, I mean, that's love but isn't it true that moms have a special ability to love?
Caller:That's who I had in mind.
Razz:Uh-oh, the Holy Spirit's getting ahead of us. Let me not say anything. Miami Shores, you got the mic.
Caller:Yes, I better just vote because otherwise I'm going to just. But yeah, I think women, especially in my life and my experience, there's no competition. Women suffer more. I don't know, they're built different. Actually, I heard a wise pastor share a teaching that women are, they're just, they have an ability to feel more than men. In fact, I love an illustration that he gave once when God created Eve out of Adam's side. You know, when Adam woke up he said you know what I feel? I feel, wait, I don't feel.
Razz:Once that rip came out, men were kind of like a lot different.
Razz:I laugh. I hate to admit it. I have two ladies in the studio. I could get in trouble. But it's true that sometimes men they're like this, like the mind is gone, they're not down to earth, they don't realize all the ramifications of a circumstance, a situation. I know my wife, now with the Lord, she sometimes had that ability that I didn't have. Yeah, so Miami Shores. So I put your vote for women. Anything else? You want to say Closing statements? Or if you want to say a Mission Impossible prayer, five, ten seconds, you got the mic closing statements or, if you want to say, a mission impossible prayer five, 10 seconds.
Caller:You got the mic. Lord, I thank you for the way you made us. And, lord, even though the more we love sometimes, the more we hurt, you're calling us to love, so let us do it, let us love with all our might, in Jesus name, amen.
Razz:Now think, though, my brother, you're one of those exceptions. There are men that are exceptional, that they do have the ability of. I don't know if maybe they've been close to Eve enough. You know, you, in your case, Angeline, that hey, anyway, enough said. God bless you. I love you. God bless you. Hey, you're listening to God's Way radio. This is the program life for jesus. It's 7 29. I'm pressed with time here. I gotta get two headphones out. I got the the mic on, I got the studio on, I got the controls out, but I got one call. I gotta get this call. Hey, good morning, you're life for jesus, hello hi how are you?
Razz:good hey, you're seven old and I can't wait to hear what you have to say about this subject. Who suffers the most, your brothers or you, as the sister?
Caller:I think it's women mostly.
Razz:You are a little bit ahead of your time. I don't know how this is happening. I don't know if it's your mother's influence in you. But go ahead, continue. What else do you want to say?
Caller:Because my mom cries more than my dad.
Razz:Oh, you're very you're observant. I would agree with that. Your dad is a lot like his mom. You know they're very strong. Hey, anything else you want to say today, or you want to pray?
Caller:I'll pray.
Razz:Okay, whenever you're ready.
Caller:Lord, thank you for this day, thank you that this time you got to be with you, thank you that we got to sometimes suffer and you sometimes suffer, and I pray that we would soon be in your house. Amen.
Razz:Amen. You know your prayer was so insightful that we sometimes we have to suffer, and that God sometimes suffer. He suffered at the cross. Thank you so much for your call. You definitely earned a trip to Grandpa's house. We got some treats for you, okay.
Razz:Anybody else going to talk today?
Caller:Yes, okay.
Razz:Good morning, good morning. Good morning, Good morning. Hey, buddy, how are you? I saw a show yesterday with David and Goliath. I mean, David did a good job. Were you at that show? Yes. Yeah, yeah. What do you want to say today?
Caller:I wanted to say that women mostly suffer because they can have pregnancies more than one time. My mom is going to have four pregnancies.
Razz:Luke, you are an amazing kid. You're an amazing kid, that's right. You're focusing on pregnancy and that is a time of suffering for ladies, for sure. Anything else you want to say, or do you want to pray?
Caller:There's two more things I want to say, and then I want to pray.
Caller:But I think who suffers the most is Jesus.
Razz:You're right about that.
Caller:Yeah, because he loved us so much that he did that for us.
Razz:Wow, luke, luke, you got to go to Grandpa's house. You got two treats, okay.
Caller:Okay, and the second thing I wanted to say is you're the best driver.
Razz:Oh, thank you, Luke. I appreciate that. Who drives you to school today?
Razz:How's Dada driving today? Is he driving good?
Razz:All right, are you happy he's back home?
Razz:Did you miss him?
Caller:Yeah Can you miss him. Yeah, can I pray now?
Razz:Okay, sure, whenever you're ready.
Caller:God, pray for this day. Pray that everybody would stop suffering and we know that everybody suffers and that we would have a good day today. Amen.
Razz:Amen, amen. Anybody else that wants to talk? Yes. Okay, good morning. Good morning, good morning. Good morning. How are you big guy? I'm good. I went to a show yesterday. Somebody got a lot of trophies, huh. Yeah. That's very special.
Caller:Were you expecting them? Like, no, like the first one, I mean the last one not as much.
Razz:Wow, that means God has his hand on you. Huh, mm-hmm, keep it up, keep it up. What do you want to say this morning?
Caller:keep it up. What do you want to say this morning? I think ladies suffer the most because that they have just like bigger love and stuff and yeah.
Razz:That's so good. That's so good. Hey, anything else you want to say? Or do you want to pray? I'll pray. Okay, whenever you're ready.
Caller:Thank you for this time. I pray that we may have a good day and that you may do our will today. In Jesus' name, I pray amen.
Razz:Amen. Thank you for your call. I'm a person who wants to talk. Oh, wow good, this is a good treat, Good morning. Good morning.
Caller:Hey, good morning Pop. How are?
Razz:you doing, hey, doing great Better. Now it's not every day. We get senior pastor, missionary from Kenya, dad of three, four, on the oven, husband to a great wife. And what do you want to say this morning?
Caller:So in Kenya, pastor Ken Graves. He shared it was, I believe, maybe six sessions and he went through Genesis 1 through 3. Wow, and it's a master class on the beginning of the book of Genesis. So he was able to share biblically how women suffer more than men and some of the points he made was that God created women with big feelings and God created men with smaller feelings. God created men with bigger muscles, god created women with smaller muscles.
