Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
Faith and Forensics: Joe Palmar's Divine Path to Purpose and Integrity in Business
A high school friend's gift of a Bible set Joe Palmar on a 36-year journey of faith, one that has filled his life with purpose and joy. In our heartfelt conversation, Joe recounts the moment his life took a divine turn, embracing a path that led him not only to personal fulfillment but also to an ongoing mission to share his Christian beliefs. His account serves as a stirring reminder of how seemingly small acts can have a profound influence, inspiring us to consider the impact our own interactions might have on those around us.
Venture into the intricate world of forensic accounting with Joe, a seasoned expert in sniffing out financial fraud, as he shares the importance of solid internal controls and the necessity of in-depth vendor vetting. Real-world cases come to life as Joe describes how his meticulous methods have prevented monetary losses and upheld institutional integrity. It's a captivating exploration of how the deceitful practices of yesterday still find their way into today's business dealings, proving that vigilance remains as crucial as ever
You're tuned in to Friends and Family, a God's Way radio exclusive where we introduce you to some amazing people. In John, chapter 15, verse 15, jesus says I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. That's our aim that God would be made known to you. Stay with us until the end of our conversation for more information on this program and other unique offerings from God's Way Radio.
Joey:Joe Palmar is here and you might recognize that name. His company, his business is one of our newest sponsors and supporters here at God's Way Radio Palmar Forensics.
Tiffany:Correct. Again.
Joey:All right, all right, and so we thank them for their support. And you know, through that and learning about him and his company, we thought, man, we got to get him in here and talk about what God has done in his life, what God has done in his company and through his company in his life, what God has done in his company and through his company, and really a section of life that I didn't know much about but I'm glad to be learning about. But before we get into all that, joe, I want to give you an opportunity to introduce yourself. We were talking about our families earlier. Maybe just shout out your family and again, just give you that opportunity.
Joe:Thank you, joey. I appreciate the opportunity of being here this morning. My name is Joe Palmar. I have been walking with the Lord for 36 years and that's really who I am. What I do for a living is more along the lines of forensic accounting, which is an interesting and dynamic and challenging field of anti-fraud, and especially here in South Florida, which is known as the fraud capital of the United States.
Joey:Wow and married.
Joe:Married Three adult boys Wow, Men, I guess at this point and we've got two grandkids.
Joey:Awesome, Awesome. And so, Joe, I mentioned to you before we started recording I love hearing people's testimonies what happened 36 years ago Well, 36,.
Joe:It's a very interesting story. A friend of mine that went to high school with me. I saw him at Miami-Dade and he handed me a Bible one day and I said to him, being raised as a Catholic, but only a CEO Catholic, christmas and Easter, only type of Catholic, so we really weren't practicing. And he handed me a Bible one day and said to me here, read this. And I said to him you got to get me a priest, I can't read this on my own. And he says, no, no, you actually can read this. So it was an NIV Bible, which is still what I read today. And I started reading in Matthew and he would show up about once a week or so where his class schedule and mine lined up. His name is Cornell Proctor and Cornell would come by and he would answer my questions. Then he invited us to church and I remember still sitting with my then girlfriend today, my wife Leslie, and we sat in the parking lot and thought to ourselves, okay, if they make us shave our heads or hand us tambourines or anything like that, we're out of here, we're not part of a cult or anything like that. And so we started attending faithfully and the Lord just started working in our hearts and it was just one of those things where we actually started seeing this is the purpose of life.
Joe:At the time I was at Miami-Dade. I wasn't strung out on drugs, I wasn't kind of sort of needing anything or dependent on anything, but what was missing was there was a God hole effectively in my life. There was something was missing, and when I started reading his word it really kind of sort of solidified this is really the purpose of life, this is what the meaning that I was called to do, and so I continued in my studies, accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, was baptized for the remission of my sins, and then we started our faith walk, which has led us all the way here. We're like sojourners. We have been to seven different congregations and, like the Bereans, we actually had to kind of sort of study and see what was going on with the different congregations we were at, many of which we spent a decade or more with, but at some point or another there was something that just didn't seem right.
Joe:But we have landed here and have been here for about a year now at Calvary Chapel, miami, and have found the teaching and the leadership to be spot on. It's really, really been a great, great blessing. And the radio station my gosh. We turned off every other station that we have. We only basically listened to 104.7. As soon as we heard about it, we figured let's do it like we do everything Try it out and see how it works, and it's been an enormous, enormous blessing.
