Friends And Family
Conversations from the studios of God's Way Radio in Miami, FL.
WAYG-LP | 104.7FM
Friends And Family
Embracing New Life: The Transformative Work of Eve's Hope
When Linda Rumpf of Eve's Hope Pregnancy Center stepped into our studio, we coudl tell it was going to be a special time. Her story, a testament to the center's adaptation and growth amid a global pandemic, captures the essence of unwavering support for women navigating the uncertainty of crisis pregnancies. We follow Linda's journey as she reveals the transition to a paperless environment, the critical need for volunteers like sonographers, and the power of personal testimonies that sow seeds of hope within the community.
Imagine a community mobilizing to bring forth a mobile pregnancy center, a dream that once seemed just out of reach. Linda recounts the divine sequence of events—from initial hesitance to a cascade of community backing—that led to the launch of this faith-infused project. Our board's leap of faith resonates deeply as we delve into the significance of male care coordinators, the evolving strategies to connect with women amidst legislative changes, and the use of social media as a beacon to amplify our mission. This episode is a tribute to the collective heartbeat of those dedicated to serving and empowering others through compassionate care and the gospel.
Witness the celebration of new beginnings, from choosing life to the joys of adoption, intricately woven through the fabric of Eve's Hope. Linda's anecdotes serve as a reminder of the indelible mark left on lives touched by faith and fellowship. Join us to explore these profound narratives that reaffirm the potential for each of us to make a meaningful difference and to experience the impact of God's presence in every facet of life.
You're tuned in to Friends and Family, a God's Way radio exclusive where we introduce you to some amazing people. In John 15, verse 15, jesus says I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you. That's our aim that God would be made known to you. Stay with us until the end of our conversation for more information on this program and other unique offerings from God's Way radio. I have the pleasure of being here with Linda Rumpf from Eves Hope Pregnancy Center here in Miami, I believe in the Palmetto Bay area, but I'm going to let her introduce herself a little bit and tell us a little bit about Eves Hope for those of you who didn't hear our last interview and for those of you who don't know, Well, thank you so much, Tiffany, for inviting me to come in and share a little bit about my story.
Linda:I'm just so delighted to be here and speak to your audience. Just a little bit about Eves Hope Pregnancy Center. We were established beginning of January 2013 and we opened as Fully Medical in 2015. So what do we do? In those two years we were fundraising. I remember having a garage sale. Oh, my goodness, yes, that's how we started. And then other people came alongside of us who caught the vision of what we were trying to do having a pregnancy center in Palmetto Bay, which is south of where the other pregnancy centers were, and so that was seven years ago.
Linda:Can you believe that that?
Tiffany:is amazing.
Linda:Seven years ago, oh my gosh. And there's been so many testimonies and stories along the way.
Tiffany:Yes, I can't wait to hear one or a couple of those testimonies, with the little time that we have. So now in the seven years we have done an interview before. I believe the last time was in 2019. And since then a lot has happened. We've had a worldwide pandemic and so much else has happened, I'm sure, with the ministry there. So how has the organization done since then? Have you seen a lot more increase in need, a lot more ladies and families coming for help, or has it actually become a lot more difficult to reach out to the community?
Linda:Both so in 2019, when I was here last, a lot of things have changed and actually COVID produced a lot of change because back then, when COVID first started, people weren't going to see doctors.
Tiffany:I'm sure you remember the lockdown and all of that.
Linda:But we were open. We were online receiving clients and talking to them and getting questions from women who were pregnant who were worried about how COVID would affect them. So we were receiving that kind of call, so we remained open, believe it or not?
Linda:Now we weren't open five days a week, but we were open two days a week and were able to see those who were in need. So some of the other things that have changed since then is that we're fully what would I say, oh paperless. We're fully paperless, meaning that all of our intake, medical intake information is sent via text to the client, and so that happened about a year and a half ago and that has been a real big help to us.
Tiffany:That just sounds a lot more efficient. Yes, a lot more efficient.
Linda:So we send them everything paperless and they fill out their information, they come in and it saves time. So the amount of time that they're with us is a little bit more productive.
Tiffany:Right focused on the real issues that they came for Exactly.