Caller:Generally speaking, you have a couple outliers out there, but look at the billions of human beings throughout history. General speaking, the ladies feel a lot more and the men feel a lot less and the men are made to protect, to care, to work hard, and that's our curse. And then, just for the sake of time, one of the other things he mentioned is you have the woman who Christ forgave and she's so grateful. She loves much, she forgives much, she washes Jesus with her tears and her hair. And Ken jokingly said many men are forgiven in Scripture. None of them come to wash Jesus' feet with their tears and their beards. None of them come to wash Jesus' feet with their tears and their beards. So you just see that women, they feel much more.
Caller:And when God separated Eve out of Adam. It says rib, but it's more so side how God took a being created in His image and he believes he tore him in half and he took all those feminine aspects of our God and then he put them in half. And he took all those feminine aspects of our God and then he put them in Eve and he left those masculine aspects, the fatherly aspects, in Adam. So, biblically speaking and looking at our world today, I do believe also that it's the ladies that suffer more and that's why, even more so, biblical men should be strong, should be wise, should be strong in the things of the Lord. That way we can protect not only the women within our own homes, but we can protect any ladies that God would bring into our care and in our circle.
Razz:Well, let me tell you you're at the right point here. We're actually six minutes behind schedule. I have the guests patiently waiting in the studio, but that's to say that your participation this morning is so welcome and you have the world's perspective, and the world goes in different directions. The statistics, they're in line with what you're saying, obviously not just from a biblical, foundational perspective, but just from the symptomatic expressions of the pain, the abuse, the suffering in women. Thank you so much for your call. You made your Heavenly Father proud, you made your earthly father very proud and if you want to close us in a quick prayer, man, we would welcome that Whenever you're ready. You got the mic.
Caller:Lord, we just pray that you'd help us to be men after your own heart and you'd help the ladies to be ladies after your own heart. Lord so you can see and bless the radio segment. Bless lisa, bless pop jesus name. We pray amen amen, amen.
Razz:Thank you, sir, love you okay, love you pop 786-313-3115.
Razz:I got somebody on the line. I'm gonna take the uh, what to say? The liberty that because you, you keep good count, you're going to forgive me. But I got to put everything on hold. I got to put some music. I have my guests sitting here in the studio. I got to set them up. I got to get some headphones there ready for them. So you're listening to God's Way Radio. This is the program live for Jesus. It's 737. We want to get you to heaven. Listen. The subject today is suffering in woman. What does the bible say about that? What do people that have gone through suffering say about that? And at eight o'clock we have a social worker that's going to call and give us some, some information. I tried to get a criminologist but I couldn't get it early enough. But listen, this program we're only just beginning. It's like I once was lost, but now I'm found.
Caller:Was blind, but now I see I do not deserve it. I'm too far from worth it. You're the only one who ever could be perfect. Every day I've all shone, but you still say I'm yours. What a beautiful night. You say, oh God, it's right on my head, it's just in my eyes, cause you came around, picked me off the ground, was lost, but now I'm found. Amazing is how she does something. I sit down and say I once was lost, but now I'm found Was blind, but now I see the magic that is in this house.
Razz:We've seen it all. It's right here. I once was lost, but now I'm sent, I'm better, but now I see we have West Miami, patiently waiting. West Miami, you get the prize today. I was in an activity you were there yesterday where the guys and the girls, the students, got some prizes, some trophies. Well, let's get to West Miami here. Good morning, good morning.
Caller:Good morning sir how are you, I'm well man, how are?
Razz:you. I'm going 1,000 miles per hour. They're actually stretching me. Today. I had to set up the headphones, I had to get the mic, we have our guests in the studio and quickly it's 7.40. We've got to get started. But before we continue, what does West Miami want to say?
Caller:Well, I guess the question is who suffers more? And I've got to tell you what came to my mind immediately is who's worth it suffering.
Razz:Leave it to the accountant to come from a different angle.
Caller:You know, when I get a cold it's like the plague. I am really bad. If you ask my wife, she's like oh, it's like a baby. When I get sick, I'm my every, you know I basically I break down and fall apart.
Razz:Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You're throwing a curveball at me. Are you saying that because men are worse at suffering, they suffer the most, or does?
Caller:the wife suffer saying when is this baby ever going to get it?
Razz:That's just I don't know, that's just me. I don't know where you're coming from, but identify yourself quickly here.
Caller:Meanwhile, let me tell you my wife, I I watched her go through. I think she was in labor I want to say 36 broke the 40 hours, and like she's still talking and all that, and and I'm like man, I'm gonna. You know, if I, if I experienced that pain for five minutes, I'd be like, all right, I'm out, I'm out, I'm out, I'm out yeah, yeah.
Razz:well listen, I don't mean to rush you, but I gotta rush you today. I got the two guests in the studio. We got to jump in on their participation, but before I let you go, west Miami, what do you want to say about the subject suffering in women?
Caller:You got the mic part of the fall of man. That was one thing that God was very specific to give the woman. She suffers, I think, more because she's got to deal with me first of all, but second, you know, pregnancy is a big deal and really they are so much more intimate and in tune with that arena that they take things more to heart and I think that that causes them to suffer more because they have so much more compassion At least my wife has so much more compassion than I do.
Razz:Amazing, amazing. Hey, good participation. I like that Intimate and in tune. That's good stuff. West Miami, west Miami. Thank you so much for your call. God bless you. And Sophia did good singing yesterday.
Caller:Yeah, yeah, yeah, she did. She did real well. She's listening, Baby, I love you, super proud of you.
Razz:Right. Did she get that from her mom or dad?
Caller:Definitely her mom. She did not get it from me.