Joe:We have been richly blessed, far more than you can possibly imagine and when you know, when I had the opportunity to meet you, Joey, I realized you know you got to put your money where your mouth is. You have to support that which you believe in. If God has blessed you with any type of resources, you got to put that behind the ministry to make that ministry grow and reach others.
Joey:Yeah, you know so much of what you said. I'm so grateful, you know, because it means so much coming from you right Versus me, saying, well, I spoke with Joe and he said, you know, actually having you in the studio today and being able to hear you say it, you know your voice, your heart and you know one of the first things that you mentioned that I really loved it was a college student sharing with another college student, right and I think, of who's listening. You know we do have students that listen from grade school all the way through young adulthood. You know we have people listening right, sharing with a coworker. Your conversation might be what brings that coworker to Christ. You know we need to be out there talking to people.
Joey:You were saying some stories earlier about the gym, the barbershop Maybe we'll get to that eventually as well. So that was amazing. You know what an encouragement for us listening. And then again, you know I could never say it the way you said it, but just your heart of putting your resources where your heart is, putting your resources into what God is blessing you know, supporting the ministries that you're being blessed by. So I hope people are listening. I hope that connects with some people's hearts and it might not be God's Way Radio. There might be another ministry. You know we have people from different churches listening. There's other ministries in the community pregnancy centers, homeless shelters, people that feed needy people that need support. So I pray that God is really speaking to us. Hey Joe, let's get into the amazing business company sector that God has you doing. You know, you mentioned it already and again. I think it was financial forensics is the word that you used.
Joe:Is that correct?
Joey:It's really fraud prevention and detection. Fraud prevention and detection. So either way, new words to me, so give us a primer here, an introduction. What does Palmer Forensics do?
Joe:We try to help our clients stay off the front page of the newspaper. Not every headline is worth making. We try to protect them from nefarious actors, bad guys. The same way you have a home security system that protects your home or an alarm system that protects your car, we try to provide the internal control structure around an organization so that bad actors can be identified or prevented or detected should they get in. And, unfortunately, a lot of people try to take shortcuts in terms of it, and this even dates back to the book of Acts Ananias and Sapphira, if you guys remember.
Joe:They came in with a fraudulent story. Here we have sold this property. And the apostles asked are these the proceeds that you received for the sale of the property? And they said yes, in fact it is. Ananias said that and he was struck down Are these the proceeds that you received for the sale of the property? And they said yes, in fact it is. And Ananias said that and he was struck down. And they asked Sapphira, and she was struck down. And so the point is that fraud is not a new thing. It, unfortunately, is very, very prevalent in a city like ours, which is a port city. This is not unlike a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah or Corinth, and so a lot of people come into this city and they want to make a fast buck and there are a lot of hardworking people that we feel that God has put us in a position to use the skills and the resources that he's blessed us with understanding to prevent bad things from happening, even in small organizations whether it's a small organization or a large organization, if you think about it.
Joe:Money only leaves a company two ways, either through payroll or paying money out to people who provide good and services, known as vendors, and so we analyze the vendor side of the equation. Every company has vendors. They pay them for goods and services. Unfortunately, there are a lot of shell companies and there are a lot of vendors that don't really do any services. And people use fictitious vendors to take money out of organizations.
Joey:Let me zoom in on that. What you just said, and I know that, as we thank you on air, as we mention your company, we try to get C-level executives' attention. We have that line in there because they're going to know what you're talking about. But for the layperson to just again, just learn right, we're here listening to you, learning Vendors fictitious vendors.
Joe:Give us an example what is that? That's a great question. And whether you're a C-suite executive or you're an entrepreneurial, you know sole source plumber, you work in landscape, you work in whatever organization you happen to have. Vendors are people who provide services to your organization. So the radio station, you buy equipment, okay, and you take the invoices that the vendors who provide your company with services and they are processed and paid normally out of your accounting department. Even if you're a small mom and pop shop.
