Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
The Transformative Call to Live in Jesus' Footsteps with Ken Graves
As the moral and spiritual compass of our nation appears to be spinning out of control, Pastor Ken Graves offers us a beacon of hope, revealing the power of faith in the midst of chaos.
Have you ever considered the delicate balance between waiting on the Lord's timing and taking proactive steps of faith? This intriguing quandary is at the heart of our dialogue with Pastor Ken Graves and Pastor Zak from Calvary Chapel. We share stories that illuminate the 'active waiting' dance and how embracing a childlike faith can profoundly influence our adult lives. Our conversation with callers adds another layer, challenging us to reflect on our responses to modern fears, and how they measure against our faith and trust in God.
The world cries out for attention, yet it's in servitude where true fulfillment is found—a concept Jesus exemplified and Pastor Ken Graves passionately echoes. This episode goes beyond mere talk, as we delve into the transformative impact of living for Jesus in every aspect of our lives, from confronting fears to choosing faith over conformity. It's a heartfelt invitation to join us on a journey of trust, humility, and active faith—a journey that promises to kindle the spirit and maybe, just maybe, steer us back to the heart of God.
You're tuned in to Friends and Family, a God's Way Radio exclusive where we introduce you to some amazing people. In John, chapter 15, verse 15, jesus says I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. That's our aim that God would be made known to you. Stay with us until the end of our conversation for more information on this program and other unique offerings from God's Way Radio.
Razz:We have Pastor Ken Grace with us in the studio this morning. Pastor Ken, good morning my brother.
Ken:Good morning, dear brother, and good morning everybody out there.
Razz:Good, so you know, you can call us 786-313-3115. You got a question, you need prayer. You got a short praise report. You can call us. You can text us. For those of you that maybe you can't call or you're kind of shy, we got something for you. You can text us 786-313-3115. Pastor Ken, I can't wait to just jump in here, but I can go on without saying good morning to Pastor Zach. It's good to have you here this morning. How are you doing, sir? Doing great pops. Good to be here, great, good to have you. Did you drive past the can safely? Not like your father. I hope I drive kind of crazy. You do? Yeah, not in front of you. I try to give you good testimony.
Ken:I've not experienced this.
Razz:And we I've not experienced this and we have under controls. Pastor Joey, good to have you this morning. Sir, good to be here, yeah, great. Now let's, let's, let's take off. First of all, ken, you've traveled extensively. You've been in ministry since a youth, um and uh, I just I'm just wondering, hey, what are the, what are the signs of what God is doing in the world today? And also, I'm wanting to hear from you what are the signs of what the world is doing without God today?
Ken:You know I can't speak much about the whole world. My world travel has been very limited, especially over the whole world. My world travel has been very limited and especially over the last decade it's been so much domestic travel. My burden has been so much for this nation and I guess one of the things that we have to acknowledge that is happening is that the world, the whole world, has been affected and it's being affected by America's turn from God, america's decline, and for more than two and a half centuries at least, this nation has been the most consequential nation on earth and now it has rapidly become among the least consequential on earth and that's affecting everything.
Ken:Sort of the power vacuum created by America's departure from significant events in the world has caused tyrants to seize the opportunity, move their assets and play their games. It's an interesting thing to watch. So it has been again to me. America's decline is the direct result of america's backsliding and that decline has in a in a weird way accelerated. Uh, you know, prophetic themes, all of those things that we've wondered for so long about. Why is? Why is america absent, or seemingly absent, in bible prophecy and events like Magog invasion, you know?
Ken:all of that stuff, and now, all of a sudden, we don't have to ask that question.
Tiffany:Now we have the answers to it.
Ken:So it seems to me like what's happening in the world and America's decline has accelerated all of those things. And now we find ourselves remembering the words of our Savior about man when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth? It was like an open-ended sort of question from him, the indication that there would be widespread apostasy. But at the same time there's that going on here, the church in cruel communist China is about to break 300 million. Yeah, and the vast majority of the Christians on earth are Asian. That's an interesting thing from the American perspective, yeah.
Razz:You know it's so good to hear. In case you just tuned in, you're listening to W WAYGLP, miami Florida, 104.7 FM. This is God's Way Radio, and we have a guest today, pastor Ken Graves, who's done extensive traveling throughout the nation, throughout the world really, and lately, because of the circumstances that the whole world has been experiencing, he's been doing most domestic traveling and we asked the question hey, what do you see God doing in the world today, and what do you see the world doing in reference to God today? And I love his focus, ken, I just love your focus, which is, hey, if you look at United States as a picture, hey, united States is slipping fast and far away from the word of God, which means that we're slipping far and fast away from God.
Razz:And so here's the thing you said something. You said we have lost influence, at least for good. I mean, we are an influence, you know, but it's very incriminating, I would say. And if we don't repent, if we don't turn this thing around, we're going to reap the fruit of what we've been sowing. But in that, for the person that's listening, you know what, yeah, I can relate to that. I messed up. I messed up in my marriage. I messed up in my job. I'm I'm addicted to these things. What is god doing is is god working? Is god active? Obviously, we know that. I just wanted you to vocalize it and verbalize it, because what does the word say when sin ab abounds?