Razz:You keep figures. I don't know about the tune. Hey, god bless you, man, I love you. Thank you All right, bye-bye. God's Way Radio 104.7 FM. You could also download the phone app. You go to Apple Android Store, you type in God's Way Radio, install the app and foie gata. Now you got the ministry. You could use it with you. Listen, we have our special guests in the studio today. They're ready to go. Let me say good morning to them. Let me get the things here set up. Hey, good morning, good morning. Can you speak a little bit closer to the mic? I don't know if I heard you. Good morning, okay, now we got you. So thank you so much for coming in. We have the other guests. You could also say good morning, good morning, thank you. Good to have you with us. And so you know I met you I mean how many years ago. And it's funny because in our first meeting it was associated with your story about your mom's bout with cancer.
Razz:And talk about suffering.
Lisa:Yes, exactly that was 28 years ago, Pastor Raz.
Razz:My goodness, I think that's one of the reasons that women also suffer better. They're better at keeping track of things you know us guys we forget, but good to have you. Good morning, good to have you in the studio. You're also the podcaster host for Faith and Friends. Faith with Friends Faith with Friends, and how long has that been going?
Lisa:That's been two years running.
Razz:Wow, so tell us a little bit about that. I know that it got started during COVID.
Lisa:It got started during COVID where my prayer group and I would go on Zoom and we would meet up to pray and encourage each other and read God's word and after every call we would all say we wish other people had this.
Lisa:I feel bad for the people that don't have a community of believers that can help them, and so the Lord just planted in my heart. I delayed a year, and then one day he told me I was listening to another podcast and he said they're not ashamed to talk about their stuff, but you're ashamed to talk about me. And so, november 11th, we started. We have almost 10,000 downloads.
Lisa:And it's just me and my friends who love the Lord, and we come to talk about Jesus.
Razz:So excellent, so excellent and so good to have you here in the studio this morning. And so, as you have Faith With Friends, that podcast, tell us a little bit of the results that you've seen. You know, here you have been faithful in getting the word of God out. You know planting the seeds and 10,000 downloads.
Lisa:I don't know how many continents you've been able to get response from, I want to say over 52. 52 continents, 52 countries. It's amazing. I'm always like who are these people? And I have to Google the country sometimes and look it up and say I don't even know where it is, because it just amazes me how God uses our obedience to reach people.
Razz:You know, our subject today is suffering in a woman, and so we're getting to know you as our guest and we're seeing how suffering will come. But it has a lot to do with what we do with that suffering.
Razz:And in your case, what you've done is you've taken your suffering and in return, what you've done is just get busy about spreading the word of God. So tell us a little bit about in the topics that you cover in your podcast. What kind of response have you seen from the listeners, the participants, the people that listen? Anything you want to say about that?
Lisa:Well, I mean, your friends are always going to support you, right? So you can't really trust them, to be honest, when you have a good show. But when you get a message from somebody on the other side of the world that says I'm going through a divorce and I was encouraged today, or you hear messages back, that's what's really encouraging.
Razz:Great. So now let's jump into the subject, and before we go on, I want to speak to our other guest, that's here today, my beautiful tatiana thank you for coming in this morning you know. Thank you for having how long have you been friends? 22 years 25 28, 28 oh yes, 28, yes, oh, yes, 28.
Tatiana:Yes because your mother yeah. We were already friends.
Razz:Excellent, excellent, and so your friendship kind of sparks around suffering, doesn't it?
Lisa:It sure does it. Sure does I have to tell this quick story. I met Tatiana at a political event Thanksgiving, and she overheard me telling somebody that I was going to be praying for my mom the next day and she got my phone number and called me and said I heard you praying for your mom, can I come? And I'll never forget that. And we ended up becoming friends. She was there for me through my mother's death and then I was able to be with her and her sisters when her mother passed away. But we really do.
Razz:Her mom and her dad passed away. Yes, but we really do.
Lisa:Her mom and her dad. Yeah, yes, exactly, but I remember her daughter. One day, tatiana was in the hospital and her daughter. I said, ale, tell me the truth. Did you read all of our messages? And she shook her head yes, and I go. Now. You know I'm weird and I remember her daughter. I'll never forget this said that I have a friendship as supportive and loving as my mom and you's friendship is wonderful, wonderful, yeah.
Razz:And so how does that? What do you attribute that friendship? But you were just at the right time at the right place. You know some people say, oh, we just, we just had the chemistry, the energy. Or can you, on this program, life for Jesus credit, maybe where friendships really come from, that address the sufferings that are going to come in life?
Tatiana:Absolutely. I think it's always a God thing. I think God orchestrates our friendships, our relationships, our lives, and because of that we're blessed. We're blessed that we have a Heavenly Father that just gives us a support group, whether it's church or outside of church, but he just gathers everyone that loves him together and those that are coming to know him. He just brings people alongside that can join in their journey and their walk with them 786-313-3115.
Razz:That's the phone number you can call. Thank you so much for that, because I got a belief. I prayed about the program. I'm sure you as well. One of the things I love about radio is like we're here, we see the mics, we see everything in front of us, but we don't see the people that are listening. We have no idea who.
Razz:By dovetailing on what you just said the design of God, that maybe somebody, maybe you just tune into this radio station, maybe you were channel surfing, maybe Alexa you gave Alexa an order and Alexa put God's Way Radio on there. Because, at the end of the day, god is ultimately in control. That you're suffering and you're hurting and you need a friend. And maybe you've been burnt by the friends of this world that come at you as long as they can get something from you, and then, when you're dry and you got no more to give and you need a friend, that's when they just drop you and they leave you and they go someplace else. So what you're saying is that God is in control, that no matter how much we're suffering, god will orchestrate the situations in our lives that someone can overhear. Somebody say man, I got a sick mom and I'm going to tend to her and that person, sparked by the spirit of God, would say you know, god is there in spirit, but I'm going to be a representation of God there, kind of like in body. You know, in the flesh, and you know sometimes I think Christians are very spiritual but they miss out, that they're late or they don't come at all.
Razz:But anyway, to get into the subject, that they're late or they don't come at all, but anyway, to get into the subject suffering in women, either one of you ladies, what would you have to say about that?