Joe:You have family members and maybe your wife or sister or brother or employee works in the accounting department and they process the invoice that the vendor sent over to you what we have found, and especially in the very, very large organizations, and especially in the very, very large organizations, sometimes people make up fake invoices for goods and services that aren't even really produced. Wow, they send them in. There's someone inside the organization that looks at it, is either in cahoots with the vendor and says, okay, I'll pay it because I'm going to get a portion of this back for me, or they have no idea and they just process it because they're very, very busy. If you think about it, like we have talked in the past, joey, how many contacts do you have in your phone? Yeah, over a thousand. I checked when you asked me Okay, so it's very, very strange, and you put those contacts in yourself. Now, if you go back to your phone and you look and you review over the contacts, you might find I don't know who this person is.
Joe:This person oh yeah, this person died, but I don't want to take them out of the phone because that's kind of the last time I'll see their name kind of thing, and in many companies medium-sized, small ones and especially the large ones vendors get added every day, but no one really knows who those vendors are. And so there's the good ones that provide goods and services, the real vendors, the ones that you see and are faithful to you and provide what they say they do. And then there's the ones that sound the same. So a fictitious vendor, let's say you use a vendor that's called Boxes Inc and they provide boxes and you ship products out through your boxes or whatever the case might be supplies.
Joe:Someone creates a vendor that's called Boxes LLC. It looks like Boxes Inc. When you look at the invoice you think boxes. Your mind says, oh, this is the box vendor, but they have changed something subtly in the name or in the address and that invoice is submitted fictitiously or purposely to deceive and it's paid and money, therefore, is leaving the organization for a good or services. And you think this could never really happen. I'm telling you, joey, it happens every day.
Joe:We see it every single day. We've been involved with the IRS, the FBI, the US Attorney's Office on gigantic cases where this was going on and vendors were created solely to steal money from organizations by sending in fake invoices. So we ask our clients what do you know about your vendors? How are you preventing this? Do you know how many vendors you have? Have you reviewed over? And these are things that we can do for organizations and show them what's missing or what can be improved to protect them.
Joey:Wow, that is definitely insightful. That is incredible. Hey, if you just tuned in, you might be thinking is this a new program, a business program on God's Way Radio? Well, kind of this is friends and family and we have Joe Palmar here in the studio with us and he runs, or is the CEO Would that be your title of Palmar Forensics and you might have heard that name here on the radio their sponsor, a supporter, and we thought, man, we got to talk to Joe. We need to learn more because it's incredible what God has him doing. And you can always call us or text us 786-313-3115.
Joey:This is a recorded interview so you might need to leave a voicemail or wait for a text message response. And if you hear Palmar Forensics being thanked on the radio, we provide their contact information as well so you can contact them directly. But, as I just said, if you want information and it's easier to just contact God's Way Radio, please contact us. We'll connect you with them. That is the point. That is our heart. So, getting back to the conversation here, you know we've talked in the past and you've mentioned the aspect of protection. You know your heart is to protect people. Elaborate on that for us.
Joe:We cannot stand the fact that people work hard and others take advantage of those hardworking folks and steal money from organizations. Many of the clients that we serve are non-for-profits or healthcare systems that provide essential services to our community.
Joey:That's interesting Healthcare systems.
Joe:Healthcare systems. Are you?
Joey:think insurance and bills and itemized. I just realized wow.
Joe:So when you think of a hospital and you think of an airport, the one common element that they both have is they never close. So we have found patterns in hospitals, oftentimes in healthcare systems, that they're there to help the community, especially the non-for-profit ones that we have both in Day County and Broward County. It's our heart to protect that organization, who has limited resources, from those who would take advantage. But that extends to the smaller organizations, the mid-sized organizations and the very, very small organizations that God has blessed yousized organizations and the very, very small organizations that God has blessed you with resources and God has blessed you with talents and skills you should not be taking advantage of. And if we can step in and assist, then maybe it's the blessing that God has given us to be able to use to help others.
Joe:Prevent. You know hardworking individuals. We all remember the Bernie Madoff story. He defrauded millions and millions of people from their life savings. And people that are fraudsters to us just rub us like nails on a chalkboard. We can't live with that situation. So we try to help and get the message out to people. If you're on the lookout, if we can help you set up the right controls. It's not very complicated. Many business owners never review their bank statements. Well, why not look at your bank statements and see do you remember all that activity? I know you're very, very busy, but protect yourself, know what's going on. So there are simple things that we can help you guys do, whether you're very small or very, very large, that will prevent these kinds of situations from occurring.