Ken:Grace does more abound. You know, and that is the beautiful thing about working as we do directly with drug addicts and residential discipleship, which is the other aspect of our ministry and seeing the Lord, the great physician, set people free, change their life. You know, in times where Christianity is being persecuted and it's happening certainly you know, the persecution here would be much greater if we didn't have our Bill of Rights, if we didn't have the Constitution. Just over our northern border they're busily changing the language of their laws. In Canada, the Canadian parliament wants to make it illegal to evangelize, to change anybody's mind, or even they are, even in their language, calling gender and such things as myths or morality or myths.
Ken:And in the midst of a time of persecution, when you see sort of the spirit of Antichrist at work in the world, I think about what the apostles in Acts, chapter 5, prayed. They prayed, number one God, give us boldness. Number two, they prayed and stretch forth your hand and heal, Do miracles in the name of your holy child, Jesus, so validating the name of Christ by miracles. We get to see the miracle of people set free. That has been our whole focus the miracle of Christ changing somebody's life and the number of addicts that have passed through our program and other programs.
Ken:It's an interesting reality that the secular world refers to what we do as faith-based programs and they say that sort of patronizingly faith-based, as if everything else were science-based. And this is the age of American godliness, of scientism. We're going to follow the science and science is everything. Science is settled. They act like that while they deny the science of biology and everything else. The faith-based programs are the only ones that have any success rate, the only ones that actually can produce free people that used to be bound, and getting to see that Raz and being directly involved in that is a great thrill.
Ken:It's kind of like the man from Gadara, the demoniac, bearing all his scars. He had a fruitful ministry in the Decapolis and that whole 10-city region. He was going around telling everybody who he used to be and no doubt people were saying, no way, you weren't that guy. And he would have to open his robe and show all the scars and people would go, no, you are him and we have many of those former demoniacs that are out now testifying to the power of Jesus Christ to set people free.
Razz:You know, I so appreciate your answer. By the way, you're listening to God's Way Radio. This is a live program. We're in the studio. You can text us, you can call us 786-313-3115. We have Pastor Ken Graves here with us, we have Pastor Zach and it's good to be here. You know, in your answer. I so appreciate it because we see what the world is doing. The world is trying to deny Christ, deny the Word, move away from God, and yet we see what God is doing. God is touching lives and healing people and so, pastor Sack, as a young pastor, I think you're kind of like a demonstration of something that God is doing. But right now we have a phone call. So we're going to that call. Welcome your Life for Jesus. What area of town are you calling from? First of all, Good morning.
Caller:This is Carol from Richmond.
Razz:Heights. How are you, carol, from Richmond Heights? What do you want to say to Pastor Ken Graves this morning? What question do you have for him?
Caller:Oh my God, it's a statement, a question. Oh my God. I love the commercial with his voice and I'm in the car with my husband and it just hit me because I usually say he sound like and I say this is my Nick Nolte Christian brother here. So with that voice, and when he on the commercial it's the word oh my God, that thing, do something to me. Oh, if I'm just. Oh, if I could just. Oh, my God, that thing, do something to me. Oh, if I'm just. Oh, if I could just. Oh, my goodness.
Razz:Hey, you sound like a regular listener. You've heard Pastor Ken Graves today, and now you got him live.
Caller:Oh, that's that Nick Nolte. And I said who is that that voice? So that's my Christian Nick Nolte brother, and also, too, what he was saying about being delivered, my God, being delivered and not just delivered but set free. Yes, and that's what the focus and the goal is in my life to just walk in a deliverance and be set free and not to be ashamed of my testimony and be able to say things to people when God give me the leading. There are some things you got to say in privacy and there are some things you just have to just be transparent when God says, use that testimony, people need to know that God is still in the delivering and setting free business. We don't have to be bound and stay, and we don't have to stay bound.
Caller:You know, I heard an apostle one day say everybody is an x something. Okay, there's an x something. Everybody don't have to always be the same. You know, I'm saying I don't have to always, uh, struggle with my attitude or my you know, my disposition. These things, god love, you'll get that to you quick a delivery, so that quicker than money cars, and I don't. You say God.
Ken:I got a nasty disposition.
Caller:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, that's my business. Come on, let me show you how to get that back.
Razz:Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you so much, you know. I'm sure Pastor Ken may have a word for you. Are you on your way to work? By the way, enjoy, enjoy.
Ken:Well, here's Pastor Ken. Carol, you can't preach, girl, that's good preaching, but it is the truth that Jesus Christ is the chain breaker. He's the one who changes lives. You know, we live in a time where everybody wants to be recovering, whatever the Lord, jesus Christ, healed a man named Bartimaeus and he didn't walk around the rest of his life going Hi, I'm Bartimaeus, I'm a recovering blind man.
Ken:Bartimaeus, I'm a recovering blind man and I could lose my sight any time Now, one day at a time. Everybody just watch out. He was a whole healed man. Amen and set free.
Razz:Carol, thank you so much for your call and we appreciate you. Glad you're driving in the car with your husband. Our regards to him. God bless you have a great Friday. You do the same. Bye-bye, thank you. Hey, we go to the next call. We got a call. Good morning Life for Jesus here on the air. What area of town are you calling from?
Caller:I haven't called in a while, but it's San Peterburg.
Razz:Hey, jorito San Peterburg. We have Pastor Ken Grace from Bangor, maine in the studios right now. You could have a question for him. Do you have something you want to say?
Caller:yeah, I want to share something. Uh, do not give up. I don't care where you're going through, what situation you're going through. I say it because yesterday, yesterday, one of my net in the list with me has an alcohol problem, drug problem, and he said to me we went to church but the church was. You know, I forgot my bad. I forgot there was a change from Wednesday to Thursday and there was a change. But he wants to surrender to God. He wants to surrender to God. That's Jesse.