Razz:I know you've prepared, I know you've prayed. I've got to keep an eye on the clock here, because at 8 o'clock I'm going to call or a social worker is going to call just to give us that perspective of someone that works with families, and I don't know if they want to say their name or not. You know, lisa, we use your name because you got that podcast with Faith with Friends. I was going to have you remain in anonymity, but maybe in another program we would, because you know, sometimes we can't speak about our sufferings because it's too early. You know there's still too much going on. But it's amazing how sometimes you look at people and you have no idea what their life is or what they're going through. But, miss Lisa, to get us started, when it has to do with suffering in women, what would you have to say about that subject this morning?
Lisa:Well, I would say, if you think you're suffering today and you're the only one suffering, like you said, from the outside we all look like we're doing great but, everybody has burdens, everybody has some suffering in their lives and I think it's important to remember that God doesn't leave us, he doesn't forsake us.
Lisa:But sometimes when we're suffering, we feel the most alone because you're surrounded with sadness or darkness. I think of that scripture that says we go from glory to glory, and Tatiana and I always tease our cup is not half empty and it's not full. Our cup as believers overflows Because, at the end of the day, it's not because of the good times, it's because of the presence of God through times of real suffering and real pain, and we all have it.
Razz:I got to stop you a second. I hate to interrupt that thought, but that's explosive. I got to stop you a second.
Razz:I hate to interrupt that thought, but that's explosive. You know the world would say half full, half empty. You know, being negative, being positive, You're saying that there's another perspective as a follower of Jesus, and so for the person that's listening, that's suffering. Let me stop a second here and kind of like define suffering, An experience or something that's unpleasant, Suffering To be affected or subject to an illness, an ailment. They give the example right His daughter suffered from agoraphobia. You know there's so many sicknesses, there's so many diseases. You know people are afraid of leaving their house.
Razz:You know, they're confined to their house. But what you're saying is so important. You know my cup is half full, my cup is half empty. Repeat what did you say about overflow? I mean, expand a little bit on that, please, yeah our cup as believers overflows.
Lisa:We have access to every gift of the Spirit. We have access to God Himself through prayer. We have access to other believers that walk through life. So it's a decision that you make when you're suffering to reach out to a friend for help. We have a mutual friend, jeanette, who always talks about okay, but let's remove the emotion. Remove the emotion for a minute what's really happening. And sometimes it's just as simple as that, like Tatiana didn't call me back last night. Now I'm upset and I'm sad and now my mind is going crazy. But when I take the emotion away from it, what happened? Well, maybe she was cooking dinner and she forgot.
Lisa:Like, sometimes, women, our minds are busy all the time, most of us and so sometimes it's self-inflicted, self-inflicted suffering. And you know, all suffering comes from the fall, right, everything we're going through whether I'm hurt because I hurt myself, because of a bad decision, or somebody else hurt me, or it's sickness or death it's all from the fall. So the closer we get to Jesus, the less impact that suffering will have on us and then we can turn that suffering into growth and change in our lives to be and look more like Jesus.
Razz:I think we're going to take a little break. I think we're going to come back. I think I want to put some music and let that kind of like simmer, that all suffering comes from sin and that what you're saying and before I let you go on this thought here what you're saying is that in the midst of suffering, in the valley of suffering, in the valley of shadow of death, it's not the suffering that overpowers, it's not the suffering that's in control. What you're saying is that God is in control, but for God to be in control, what you're saying is there's some human responsibility of how I respond, how a woman, how you listening right now, how you would respond to suffering. You've got to come again with that, because that you know. Are you saying that I have some? Are you saying that I'm not powerless? Are you saying that a person that's suffering is not powerless? I mean, expand on that a little bit, please.
Lisa:I mean, I think we have access to prayer where we can process these things right. You can talk to God about it and I know it always changes the way that you feel, the way that you view things, when you go to God and say I'm really hurt because of this, having had cancer, having to process that before the Lord, am I going to be okay? Process that before the Lord, am I going to be okay? Am I going to live? Am I going to die? And we're all going to die. I have bad news for you. Like my pastor always says, 10 out of 10, we're all leaving, some of us earlier than we planned, but that suffering, taking it to God, even your childhood, whatever experiences you had, whatever traumas you've experienced, taking it to God, processing it to God and then asking him show me and teach me how I can grow through this.
Razz:We'll be right back. You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is Life for Jesus. Monday through Thursday, 7 or 4 in the morning, we're here. The subject today is suffering in women. We have two guests in the studio. You just said something about cancer, which means that you had cancer. You suffered through that. When we come back, we're going to talk a little bit more about that. Stay tuned, call somebody, tell them to tune in 104.7 FM God's Way Radio. Who stands in the fire beside me? He roars like a lion.
Caller:He bled as the lamb. He carries my healing in His hands. Jesus, there is a name I call in times of trouble. There is a song that comforts in the night. There is a voice that calms a storm that rages. He is Jesus. Jesus who walks on the waters, who speaks to the sea, who stands in the fire beside me. He roars like a lion. He lay as a lamb. He carries my healing in His hands. Jesus, messiah, my Savior, there is power in your name.
Caller:You're my rocket, my redeemer. There is power in your name, in your name.
Caller:You walk on the waters, you speak to the sea, you stand in the fire beside me.
Razz:You roar like a lion, you carry my healing in your hands, you walk on the waters, you speak to the sea. Hey, you're listening to Life for Jesus. Our program today is on suffering in women. We have two guests in the studio today. It's 7.58. In a few minutes we're going to speak to one of our social workers that we know and they're going to give us a little bit of information on suffering. But before we do that, let's get back to our guest. Ms Lisa, you mentioned something about cancer and one of the research notes that I got was that one of the things that contributes to suffering is illness. Here you have a healthy body, you have life, you have dreams, you have plans and all of a sudden you get this side block kind of crash that says, hey, your body's in trouble, so you were diagnosed with cancer.