Joey:My question is what is the value of this? And that could seem a little bit philosophical and you probably can't put a specific number on it, but excuse, excuse me, maybe you could give some kind of comparison. You know how much and again, I'm not asking you to give a dollar amount. I I imagine it's probably a consultation type of situation. As far as what you charge for your services, I'm not asking for a dollar amount. But as far as you know how much money you've saved people, or or or or spending so much versus losing so much, give us some idea of the value of this kind of thoroughness, and maybe it's not a dollar amount. Maybe you would say hey, if you spend two hours a week, five hours a week, reviewing your bank statements, you could avoid being stolen from this much money, just trying to get your brain going here.
Joe:So I'm going to give you two answers that are real life answers. We worked with a care system in Broward County and they have a facilities department, or what's referred to as plant operations. They do repair and maintenance. They paint and fix and maintain the hospital system. They were involved in a very, very difficult and challenging fraud case many years ago, which we helped them, and challenging fraud case many years ago which we helped them, and their spend was about $6 million in this department on an annual basis. Once we got involved and we were able to identify the fraudulent activity and worked with the FBI, the IRS, the next year their spend dropped to $3 million. There was a $3 million drop in one year associated with this activity because the large organizations have formal operating budgets, some of the smaller ones don't, and the issue, joey, is that many times actual expenditures become the basis for next year's budget.
Joe:So if you're doing your home budgeting and you're thinking all right, honey, how much have we spent in food and groceries? We'll take a look at our historical spend, how much we pay at Publix or wherever you go, and then you project your home budget. Hey, last year we spent an average of $500 to $600. So let's budget $550. Well, if that budget line item that you are using in a company has fraud in it and you continue to spend the same amount, no one notices. But once you take the fraud out you realize gosh, we've overspent in this case. But that's just the financial situation. When we started to develop software to prevent bad vendors from coming into an organization again, this is a large organization there were pedophiles identified that were trying to do work in a children's hospital.
Joe:So the reputational cost for you as— as far as some of the vendors Some of the vendors that were actual the owners of the vendors were actually, because it's not the vendors who do guns don't kill people. People kill people. The vendor doesn't do bad thing, it's the owners and the people who work for the vendor who do bad things. But think of a parent that. Would they ever take a child to a hospital where a child has been assaulted sexually by a vendor? Those pedophiles need to be kept out of a children's hospital. They need to be kept out of society, but more so in a children's hospital. So we tell people what Warren Buffett says you work 20 years to develop a career and a reputation and five minutes to lose it. It's like a grade point average. You know you got straight A's and you get that one C. You can never get back to perfection. So we always tell people reputational risk is more important than the financial cost of doing these kind of services.
Joey:Again, I am so thankful to have you in the studio today. I would have never thought of that aspect of it reputational cost and I'm so glad I asked you that question. And again that you know we've to a degree, you know, encountered that right Radio musicians, vendors, people that come into the studio. You have to kind of background check some of these people. I remember, you know. I remember recently, actually, there was a song that we wanted to add to our library and we realized, oh, this singer is not producing christian music. This one song happened to pop up on a christian, you know, playlist or whatever, but you know, and and even then, uh, you know, there's, you know, you, it's prayerful and everything. I don't want to go down that road too far, but but it was just it could not and we could not, you know, and that's because we stopped and did some homework.
Joe:Joe, you know what that's called in our line of business. It's called vendor vetting or vendor credentialing. So if you're a medium-sized to larger type organization, an organization that might have 500 or more vendors and their large public health care systems have 6,000 vendors, and so if you're in an organization that's 500 or more vendors, you're doing yourself a disservice if you do not know who you're doing business with. So we do exactly what you said A vendor will enter the client's portal and we will do a background search using proprietary software and we'll tell you whether they're a criminal record, whether they're a murderer or a rapist. We have found people that were providing IT services that had 18 counts of criminal activity, including first-degree murder, rapist, grand theft auto of criminal activity, including first-degree murder, rapist, grand theft, auto.