Razz:That's Jesse or Mike? No, that's one of my. Oh, that's not what I asked. He's in St Petersburg, okay, okay.
Caller:If you guys never met him continue to pray. Continue to pray for any problems. You have any issues, any family members. Don't give up praying. Great Command, the Lord answers prayers.
Razz:Thank you. Thank you so much, jorgeito. Pastor Ken Graves may have a word for you, right?
Razz:Thank you.
Caller:Whatever you guys are doing, whoever's there on the speaker or on the microphone, God is in control.
Razz:Amen, thank you. As you hang up, pastor Ken Graves is going to have some words. Thank you for calling from St Petersburg and give Pastor Danny Hodges our regards. I'm sure Pastor Ken Graves sends his regards for you. Thank you, pastor Ken.
Ken:Anything you want to add yeah, the brother is so right on the money. The Lord Jesus said man ought always to pray and not faint, and we're told in Galatians 6, 9 that we should never weary in doing what's right for a due season. Everything's seasonal, but in due season you will reap if you faint not. And perseverance is something that people don't know much about anymore, but the Word of God calls us to it.
Razz:Stick to it. Hey, thank you for texting, pastor Ken. We just got a text message. It's short, but I so appreciate it. It says I just want to thank everyone for being there.
Razz:So that's short. That's to the point. Thank you for that text. If you want to text 786-313-3115,. We continue our conversation. We started with the question what is God doing in the world today and what is the world doing today? Reference doing in the world today and what is the world doing today reference to god for god or against god. We had from pastor ken graves that god is still healing, transforming, saving people. You could argue here on the left, but here on the focus, god is at work and we handed it off to pastor zach to see hey, zach, what do you have to say this morning to us and to the listeners? I guess a question, ken. You know we were talking about how. Again, jesus morning to us and to the listeners.
Zak:I guess a question, ken. You know we were talking about how, again, jesus frees us and breaks chains of addiction in people's lives, and it seems as if, more than ever before, almost every believer I speak to still has some type of addiction. Many of the young adults you speak to, they're either struggling with pornography, or some of the girls, they cannot not be on social media or on their phones anxiety, depression, uh, why do you think, seems like more than ever before, there are christians that are confessing to be believers and yet they are addicted to something other than the lord you?
Ken:know. The real tragic irony is that we came from being the freest nation on earth. We believed in freedom, but freedom was the result of what we believed about God. It was a biblical ethic that produced it a freedom. And now we, the so-called free nation, have become slaves and man.
Ken:I'm amazed at the fulfillment of the warning of God in Deuteronomy 28. God spoke to Moses. Moses delivered the message to the people at the border of the promised land that if you will honor this covenant, you'll be so blessed. And he goes on for 14 verses about how blessed you'll be. But if you violate this covenant you will be cursed. And he goes on in graphic detail for the vast majority of that chapter about how greatly they would be cursed. And in that you know, god says I will smite you in verse 28. I'll smite you with madness, blindness and astonishment of heart. And even though we are, you know, free, everybody has taken that freedom to make themselves slaves to so many things.
Ken:Romans, chapter 6,. No, you're not His slaves, you are, to whom you yield yourself in obedience, that is, whether to God in righteousness or to sin in unrighteousness. The process of forging the chains that bind us, link by link, is a result of our own choices that we give ourselves to something. The design of God, which is good, is that we have the capacity to develop habits. Habits aren't bad. Habits will either be your best servants or they'll become your cruelest of all masters. And we have, you know, culturally addicted ourselves. Do you know what the word addict? This is an interesting thing. In the old English, addict was not a noun. In the 1826 edition of Webster's Dictionary, addict was a verb To addict yourself. The Apostle Paul said the house of Stephanas have addicted themselves, king James Version, to the ministry of the saints. Addict was a verb that meant devote, devoted. You devote yourself to something and you become addicted. You become devoted and the more you devote to it, the more devoted you are.
Razz:It perpetuates yeah, you reminded me that song addicted to jesus back in the day. That's right you know, and it's funny. It's funny because if we don't make god our focus and we don't take all that he has for us, we gradually kind of like slip back into this pantsy mansy, kind of like pseudo Sunday morning entertain me, give me a show, give me some bells, whistles, give me some smoke, you know, give me three thoughts and a little poem here.
Razz:And whatever happened, and I think it's funny. You remember the person that came to this nation and he was looking for the secret of the nation, went to the industry, went to the banking banking, went to the commerce and then he walked into the church and he said that's the secret, it's the pulpit yes, it's what happens.
Ken:It was alexis de togville, the frenchman, what's coming from the pulpit?
Razz:the word of god. And so, pastor sack, good question. You know, pastor ken, we have some text messages. I just got to get to 786-313-3155. You can text, you can call. I got one text message here that says the following Good morning, pastor Ken. What was the outcome of your religious liberty case? That was going to the Supreme Court. I was praying about it. That's one of the texts.
Razz:Let me go to the second one and you could answer this in whatever order you want. It says Pastor Ken, welcome to chilly Miami. I know you're smiling and laughing at that one. You can't say chilly to someone from Bangor, come on, but I know you're being funny. I'm praying for Jeanette and for Jesus to use you mightily this weekend. And then we got another text message that says any hint of the heart of the message for our LEO law enforcement officers and maybe a taste of what will be shared later today, or just general thoughts for our first responders. You don't have to ask this, just a slight topic or direction, but also don't want to interrupt the flow this morning. You're not interrupting the flow, come on anyway. So, pastor, can we have three things on the table?