Lisa:Yes, I was diagnosed with cancer at 39, and I have to say I'm what you call a reluctant ministry, because the Lord did, through that cancer, give me a ministry to other people that are sick. Through that cancer, give me a ministry to other people that are sick, but that's definitely not the ministry that I wanted or desired. But I can clearly see now that that is something that he had for me Because, as going through it, the Bible says you comfort those with my comfort that you've received. And so when you go through something like that and God carries you through and you completely lean in on him, then you're able to show others the way through it right. You're able to encourage others. And suffering is a beautiful thing because suffering usually will open people's heart and they're more willing to hear you, to pray with you. Somebody who doesn't want to hear about God with a diagnosis like that? The fear of God gets them, and now, all of a sudden, they're very open to whatever you want to talk to them about. It's beautiful.
Razz:So here you are, a mom, a wife, young kids you know, active, participant in our community, many friends, and they tell you have cancer To the person that's listening, how do you describe that suffering? I mean, what is the pain, what is the agony that comes in, what is the despair? Can you speak on that?
Lisa:Well, it's a wall of fear that hits you immediately and, all of the sudden, the Christian ease of I'm ready to go when you are Lord and you're confronted with I'm not going to be here for my kid's wedding. I'm not going to be here for my kid's wedding. I'm not going to be here for my kid's graduation. What's going to happen to me? And the enemy, the spiritual aspect, comes in and the enemy will whisper in your ear. You're going to die alone. You're going to be in pain, but that's where it's important to write God's word in your heart, because suffering is going to come If you're alive you're going to experience suffering.
Lisa:So, because suffering is going to come, if you're alive, you're going to experience suffering. So I would say now, if you're not suffering, write God's word in your heart, because that is your tool and your weapon to combat it.
Razz:We'll be back. We have a little bit of water there for you.
Razz:Thank you, shifting gears here. A second, tatiana. What would you have to say to the lady that maybe the statistics that I was looking at it's like one out of three women suffer and suffering a lot of times comes from a relationship with a person? You know a person. You know whether it be in the marriage category, whether you are not married. What would you say to the lady that's listening that right now she's suffering? She's suffering because of verbal abuse, because of physical abuse, because of emotional abuse.
Razz:First of all, maybe I should ask you, and both of you could answer is that a reality? Or is that just something that we see in the movies? Is it just something good for plays and drama and screen? Or is it a reality in our world that that woman that the statistics show they suffer most, they suffer most because there's an abusive male in their life that's just taking advantage? What do you have to say about that? Is that a reality in our world or not? I mean your experience, your friends, people that you know. Either one of you can speak on the subject. You got the mic.
Tatiana:Yes, well, obviously it is very real, and I just want to say that if there's anybody in a physical abuse you know, reach out to some kind of local organization that can help you of suffering. Absolutely the most important thing during my experience has been to draw near to God At first. You want to try to resolve it, you want to try to get some kind of advice or suggestions from your friends, and the suffering is so, especially when let me talk about rejection, suffering is so especially when let me talk about rejection Like that suffering of rejection in a relationship that just turns your life upside down, and it turns and it just makes your heart and you go through a lot of.
Tatiana:You go first through anger. You go first through, maybe, fear of losing the family, fear of losing everything that you've worked so hard, whether it's a long-term marriage or even a few years. You just pour all of your heart and all of your life into this one person and I'm speaking from that experience. And that really just breaks your heart. But God is close to the broken heart it says in the Bible.
Tatiana:So I turned to friends, I turned to family and ultimately God was the one who just kind of mended my heart. He mended my wounds. And there's going to be suffering and I've gone through not only relationship suffering but I've gone through physical suffering and again Jesus was there and he's the one who kind of just held me in his arms through that physical suffering and his word. And I remember, as I was just telling you that I remember Isel, your wife, giving me the Psalms, a little book just on the Psalms, and how, when we're suffering, our heart is broken, our life is turned upside down, whether it's a relationship, whether it's a physical, whether it's maybe even persecution. You know there's still persecution in this world.
Tatiana:So when we turn to the Psalms, when we turn to God's Word, it just helps us, give us that we're not alone, that we're not alone, that he never leaves us, that he never forsakes us, that when you're broken, come to me, because I am the healer. I heal the wounds of your broken heart, of your mind, of things of the past, and I can set you on a firm foundation when your foundation has been broken. So that is just so important and so necessary and so vital. Yeah, it's vital because we're going to go through suffering and I was just hearing I'm going to be a grandmother, yeah, this year, and I'm going to be a grandmother of a daughter, of a woman, of a, of a female, of a daughter, and I just can't and I think about you know, I want to prepare her heart.
Tatiana:From the beginning I've been praying for her even before she's born, because women do suffer more and we all suffer. We all suffer because God says there will be trouble in this. So I want to be preparing that young heart for those things that she's going to face. And her parents are going to give her a wonderful education, a wonderful home, things, and that's great. But suffering is going to come and when it does, I want to be that person that has built up that faith in her, that has shown her look, when there is suffering, there's one person you can turn to and that's Jesus.
Razz:You know there's so much to what you have said. You know you said you turned to God and then you said you turned to God's Word. And then you mentioned how Yissel gave you that little booklet on the Psalms. You know that for you, listening, maybe you think about the Bible and you see this book, 66 books actually compiled into one, and you say where do I start? And to be able to start in the middle, you know there's no coincidence that the book of Psalms is close to the middle of the Bible. It's kind of like the heart we were talking about it a little while ago how the Psalms are written by human beings that are going through sufferings and in their moment of suffering. Something else that you mentioned, tatiana, is man turn to God. You know, seek God, seek the Lord. You know, on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States during one year.
Razz:That equates to 10 million women and men. And, to make it more specific, one out of every four women experience severe intimate partner physical violence, you know? So we're here in one minute and praise God we got air conditioning. I don't know what you think, but I think these studios are. You know, this is like a work of God. How.
Razz:God put all of this together. But in our safety, welfare here, atmosphere, man, what does it say? Here, 20 people right now are being abused and going through suffering. I'm gonna play a little bit of music. I'm gonna be right back. We are gonna try to secure the phone call of a social worker just to continue to build on this subject that.