Joe:We have seen so many organizations, vendors, that were sponsoring worldwide terrorism. So we will try to vet these people for you, like you're vetting your song list. It's a perfect example In life you just don't open your door to anybody. You want to know who shows up at your house. Well, banks know their customers very, very well. They call it KYC. Know your customer Businesses don't know much about their vendors. Sure, they'll run a Dun Bradstreet report on them, They'll run a credit report on them, but what about their officers? Who are they? Have they been involved in criminal fraudulent activity? We'll do that on behalf of larger organizations to protect them from doing business unknowingly with bad people. The Office of Inspector General, in fact, will not reimburse a hospital for Medicaid or Medicare which a lot of hospitals need to survive if they knowingly or unknowingly do business with fraudulent people. So if the vendor or their owners have been involved defrauding the government through fictitious billing for Medicare or Medicaid, you can't do business with them anymore and if you're caught they will suspend your reimbursements for Medicaid and Medicare.
Joe:So, vetting of your vendors is what you do at the radio station for adding songs to your playlist, which I commend you for Whenever you get involved with anyone. When employees show up many times you do background searches on employees. Vendor vetting, vendor credentialing is merely a background search on a vendor. Who are they? Are they good? Do they have good from the perspective? Clean from no criminal record? No criminal records, no nefarious activity, no fraudulent activity. Are they legitimate people who have been in business or are they people who are trying to defraud you?
Joey:Yeah, again, incredible insight into what many of us maybe wouldn't think about or know about. Let me ask you this Again a lot of this we didn't discuss beforehand, joe, but this is what comes to mind. Maybe it's just my personality how do you not become just ultra cynical? I mean, in this line of work, finding so much fraudulent activity, finding so much nefarious actors uh, maybe somebody's listening going man, the world's worse than I thought it was, geez louise. You know well, how do you guard your heart? How do you, how do you keep a positive attitude? And again, not for positivity sake, right, biblical jesus said you will have tribulation. Uh, fear not, I've overcome the world. We're not about positivity for positivity's sakes, but I think you understand what I'm asking you know it's very much like police officers.
Joe:It's a very good question and applies to police officers as well. The good news is, joey, that for the most part 80%, 90% of the vendors that we look at in studies and analysis and investigations that we're a part of are normally okay, the credential vendors. It's the 5% or 10%.
Joe:It's the one bad apple that ruins the entire batch. And it's the same thing with police officers. And we try to leave our work as work, knowing that we believe in Colossians 3.23,. Whatever we do, we're going to work at it as if working for the Lord. When we're done working for the Lord for that day and we flip over to our regular daily person life, not the forensic professional life we try to switch that off and, like police officers or detectives imagine a detective or someone who works for the FBI that their entire focus is on internet porn or what's it called Trafficking yeah, trafficking, or child pornography. That's a person who I'd have the same question for. And it's one of those things that you know you have a job to do. You know you're representing the Lord in all that you do, so you do your very best and then, when you leave that situation and you revert back, you realize you need to love those that are around you.
Joe:You need to show them God's love, and so, for a Christian, it's not hard if your priorities are straight. We're not forensic accountants. We're Christians who do forensic accounting, which is a huge difference than what most people look at. So we'll take the blessings that God has given us, use it to the benefit of an organization or community and then the rest of the time we live our lives serving the Lord as best we know how.
Joey:Amen, you know. That gets me to another question and this might be the last topic we get to discuss this time. Well, I think we're going to have you back and as God leads, you know, I take it for granted. Right, I've gotten to know you and again, if you're listening, this is Joe Palmar of Palmar Forensics. He's here in the studio with us. Been an incredible time and, as we near the end of our conversation, this time around the fact that you put God in center of your work, of your business, that Jesus is the foundation, the focus, got to see that incredible testimony 20-year anniversary on LinkedIn, a video there online, and maybe we'll be able to connect to that some way as well. But here's the point. Maybe there's one story, or maybe it's just overall how, as you have honored God in this business and in this career, how you've seen God honor you, you know it is far more important for us to honor God in what we do than to get any honor from God.
Joe:We're grateful as servants of the King and we're grateful as to have been given these resources and these blessings. The LinkedIn talk that you mentioned is our 20-year anniversary, and I can still remember sitting at church 20 years ago listening to Numbers 13, where the 12 were asked to go into the promised land. And what were we going to do? We're going into a land with giants in it. I mean the Ernst Youngs, the PricewaterhouseCoopers, the large consulting practices. Who are we to be in that space at all? But we figured God has opened this door. We're going to step by faith into this. If it's something that God wants, he'll provide it. One way or another he'll provide for us. So we took that step and we decided by faith. We're going to do this and we're going to help out those that we can. And if we're blessed with resources, then we're going to turn around and help those that are around us, with a specific focus on James 127, widows and orphans. We're big believers in doing what God. If God views that as a pure religion, then we're going to support that. So over the years God has blessed us and we've had the opportunities to support a lot of different ministries, and so we're just thankful to be his servants. If he finds that what we have done is honoring to him, then I think we've accomplished our objectives.