Ken:you can tackle anyone you want, all right. Number one with the supreme court. Yeah, our governor and the lower courts were successful in stalling and running out the clock so that when it finally came before the Supreme Court, they agreed that they had enough on their table, that this was moot, that the restrictive orders that violated our constitutional rights, our God-given rights, had passed. So they just opted to not. They just let the lower court standing rule, the lower court ruling stand, and that lower court ruling was that it's a moot point. So we're ready to drag our governor back into court if she wants to try it again. Also, with regard to Mrs Graves, I appreciate the prayers. She's on the Remand. She is really on the rebound from the China virus. Having her turn with it, it seemed to hit her harder than it did anybody else in our house.
Tiffany:And the only thing I got from it if.
Ken:I got anything at all, was just a weirder voice. So the third thing law enforcement officers' appreciation. We're going to talk as briefly as I can from the seventh chapter of Luke and that centurion, the highest commendation for faith given to anybody in the whole ministry of our Lord Jesus, was given to a law enforcement officer, beautiful, who demonstrated faith, beautiful, beautiful.
Razz:You know, the challenge is on. I don't know if I've ever heard you speak in 10 minutes, you know, but that the challenge, the challenge is on. I mean it's going to. Let's be praying. Let's be praying for past the 10 minutes. 10 minutes, that's all right. Oh, man, I you took the challenge. That's, that's usually you. I love it. I love it. Listen, be in prayer. We want prayer from you, the listener. You got, you got a direct line to jesus. Pray for today.
Razz:For seven years we've been doing this is going to be the seventh year. We have chiefs, we have majors, we have law enforcement agents here and our whole desire is to just say thank you with no strings. You know they could spot phony baloney. They got that meter a mile away. And here, for seven years, in a genuine way, we've been trying to say we're here just to say thank you. We're not trying to get you to come to church, although that would be good, uh but we're just here to say thank you and let god be God and God do. And I think, ken, hopefully you'll bear witness to it later today it's an exceptional thing. I was talking to someone that says you know, there's a lot of dinners, a lot of things, but nothing quite like what God who gets the credit and the glory he's doing here? Hey, another text message here.
Razz:Good morning God's Way Radio. God bless you and all. Happy Friday Amazing. God's Way Radio. God bless you and all. Happy Friday Amazing. Listening to Pastor Ken Grace. This radio station is a good reminder of how God is, how he uses any tool like this to reach us all. He always finds a way. He is the King and the Almighty, asking for prayer for Opina family in Colombia with health issues, with different members of my family for healing. Thank you, lord today. This is from the Civic Center. Pastor Ken Grace, I don't know if you want to say a short prayer, or Pastor Zach, and then we continue 786-313-3115. We're going to go for prayer, then a small break and then we'll be right back. Pastor Zach, you want to lead the prayer please?
Zak:Lord, just pray for the family in Columbia. Lord, you know exactly who they are and what they're going through. Lord, pray that you'd strengthen them and heal them, lord, and for the many people from Calvary Chapel, miami, lord, or God's Way Radio that are dealing with different sicknesses, god, just pray that you'd be strengthening them, lord, and drawing them near to you during this time. God, in Jesus' name, we pray Amen.
Razz:Don't go away, we'll be right back. So we are back. Life for jesus here at god's way, radio 104.7 FM. This morning we have we're privileged to have Pastor Ken Grace with us in the studio. We have Pastor Zach, lead pastor in Calvary Chapel, miami, here in the studios it's a joy for me to be here and we have Joey and the controls. Joey, thank you so much for being willing to do this. Hey, we have a text message coming in. By the way, you can call, you can text 786-313-3115. It says here good morning, pastor Ken. We meet weekly with a group of young guys and we walk them through the word and talk about what it means to be a man used by God. What would you say is the most important thing to have in order to be a man used?
Ken:by God. Well, in my opinion, the most important thing is humility. The humility to be a man under authority, the humility to surrender and submit to the Lordship of Christ. There isn't anything more important than that. It's the one thing that will stop all of God's being able to use us is our pride. So what could be more important than humility? We cannot overemphasize it enough, we can't. We can't overdo it the call to recognize that we are little. We are utterly dependent upon our Creator. Without Him, we can do nothing. He's the vine. We are utterly dependent upon our creator. Without him, we can do nothing. He's the vine we're the branches Proverbs 13,.
Razz:A wise son heeds his father instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke. Pastor Ken, I so appreciate that answer because if there's one of the things that you know I got 68,000 miles on this thing right now here and one of the things I noticed today is that there's a resistance young men, old men, husbands, wives to just listen. If you would just listen, you know, and so you know, even at counseling they come in and they just want to talk and talk and talk. Did you come to listen to yourself or did you come to just ask a question? Boom, get an answer.
Ken:Amen amen, humility. And humility really is an expression of faith, and without faith it's impossible to please God. It was the humility of that centurion that the Lord marveled. He stopped traffic to say did you hear that? Because that centurion who said I am not worthy, I'm not worthy that you should enter my house, neither thought of myself worthy to come and speak to you, but it's not necessary. Just saying you should enter my house, neither thought of myself worthy to come and speak to you, but it's not necessary. Just say a word and my slave will be healed, because I myself also am a man set under authority. That is humility.