Razz:You know, it's not just a group of christians that got together. We're not just trying to have a subject for a radio program, but we're using a radio program to address a need and a subject in our society and hoping that God breathes life and response and throws what do they call that, that lifeline, to someone that's listening. Because one of the beautiful things about our guests in our studio is that you've been there, you've been through it and you've come through the other side. You know, and I can see Jesus in you. You know we're able to smile and laugh and so don't touch that dial, we're going to be right back. You're listening to God's Way Radio, live for Jesus. Monday through Thursday 7.04 in the morning. We'll be right back. I think I ran out of time so we can't do that. Let me see how I can do this. Give me a second here. Yes, oh, please Great.
Lisa:Tatiana, I just want to say one thing. This is why I love Tatiana number one Because, tatiana, you know it's easy for me to talk about cancer and suffering, because I survived cancer, right, tatiana? She talks about her relationship and the difficulties that she had. She was almost three years, almost completely homebound Sickness.
Razz:Yeah, she had sickness. Her health was totally impaired.
Lisa:Yes, but her marriage was not restored and we prayed for that, we trusted, we believed for that. But God had better plans for her, and so I think that's important to say, because it's very easy for people who've gone through suffering to sit on a radio station and saying but God is good. Well, tatiana didn't get what her heart's desire was, and yet God is good.
Razz:You know I got to address that because again as a pastor, I've been through it. I wish yours was the first one and the only one, and what. I mean by that is godly women that pray for a change in their husband or to be equal opportunity employers here. Godly men that pray for their wife to come around, and sometimes they don't, because God gives freedom to choose. You know, god gives freedom to choose. Are the prayers not answered? Yes, they are, but they're just answered beyond the scope of what we think. Right.
Razz:Because God is able to allow his son to go to the cross the death but then there's life, there's resurrection. You know, that's an amazing, but I like the fact that you bring that up. I got some music cued. You could continue to talk. I don't want to be rude. You know I'm listening but I'm not looking at you. But I'm also have to dial the, the social worker that we have online. But I would like either one of you to expound a little bit more on that to the person that's listening that maybe here's what they're saying.
Razz:Yeah, I did that. I did that god thing, I did that bible thing, I did that prayer thing. I did that Bible thing, I did that prayer thing and you know what? My life just fell apart. You know, I wrecked, I hit the wall and maybe you're still suffering because God has you listening right now, because there's more to the story that you need to know. So either one of you you could pick up there. What is it like when you pray and it doesn't look like your prayers are going to be answered the way you thought they were going to be answered? What is that like? How do you deal with that suffering?
Tatiana:Well, I think that, and I prayed for a very long time and I tried to make this marriage work. I saw many counselors, many Christian counselors. I did everything. But I just wonder, I think that sometimes, as Christians, we want to work, we want to write out how our story is going to end, and especially me, I'm such a, you know, I want everything to end beautifully, like a fairy tale, but you know, I just can't put my marriage or anything above Jesus and above what he desires for my life, and so much so. But in my experience, it was great because I continued to pray and although I saw it not going the direction that I wanted, I was just still. I was still and praying, and praying, and God opened the door where I just all I had to do was walk out. And many times I didn't, because I didn't have the courage to, because I didn't want to lose that family, I didn't want to lose those 30 years that I had built up, invested, invested, poured into.
Razz:You know it's interesting. You're saying God opened the door and you had to walk out, and again watching from the outside in how sometimes the Lord just takes us out.
Tatiana:The Lord leads you out, he opens the door and I was just quietly sitting, I was praying, and something, a couple of hours after I had been praying, that door just opened and I said, lord, I'm just going to walk through it because I just see your hand, I am grabbing onto you and you're leading, and he led me right out.
Razz:So it's interesting because, in summary, for the person that's suffering, you're bringing so many things to the table and one of them is that in your suffering, don't hold down just to your desired end for the story, exactly Because God is bigger. Hold on to God, let God write the story, let God take you in the direction that God wants to take you. And not that God is mean, not that God is violating anybody's opportunity, but I love God because the word of God says God will not contend with men forever. So sometimes God gives you an opportunity for you to repent, for you to respond. And again, I love radio because you never know who's listening. You never know who's listening and how God gives opportunity to repent and sometimes people don't, and so the opportunity that God had for you is past, but you can still repent. You can still repent and maybe re-engage in God doing a new work in your life, god doing a different work in your life.
Razz:I'm gonna call this guest that's holding on. Maybe, lisa and Tatiana, you guys can talk amongst each other and let the conversation, because this is a talk program, a talk show. But we have marriage, relationship suffering. We have health suffering. What happens when you suffer so much in a situation that now your health is affected. And now you realize man, on top of everything, I got this. What do I do here? Any way that you could answer or add to that?
Lisa:you got the mic hear any way that you could answer or add to that. You got the mic. Well, I can say that with tatiana, after three years of debilitating illness, I mean really I, really. I remember my friend told me you need to accept that she might not make it, and and I really it was. It was a really a hard time of suffering and I remember tatiana taught me through that what long suffering looks like. And I heard a pastor say once that long suffering is suffering until God changes things, because sometimes you cannot make the decision for yourself. And what happened with Tatiana was we ended up at a hospital in another city and Tatiana ended up not breathing and God just delivered her in one moment, delivered her from everything that was going on in her life, and I saw all the prayers of three years come together.
Lisa:And that's why I love the Bible, because it says she waited 40 years. She waited 30 years, you know, Moses did and all of a sudden, and I'm like how is that all of a sudden? We've been praying for three years, what do you mean? But it was all of a sudden. I saw God's hand deliver and heal and it was a beautiful thing and I'm so thankful that he did.