Joe:But the most important thing for us is to do God's will every single day. Keep God first. I hear a devotional every morning that's called TGIF and most people think that that means thank God, it's Friday. No, it means today. God is first, and that's how the day starts with me. And it's not something about me, it's just something about that I've, through the years of walking with the Lord, I've realized put God first. Everything will work itself out one way or another and serve him, and we're just really super grateful to be here with you, joey, to be on this radio station and to be part of this congregation, and if we can continue to serve the community and help out, god will figure out the rest of it, I might take that one from you, tgif today God is first, Absolutely brother.
Joe:Today God is first.
Joey:Hey, let that be true for us today. It's been incredible to get just a brief insight into the world of Joe Palmar and, more than him, what God has done through him, his family right. Talk about a whole program we could do to support of your spouse, of your family, I think, is one or more of your sons working with you.
Joe:We actually had my wife works with. We call ourselves the Partridge family sometimes and we'll go into a client and they'll introduce, and everyone's last name is Palmar, and I'll say, listen, don't think that this is Partridge Family or this is some kind of sort of weird kind of situation. We have been blessed with the ability to work with my wife and two of my sons at one point and one is continuing to work with us. One is now a social media influencer.
Joey:But he got his start with us doing videos on LinkedIn.
Joe:And now Jonathan Palmar has got I think what is it now? 200,000 followers on LinkedIn. And now Jonathan Palmar has got I think what is it now? 200,000 followers on LinkedIn. And Michael Palmar, who studied accounting and is a certified fraud examiner. We work together and we've been involved. We've been blessed to be involved in cases outside of this country where my wife Leslie, my son Michael and myself flew out to the Bahamas, which sounds like a great gig right.
Joe:Hard work, but when you go to a third world country and you go into an office in a third world country, I can assure you the first few days it's really cool, no it's not a resort, it's not a beach. You're not having a good time. You're there to work.
Joe:And the people who you're working for there are not happy to see you, and it took 16 weeks that we were there back and forth. So the team that is with us we're about 15 in total, but three of them happen to be, two of them happen to be family members and they specialize in the exact same thing vendor related fraud, invoice review and things of that nature. So overall, Joey, I got to tell you it's been an enormous blessing, a tremendous blessing, and that's why we always look to the Lord and always credit Him for everything. Everything comes from Him, Nothing comes from us. If we're given the resources, it's like the parable of the talents. What are you going to do with what you've been blessed with? And if you don't pour it back into people and pour it back into the ministry, you are a bad steward of those resources.
Joey:Hey, you didn't come up with that, god did. So, it could be a hard word, a difficult word, but it's a needed word and, like I said, I mean so many of these topics could be programs in and of themselves and they might be future conversations. You know the blessing of working with family, of doing business with family, because some might go. I'm not doing that, but obviously you've probably learned some things, you work with your wife right I do.
Joey:I do here. Uh, she, she, well, she volunteers here on a pretty frequent basis and I love it. I love it. Like I said, it's a, it's a whole conversation, but we, we got to give people something to look forward to. Hey, seriously, god's way, radio family. This has been incredible and you know. So, points of application whether you're a business owner, large or small, whether you're an employee, whether you're learning about the world around you, maybe God has something for you in the future. Maybe you're going to be a person who starts a company and you're going to start right, you're not going to have the $6 million to $3 million situation. You're going to start and operate and operate. Hey, you're gonna be even more frugal at 2.75 million dollars. Uh, you know, whatever the case is, so many points of application and, besides the application, just you know, almost like fellowship, just getting to know each other. Uh, joe, I can't thank you again enough for being with us today it.
Joe:It's been my pleasure, my honor, to be here.
Tiffany:We hope you enjoyed Friends and Family, unique conversations recorded and produced in our studios, where you get a chance to hear what God is doing in people's lives. Jesus tells us in John 15, verse 15, I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. So that's why we love to share these exclusive interviews with you. Our hope is that through their stories God will be made known to you, but you can only find them here on God's Way Radio. Just check GodsWayRadiocom for our full program schedule. Thank you,