Razz:That's an expression of faith. 786-313-3115. You want to text? You want to call? You have a question for Pastor Ken Graves. Pastor Zach is also here. You have a question for pastor ken graves. Pastor zach is also here. You have a question? We're, we're here. God, god is moving, god is working. Humility we just spoke about it as the ingredient most needed in any man, woman, son or daughter that wants to be used by god, even in the elderly. You know, I'm getting more relational to those people because I'm part of it. I joined the team. You know, even when you get older, just stay humble in a sense of like god, okay, what's next? What do you getting more relational to those people? Because I'm part of it, I joined the team. You know, even when you get older, just stay humble in a sense of like god, okay, what's next? What do you have, pastor sack, what's your experience in in ministering? You know, several years, I mean, under your belt as senior lead pastor. Uh, humility, uh. Anything you want to say on that?
Zak:yeah, I think it's interesting. Even in this last year, so many lead pastors of different ministries and different movements fell and you could all link it back to humility. They either thought they could get away with sin and God wouldn't judge them Again the pride, the puffed upness there. Or you have men that think that they deserve to be superstars, that they deserve to have their own movements, their own followings, their own groupies right, that they're above another believer and that it destroys marriages, it destroys young men, it destroys old men. Ministries destroys ministries.
Razz:Uh, just so important for us to have humility, to be little in our own eyes and god to be big I mean it says god gives grace, yeah to the humble, and and if there's one thing we need is we need a grace that would be received. I mean we got the patience grace of god still happening. I think wrath is about to be poured out, but but if we want that healing grace, you know just, man lord, how do we get this thing right? 786-313-3115, you can text, you can call. We have pastor ken graves here. We have a police law enforcement appreciation luncheon today. We're going to have people from different agencies CIA, fbi, law enforcement, different agencies. It's going to be a wonderful afternoon. Please be in prayer, pastor Ken Graves.
Razz:Another direction here. That's just coming into my heart. You know, I think about. You mentioned the ruler, you mentioned the centurion. Think about, you mentioned the ruler, you mentioned the centurion. Actually, you mentioned the centurion. I'm thinking about the ruler. We don't know the age of the centurion, but you know, there's sometimes that focus in churches today of like we're just going to go for the young, we're going to go for the young and I've seen that and unfortunately a lot of the pastors that I've seen adopt that they've crashed and they burn, because god makes no exception of a person.
Razz:You know, he loves us older people too, you know. But. But the question that I would have for you is what do you see as a potential, a possibility, a word of god today for the youth and for the elderly? Uh, what? What is god trying to say to anyone that would say god, I want you, I want to be in the center of your presence, lord, I want to jump in, I want to be all in. Uh, anything that you have to say to that?
Ken:well, I, I once was young and now I am old. Yet I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor is he out begging for bread. It is an amazing thing to uh some decades, isn't it? Zach, raz Zach, you don't know, he will To have some decades, and the decades start racking up. And one of the things I noticed when I was a kid, I made an observation, I don't know how, by the grace of God. I observed as a kid that it seemed to me that adults, clearly, that I was interacting with, forgot what it. I observed as a kid that it seemed to me that adults, clearly, that I was interacting with forgot what it was like to be a kid, that adults don't remember what it was like. And I said, wow, clearly they forget that. So I prayed Lord, please, please, don't let that happen to me. Help me to remember Childhood. Help me remember what it was like to be a kid when I'm no longer, when I'm old, and the Lord has helped me on that.
Razz:I can bear witness. I love that about you. So, kenny, just out of the blue he'll come up with these little things. I look at you and say that's the little kid in him, but it's valuable. He says let the little ones come to me.
Ken:Yes, we still are that. In his eyes, we are still just kids.
Razz:Hey, you're listening to God's Way Radio 104.7 FM on your radio dial W-A-Y-G-L-P, miami, florida. This is a live program. It's called Live for Jesus, so you can live for Jesus, and today we have a special guest in the studio. Actually, too, we have Pastor Ken Graves from Calvary Chapel, bangor, maine, and we have Pastor Sag, calvary Chapel, miami, lead pastor, and you can text us, you can call us, you have a question, you have a comment? Right now we have a caller on the line. You've been patiently waiting. Thank you, welcome, your life for Jesus. What area of town are you calling from?
Caller:Good morning. Good morning, I'm on my way to Las Olas Boule or drop off the kids at school.
Razz:So you're going to LHM? First drop them off Tamiami and then on your way to what is it? Broward County. What do you want to say to Pastor Ken and the listeners this morning?
Caller:So I want to talk to Ken about my feelings.
Ken:That's funny Feelings, the overemphasized obsession of modern males. Well, I can tell by your good sarcasm that you, like me, are not one of those guys who starts every sentence with I feel like I feel like, I feel like.
Caller:No, actually I had a question because, you know, I've been talking to a lot of young men and one thing I've seen in common is especially the men in the church is I see a lot of prayer. They're praying on the Lord for something praying on the Lord, but I don't see a lot of actively waiting on the Lord. So my question to you is how would you define that line between praying and waiting on the Lord and actively pursuing what's been put in your heart?