Razz:Yes, You're listening to Life for Jesus. The program today is Suffering in Women. We have guests in the studio. Lisa Tatiana, thank you for coming in. Thank you for being here. The studio, lisa Tatiana, thank you for coming in. Thank you for being here. You just mentioned something which is it's really radical how you wait and you wait and you pray, and you pray and you know, by God's grace, we had an opportunity of being part of that together. And you're thinking, man, this is not happening. And then the aspect of like, what's going on here. You know what's going on here Because a lot of it was unknown at the time, absolutely how God reveals things.
Razz:You know how God will not be mocked. But here's what I love about what you said and you got to repeat that it's like you're praying, you're praying and then all of a sudden you're saying that the breakthrough comes you know, the healing comes. I mean, what would you say to the person that's listening? That they're maybe about to give up. They're thinking nothing is ever going to happen. This is just my lot and, unfortunately, sometimes people they make a permanent decision for a temporary problem.
Razz:You know they take matter into their own hands. What would either one of you say about that? You know, quickly, if you could just answer that question, we'll get back to it. I think we have our guest holding on the line here, someone that you both know. But what would you say about that to the person that's thinking man, I'm just going to check out, I'm just going to slit my wrist, I'm going to take some pills, I'm going to just take a shot, blow my brains out.
Razz:Why would you say that's not the right decision?
Lisa:Well, you just said it. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It's all suffering. Your situation might not change, but God can change you. And if you're suffering, you're going through something. Know that God has a plan for your life If you're still alive. God has not revealed his complete plan for your life because if not, you wouldn't be here. So hold on, Hold on to Jesus, Seek help. If you're thinking about ending your life or this isn't worth it, then you definitely need to call a church, call a counselor. You need to find help. Today it's drastic like that, right? Don't go another day by yourself in your mind thinking these thoughts. Those thoughts are not of God. Those thoughts are of the enemy 786-286-7729, you could call.
Razz:Right now you could call that number. 786-286-pray P-R-A-Y 786, you could call. Right now you could call that number. 786-286-pray P-R-A-Y 786. You could call.
Tatiana:I just want to say when you feel hopeless, I thought about, I read this. I actually wrote this. It was in 2019. I have it here in my Bible. Please write in your Bible journal whatever you're suffering, because when you look back, you see how God, his mighty hand, at work in your Bible journal. Whatever yourself, because when you look back, you see how God, his mighty hand, at work in your life. So I wrote this in 2019. And this is exactly it says.
Tatiana:Reading this Psalm, this is exactly what I'm feeling. And it says in Psalm 143, verse four. It says so my spirit grows faint within me, my heart within me is dismayed. I just didn't have any words, even to pray. I just was so dismayed, so faint within me. I just I remember the days of long ago. But then it says I remember the days of long ago. I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. So then I think I ponder on God's faithfulness and that it says here your faithfulness, lord, preserved me, it preserves me, it gives me hope. It gives me hope because I saw God work in other times in my life and I thought about that. Well, he can do the same that he did even in the Bible. What he did for so many women in the Bible, he can do for me today, because he's the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Razz:Very good, very good. Thank you so much. You're listening to God's Way Radio. This is the program Life for Jesus. It's 819. No-transcript we got a few minutes left in the program today, but let's go to a guest here this morning. Let me see if I got this right. Good morning, are you there? Thank you for your patience, hello.
Caller:Yes, good morning, I'm here. Thank you for having me this morning.
Razz:Thank you for being with us. I know you're a social worker. I don't know if I want to get you in trouble at work or anything, so you could just speak as an undisclosed professional, but I thought I would have you on the program because you know for any, I think, sometimes Christians, they're not in tune with the world. Here you are you go from house to house, you deal from family to family, students in school. Is suffering in women something that's a reality from your professional experience and perspective?
Caller:It is, and I do want to say good morning to the guests. So good morning ladies. It's been a pleasure listening in this morning.
Razz:Hold on one second. Okay, now we got you. We got you. Okay, go ahead Continue. Thank you, thank you.
Caller:No, so again just wanted to say good morning to the guests that you have in the radio. It's just been very, it's been a pleasure just listening.
Caller:Thank you To all that the Lord is doing and how the Lord is using. But to answer your question, suffering in women in my purview, right in the area that I work in, I see it in young women, as you know, in mature women. So it's not an age situation. You know. Suffering comes in many different ways. In the current season that I'm in with work, I'm seeing a lot of suffering of moms, of children with special needs. Also, you know, dating back to the pandemic that seemed so long ago, but it wasn't Many women that experienced domestic violence when everyone was home. There was so much tension, changes in finances. You know a lot of needs that arose, both you know, physical, financial, emotional. So there is there's suffering in many, many different ways. But, going back to some of the things that the guest shared this morning, there is a difference when you're suffering in isolation than when you're suffering with the Lord and with godly people that he would put in your midst.
Razz:I hate to interrupt you. This is too good. What you're saying to the listener is if you're suffering, don't do it in isolation. You know you're thinking you're not worth anything, you're thinking nobody cares. But right now that's why you're here, that's why the guests are here, that's why the subject is being covered in the radio today that God does care, god wants to do something.
Razz:But let me ask you this question. So what you're saying is I need to get with God and I need to get to God's people. So that would be a yes or no question. But then here's the other question how do I get to God's people? Because sometimes I go to a church and everybody's screaming and jumping up and down and I'm thinking man, I didn't sign up for this, this is crazy, these people. And then you go to another church and it's like frozen chosen and there's nothing happening there but candles and incense. And so, ms Social Worker, which you give people help and you give them lists and resources. First question is how do I get to God's people? Should I get to God's people? And then the other question is how do I find God's people? You got the mic.
Caller:Yes, so you get to God's people by first being with God. And I think of, you know, going back to scripture, I think of of Hagar, um, you know she's a woman that you know, according to scripture, um, you know, did, did not know God intimately, you know, initially, Um, and she went through a situation where you know she was, she was forced into a situation that she didn't, she didn't choose. And here she is a single mom, and not only a single mom, but she was kicked out of her home and, you know, rejected and, you know, abandoned, yes, and sent into homelessness. And you know she was sitting, you know, under a tree and looking at her son from a distance and thinking, man, you know, I'm going to see my son die. And we're out here, isolated, you know, alone, and then the God who sees, because God, he sees us, he sees.