Ken:You know, that's an amazing reality that the scripture lays out for us in Psalm 127, and certainly also in the New Testament. But Psalm 127, unless the Lord builds a house, they labor in vain. Build Unless the Lord washes the city, the wise men wake if, but in vain. So there's a reality, a dual reality, that we have our part and God has his part in everything. It's with regard to provision we still got to. We can trust the Lord for provision. We still got to get up and go to work.
Ken:And the New Testament we trust the Lord to bring about change in us. And we know about the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the process of sanctification that is the work of God in us. But then we also have the other side, where we're told to put off these deeds and put on. So we have our part to do, and it is that way. With every matter that we are also in prayer about, we should be seeking the Lord that he would do what only he can do, but that also he would open our eyes to what is it that we are supposed to be doing at the same time?
Razz:Yeah, I so appreciate that. What's been being brought up, which is a lot of people say I'm praying, I'm praying, I'm praying, but then they're just idle, they're just waiting. It's beautiful to see how Jesus calls his disciples they were washing the net, they were mending the net how a moving missile so often it's easier to be guided than a missile that's just uh, lethargically, almost stubbornly, uh, saying I'm praying, but you're holding on to your own feelings, emotions. You know, desires, you know you want to see it answered this way and you're waiting for your answer, instead of having the lord lead you to walk by faith and not by sight.
Ken:thank you so much. Yeah, think about how the Lord Jesus would spit in the mud yeah wipe it a blind man's eyes. Yeah, and then tell that blind man, here's what you need to do, yeah you need to go to the pool of Salem and wash. Reach your eyes up there. No, don't, no other, no other body of water go there. But he gave him something to do and faith without works is dead. Those actions demonstrated the faith that brought about that miraculous healing hey, thank you so much for your call.
Caller:Enjoy your ride thank you guys, have a great day god bless you.
Razz:You're listening to god's way radio. This is the program Live for Jesus. We have special guests in the studio. We're here, live in the studio 786-313-3115. You can call, you can text. You got a question, you got a comment. You got something in the Bible that you wrestle with. Maybe you just need prayer. Pastor Ken Graves from Calvary Chapel, bangor, maine, is here Also. We have Pastor Zach from Calvary Chapel, bangor, maine, is here Also. We have Pastor Zach from Calvary Chapel, miami, here. It's good to be here, it's good to have you, pastor Ken. I just so appreciate that last call and that last thought and your answer. I thought about Zacchaeus, how he's waiting. But man, he's climbing the tree, he's answering, and even there too, jesus said before the blessing get down, get food ready.
Razz:I'm in the tree, he's answering, and even there too, Jesus said before the blessing get down, get food ready. I'm coming to your house, you know, and sometimes we should just get ready and Zacchaeus made a spectacle of himself.
Ken:That's how eager he was to just see, just get sight. A man in a robe climbing a tree. A little man. A little dude climbing a tree in a robe.
Razz:You know, pastor Ken, I don't think you expected to get. I mean, we've had callers and people texting here from different places, but this one is from New Hampshire and it says greeting from New Hampshire, enjoying today's beautiful interview. Grateful to Pastor Ken, each of other servants and the listening family. God bless you and your time in Miami. They signed their name Kathy Sikelli, from formerly Calvary Chapel, miami, but the Lord called her to the colder parts of the world and now she's ministering there in New Hampshire. God bless you, kathy. 786-313-3115. Do you want to text? It's 812. We've extended.
Razz:The programmer of A Loving Word was gracious to give us this time, so we're going to go a little bit longer. That's me, by the way. We're going to go a little bit longer. And we have Pastor Ken Graves here, we have Joey in the control boards, we have Pastor Zach here. It's a joy for me to be here. The question is, are you there? Will you text? Will you call 786-313-3115. We'll be taking a break. We'll be right back. Don't go away, thank you. So so, hey, thank you. Thank you, you're listening to live for jesus, a daily program, weekdays seven to eight. We come here to the studios. We're live. If you usually listen to a loving word. Today they've been gracious to give us the time. We've extended a previous program seven to eight as you could tell, it's about 8, 13 if my watch is working properly and so we're here in the studios. We have a guest with us, pastor Ken Grace from Calvary Chapel, bangor, maine. We also have Pastor Zach here from Calvary Chapel, miami. It's good to be here today. We've had different people call, text from different, but you, you listening, god may want to use you to text message us. The phone number is 786-313-3115.
Razz:Pastor Ken, I got something kind of like on my heart. I hope and I pray that Pastor Zach maybe has something he wants to say, but I would want to address, I would want to see the word that God would have for you, through you, for us today, as we look at a church and we see sometimes people that again not judging, just making an evaluation. Sometimes they know it, they don't know it, they want to serve. But give me the spotlight. You know I'm all about Jesus, but please spell my name right and if I get on the Calvary Chapel magazine magazine, please let my face be on everything that I have to say.
Razz:So here's my question to, to that person that's wanting to, to serve. You know it's funny because it goes in line with what you already said humility. But but to that person, how do you turn the corner from sometimes being frustrated because you want something you gently, god wants to use us, you know, but, but you need that place of like. I remember the words of Jesus. You know you guys don't know what spirit you're of. You know it's like you know so. So how do we do that today, in a society, in a time where I think everybody wants to know what I'm eating? So I gotta take a picture and I gotta post it. I think everybody wants to know. I'm sorry about that. You know what I'm doing and, excuse me, who are you? I mean, who cares? Don't you have something better? But in that society today, what's the word of God to bust me when I have a tendency of that? To get me right, to get my mind and my actions right, so I could go on with the Lord and see God moving through our life?
Ken:I think it really is our lack of focus on Christ, who made himself of no reputation, someone who took the role of a slave, and I think it's a lack of focus on him and what he did, because if we are true followers of him and we're going to actually walk like he did in humility, we become the slave to everyone, and the call to greatness from our king was to be the slave to everyone. Somebody said it, uh, recently um, you know if you really are a servant or a slave by how you react when people treat you like you are one, and it it's very revealing, it's very telling with all of us. I know in my own heart, when I sense that someone's talking down to me, I want to go do you know who I am? Who do you think you are? And that is so.
Ken:Not like Christ. And I look at him and when he is my focus, when I actually continue to follow him, then I'm not worried about promotion or you know, or being celebrity. Status has become available, attainable to everybody. Now, if you just post the right you know video and you can go viral or whatever. Everybody it's the obsession of the day is to be known and we who are Christians follow one who went the exact opposite direction in every way.
Razz:Yeah, it's funny, cy, before you, maybe you have something to say on this, but you just reminded me of that scripture, unknown but well-known. Yeah, that's right, you know. And.
Razz:I think if I, if all believers today, would seek to you know what? I just want to be unknown. You know he must increase, I must decrease. I don't hear that enough, you know. By the way, it's also in my heart. I want to take this time and just remind the listeners please be praying for Pastor Mike McIntosh, recovering from quadruple heart bypass, and we got to touch him. Don McClure forgot to touch him. And then Zach Adams, pastor Sandy Adams' son, who is fighting for life. The doctors didn't give a favorable report the other day. They didn't give maybe discouraging, but we need God to move. So, father, father, we pray. We pray for these family members that they've served and they've they've, they've just broken ground and they've been used by you, lord. We pray for them this morning in jesus name. Amen, pastor, sack, anything you you want to say, add or maybe steer us in a different direction.
Zak:Yeah, I think, even on the last conversation. What's the balance of prayer and action? Because there are a lot of people that you know, hey, can you serve in this area, let me pray about it, right? Or hey, I don't know about this because I've been praying about it, or I really think I should do this because I've been praying about it. It seems like some and there's a balance to this. It it seems like some and there's a balance to this. It seems like those that need to pray more, uh, need to pray more, and those that should be acting more need to pray a little bit less and act more. What's the balance of that of prayer and action? Does every action need to have prayer before it? Do we see exceptions in scripture? Did the disciples pray before they followed jesus, that johnson and his armor bearer prayed, or what's the balance of these things?
Razz:Yeah, sometimes the best way to pray is just obey, start doing it and then pray while you're doing it, jump in, you know, imagine the.
Ken:Lord saying to his disciples okay, he wants you to go to town, and you'll see a man with a pitcher on his head. You see a man carrying water, follow him and those guys going. Well, we'll pray about it. Utterly ridiculous, I mean, you're clearly not a man under authority. Or when Paul said to Timothy for this cause, I urge you to abide at Ephesus right. So there was a conversation where Paul had said Timothy, I want you to stay here, there's more work to be done. I can't imagine Timothy going.
Razz:I'll pray about that, philemon. Philemon, you know Ones. You know an SMS. He's coming. I'm going to pray about that. Paul, you know, why don't you just embrace and pray while you're doing?
Ken:it. I'll pray about it 786-313-3115.
Razz:You can text us, you can call us. It's 820 right now. So we got like about less than 10 minutes to go and we have Pastor Ken Graves here with and we have pastor ken graves here with us. Uh, we have pastor zach with us. It's a opportunity to be here at life for jesus this morning. It's a program that comes to you mondays through fridays seven to eight here at god's way radio. If you just tuned in, you're saying what's going on? What is this? This is 104.7 fm. It'sa radio station that it's here for god, for the, the word and also for you, to bless you. We have a guest with us again, pastor Ken Grace from Calvary Chapel, bangor, maine, today.
Razz:Pastor Ken, I'm thinking you know it's funny with all these things that are going on today. This is the observation I have. I want you to maybe save if you bear witness or you know, obviously, the cure. I see people, for example, in the car by themselves. Nobody's in the car. They got a mask on. Are they trying to protect themselves from themselves in the car? And I'm not trying. If you do that, you follow the Lord. But what I'm trying to get at is are we doing it out of safety or are we doing it out of fear? So my question is decisions um controversy, how are we responding? How are the people of god responding? Are we responding out of faith or are we responding out of fear? What's going on?
Ken:You are so right and it's hard, I must confess. Right now, brother Razz, I have a hard time not mocking in my heart that kind of total cowardice. I don't know. Sometimes, on one hand, you want to be compassionate to people who are afraid, but also, at the same time, there is a reality I don't know. Sometimes, on one hand, you want to be compassionate to people who are afraid, but also, at the same time, there is a reality that somebody needs to be reproved for being a coward, that being that absolutely faithless, that's so afraid of death. And there's legitimate fears and there's illegitimate fears.
Ken:As a parent, we spend our time with our children when they're young, helping them to sort out what is real and what isn't. What is a legitimate fear, what's not? I want you to be legitimately concerned about the danger here in traffic. I want you to be unconcerned about what's under your bed. There's nothing under there and if I have, we can go down under the bed together and we'll just go down there and we'll sleep under there and you'll realize that there's nothing under your bed and that I find there are people who have allowed themselves to be manipulated by the government and by media and all of the many voices telling them.