Razz:He sees suffering, amen.
Caller:And the God who sees approached her, you know, and sent her back, sent her back to that place where the suffering began, you know. So sometimes, you know, one of the guests you know shared that. You know, even as believers in the Lord, you know suffering is part of life. You know, jesus says it in this world. You're going to have trouble, but we're not to fear because he has overcome. You know, and at least the verse that the Lord has given me for this year, I believe, and you know John 10, 10,. You know that the enemy comes to steal, to kill and destroy, but Jesus has come to give us life, and life abundantly. So where do we find godly people, first spending that time with God, and then God will guide us to the people that he has handpicked for us to support us during those difficult times.
Razz:So love what you're saying, you know, because again, the world's perspective is take matters into your own hands. You know, get something done, do something, the Martha syndrome right, and then what you're saying is the Mary ointment, which is sit at the feet of Jesus and he'll guide you to the right place. I don't know if you have any closing statements. We have 825. Our time is just about done. I don't want to get into your work schedule. I so thank you for being here. We have such a diversified group here today and you bring the Dominican, you know, taste and flavor to it, which I'm so glad. But any closing statements that you might have, please?
Caller:please. So just focus, focus on the Lord. You know it's so cliche sometimes, but really in the Word of God, in in spending time in prayer, he does. He does speak to our hearts and he does calm our hearts. You know again.
Caller:You know speaking with moms that are suffering through having, you know, children with special needs and feeling isolated. The ones that sound and are able to rejoice are the ones that say but you know what? But God gave me this child. But you know what? But I trust that God is going to help me, so it goes back to you know what? But I trust that God is going to help me, so it goes back to you could be in a very difficult situation, but we do not have to be alone. We're not alone, but do we recognize that God is wanting to be in our midst? So many times? You know, there's that also, that behavior where you can push God away, but when you allow God to come in to a situation, he is faithful to work in and through it, and then he works in and through us in the process. So my encouragement would be no matter what situation you're in, seek the Lord. If your life is at risk, you need to find help immediately.
Caller:There are some situations where we need to flee, we need to flee.
Razz:So if there's a situation, where your life is at risk. Flee Run for your life.
Caller:You know, flee and hold on to the Lord, and God will put people in your midst that will help you through it, thank you. So I will just share that last verse that John 10 said. Yes, john 10 10, yes, you know that where the enemy has come to steal and kill and destroy, jesus has come to give life, and to give it abundantly. So may we just bask in in that word, and may the Lord bless you all and thank you for having me thank you.
Razz:Thank you for being here. You know you. You gave me a rhyme in suffering let God in, so that. So that's good. Thank you so much. We'll have you back sometime, okay, god bless you. Thank you.
Lisa:God bless you. Thank you so much Thank you Bye, bye, thank you.
Razz:Okay. So, ladies, we got to wrap it up. I'm going to give you like maybe one or two minutes. I see you got your Bible open, you. I can't thank you enough for being here today.
Razz:I like what our caller just stated, how she said, man, if you're in a dire situation, it could be life and death. You got bruises, you got blood, you got pain. Just get out of that situation. Forget about it in a sense. Oh, he's going to come around, he's going to get it. It's my fault, no, it's not your fault. It's abuse. It's what you call suffering, and there's a godly suffering, but then there's a demonic devil suffering that wants to destroy your life. Don't stand for that. You don't have to stand for that. But, ladies, back to you Suffering in women. I think it's been established. Statistics show women do suffer more. You know, and I like Pastor, senior Pastor Sack, how he brought that biblical perspective, which you can't deny it, bibl more. You know, and I like Pastor, senior Pastor Sack, how he brought that biblical perspective, which you can't deny it biblically, you can't deny it statistically, but in your closing statements, and we got to have you back. I hope you want to come back one day, you know.
Lisa:Oh yeah, we're coming back.
Caller:You can't get rid of us Good.
Lisa:So let me just say this Quickly the Bible tells us in Romans 5 that we don't only boast in God in hope of the glory of God, but also in the glory of suffering. Why? Why would I boast in suffering? It's because God has a purpose for suffering.
Lisa:He doesn't design all suffering, he doesn't send all suffering, but if you're suffering, he's allowed it, it's passed through his loving hands. And this is what God's word says that that suffering will produce in you if you get better, which is meaning closer to Jesus. Instead of bitter, it says it produces perseverance, character and hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into the heart through the Holy Spirit that he's given us, and then we have hope and we also have help.
Tatiana:Yes, I can testify to that. Amen. I love that. It's true. Suffering is never wasted in God's kingdom. So I lift up my eyes. It says in Psalm 121, I lift up my eyes to the mountains. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Women, men, anyone who's suffering, draw near to God. He's there. He's waiting with his open arms. He's our helper.
Razz:Amen. You know the scriptures say that weeping may last through a night, but joy will come in the morning. You've been part of God's Way Radio today. Life for Jesus. Monday through Thursday 7-4. I want to thank again my guests. Lisa Tatiana, thank you so much for coming. The undisclosed social worker I still want to say her name.
Lisa:Me too.
Razz:She is such a special, vibrant lady, and one of the things that we have in common today in this program is that our guests, they know suffering firsthand. It's not just something they read in a book or they saw in a movie, but they walk through the valley of suffering and here you are. The Lord is faithful to bring you through. So if the Lord has brought our guests through, the Lord can bring you through your suffering too. You just have to seek the Lord. I like that other scripture that says God brings beauty from ashes. Well, you're right now living in ashes, but God wants to bring you to beauty. So thank you so much for being a part of the program today. I'm going to wait that the well. Let's do this. I'm just going to go to our next program already in progress. This has been Life for Jesus, so that you can live for Jesus. Ladies, thank you so much for being here today.
Tatiana:Thank you. Thank you.
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