Ken:You know the illegitimacy of this great fear. With regard to viral death, the number one killer in America right now of young adults ages 18 to 42 is fentanyl. That's killing people, that's the pandemic and that's just one substance. All the other drugs and all of the drug-related deaths, the real pandemic happening, the real danger in this modern time, is pharmakia, and everybody's running around with a little fabric over their face, expressing, demonstrating their fear and perpetuating the fear by their actions.
Razz:Yeah, you know you're listening to God's Way Radio and it's an interesting thing. What we're talking about is are we, am I responding out of fear or out of faith? Am I responding to rhetoric, or have I looked at the information, have I gauged it, have I evaluated it? And the reason for this is just people need to be freed. But here's what I'm talking about. If you're an unbeliever, if you're an atheist, if you're an agnostic, hey, thank you for listening Right now. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm really not addressing you. I'm addressing the people of God.
Razz:33 to 40% of the church has drifted away during the last two years and they're not coming back Watching the teaching from your bed, comfortable in your jammies. I mean, you know, is that what Jesus went to the cross for? Is that what Jesus said? Is that why Hebrews what is it? 1025 says do not forsake the assembling of the brethren, especially as you see the day approaching. Does it have any cross there, you know, except if there's? So those are the kind of things that we're thinking about. I don't know if you want to say anything else, pastor Ken, or you, pastor Zach.
Ken:People are cooperating with the spirit of Antichrist. It was the objective of the devil to weaken the church through those very tyrants who ordered them to stay away and perpetuated the fear, the illegitimate fear. Florida, this state, has proven as well as any state can, that all of the efforts, all of those, you know, attempts to slow or stop this virus, were in vain. The numbers are no different. This virus, we're in vain. The numbers are no different. With all of the lockdowns and all of the mask mandates and all the vaccine mandates, everything has been done. You've got this Israeli professor, minister of health now saying it's time to admit it was a complete failure. And all of that was the message from Satan. The church is non-essential and people believed it.
Razz:Yeah, the church is essential. Pastors believed it, you know. For you listening again, you're listening to Life for Jesus. There's a program here so that you can live for Jesus. We've got less than five minutes.
Razz:You're entitled to your view, to your opinion. I just want to say this If you're saying something is dangerous and you have walmart filled with people coming in, you have a liquor store is open, then why are you saying that churches are the problem? Your, your, your heart is being demonstrated. That's all we're trying to talk about here and trying to get people to open your eyes and see that when there's trouble, challenges, heartache, sorrow, is not Walmart that's going to bring you the bomb from Gilead to help you. It's going to be the church that's going to pray for you and intercede.
Razz:And we're not perfect. There's imperfect people in church, imperfect pastors. You're listening to one of them right now. But, however, it's to point you to the perfect Jesus Christ that came to save, to heal and to restore. Pastor Zach, do you have any observation that you see in the days here that we're ministering and in the last five minutes, that maybe the experience of Pastor Ken Graves or maybe another pastor that's listening would be helpful? 786-313-3115. You can text us, you can call us. It's 826. We got less than three minutes to go. Pastor Zach, anything on your heart or mind.
Zak:Yeah, I just think how the whole program really ties into faith, humility and submission. And even in the day and age we're living in, it just seems like many people feel like they have to. They believe they have to submit to the feelings of others. They have to serve the God of niceness even above God Himself, even above intellect, even above I love how Ken put it legitimate fears and illegitimate fears. Dealing with three kids under nine years old, most of their fears are illegitimate and they are completely unaware of the legitimate fears. And it's so true of what we have today People are not fearful of their sin.
Ken:People are not fearful of how they're living against God.
Zak:People are not fearful of the end of their life. People are not fearful that hell is what's awaiting them if and when they perish. And yet they are so fearful of a sickness that science proves 99.9% of people survive. The latest variant of it is 40 times less lethal. So then, what does that equal? What are we really dealing with? Where you have kids dealing with anxiety, depression, drug abuse, you have millions of abortions being done, and where is the true fear?
Zak:And again, I think it just ties into are we submitted to the word of god or are we submitted to niceness and man being obedient, being liked by others? I think that, at the end of the day, the whole program is fear of god versus fear of man, and if it says it in the word, I don't think you have to pray about going to church. It says it in the word and for us to just continue to move from the gods of niceness and comfort and being liked by people to be that God-fearing person I am submitted under the will of my Master, no matter the cost, and that's how the majority of churches are living in today outside of America. Any other church member around the world when they attend church. Their lives are on the line. Their businesses are on the line. Their sons and daughters are on the line. That's a legitimate fear. That is truth that's going to happen to them, and yet we're living in fear of what may possibly happen.
Ken:The Lord calls us to faith. Faith is one thing it takes to please God. Without faith, it's impossible to please God. Faith is really synonymous with trust. It's not just intellectually accepting something. It's synonymous with trust. And our trust must be in the one who we put our very lives. We owe him our existence and we who are his have placed our lives in his very capable hands and we must, especially in the days in which we live, just live out that trust.
Tiffany:We hope you enjoyed Friends and Family, unique conversations recorded and produced in our studios, where you get a chance to hear what God is doing in people's lives. Jesus tells us in John 15, verse 15, I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. So that's why we love to share these exclusive interviews with you. Our hope is that through their stories God will be made known to you, but you can only find them here on God's Way Radio. Just check GodsWayRadiocom for our full program schedule. Thank you,