Linda:So we spend that time with them when they're coming in, get to know them a little bit and hear their stories. So that's been really helpful and that allowed a little more space for nurses to come in.
Linda:So we have very specific things for the nurses to do, now that at the center, for example, they do the medical history, they do the pregnancy test, they help the sonographer. So, and we definitely need nurses right now we have six nurses who volunteer for us. Can you believe that that's amazing? Oh, my gosh. Plus, we have a doctor, Dr Cowback, who is one of our sonographers. So with that, we've had two additional sonographers being trained in sonography, or two additional nurses I'm sorry who were trained in sonography. So now the clinic three days a week we're open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday clinic hours, and then on Friday, on Saturday excuse me, Saturday we're open the second and the fourth Saturday of the month. So we are looking to open on Monday and in need of a sonographer who can volunteer on Monday. So, and we train, we train the nurses in sonography. So all these folks are volunteers.
Tiffany:Yes, I wonder if there's any listeners that maybe are thinking that's me.
Tiffany:On Mondays I'm available and I'm trained. For those of you who don't know the pregnancy center, so there are, and Linda correct me if any of this is slightly off or whatever, but based on my experience when I visited and took the tour myself, ladies who come to this pregnancy center who are pregnant and feel like are in the midst of a crisis in their life, they're in need, they come there and they receive, most importantly, the gospel and the word of God and a loving welcome and then they are able to actually see, like, like Linda said, these trained sonographers so they can get a sonogram or an ultrasound and they can actually see the baby that God has created, that's growing inside of them, and really get the correct perspective of what is happening, that this is not the end of their life, this is the beginning of a life, and so they're able to go there and receive that message of hope. And I just love that you guys were able to stay open during the pandemic, because I know that there was, there was, and it's just like with the church is so many clothes, but that was really the time when there was most need, because there was so much more fear and so much more need, and the fact that you were able to stay open and still provide that avenue and that that open door for these, these ladies and these families who needed that more than ever, was amazing. I don't know how many other pregnancy centers were able to do that, or just you know we're fully virtual, so that that's amazing. And did you?
Tiffany:You mentioned something about a bus, the mobile unit. I don't, actually, I don't remember.
Tiffany:I don't know if you said that, or if I was just really excited, because that's one of the things I'm most excited about is that now you have this mobile pregnancy center, so can you tell us more about that?
Linda:Oh, absolutely so.
Linda:I'll begin by telling you the story of how we got the mobile because, I love telling, telling the story because it it's just a beautiful picture of how God is involved with what we are doing. And so we got a call. We got a call in 2020. When I got, I had a COVID. So Cheryl at the center got the call and she called me and said oh, jeff from this organization called image clear ultrasound and he would like to talk to you about a mobile unit. And I said, oh no, I'm sick. I know about that. I've talked to these folks. I'm not interested. This is very costly, very expensive.
Tiffany:No, and that was my first thought is like no.
Linda:And so then eventually I got well and went back to work and we had a new medical director. And the new medical director says, oh, we need to be on every corner. Just like a Burger King or a McDonald's, pregnancy centers need to be on every corner. And I'm like, yeah, I agree with that. And then we met again the following week wrapping up some other things in that medical arena, and he said it again. I'm like, okay, this is not the first or second time I've heard you say that, doctor. So all of a sudden the light went on in my mind and I'm like Wait a minute, we could do that if we had a mobile unit. And then I asked Cheryl, cheryl, what did you tell that guy? Right, I just told you to blow off. And she says oh, I told him that when you're feeling better you'll call him. Oh, Cheryl.
Tiffany:Thank you, cheryl, praise God.
Linda:So I'm like, don't call us. I know. I said, oh, praise God. So I called him and got some more information and actually he told me that there was a gentleman in North Florida who wanted to provide an opportunity for a pregnancy center in Miami and that this gentleman was willing to pay up to 60% of the cost of the mobile. I'm like, oh, okay, that's pretty interesting because these things are expensive. And so I thought, oh, okay, okay, well, let's continue the conversation. Can you come out, bring the mobile and talk to the board, all of that? And he came. So, uh, I mentioned that I had COVID, right, mm-hmm. And when I had.
Linda:COVID. I had COVID fog really bad.
Linda:So, um, the day the night before, I started doubting myself because people had been telling me Linda, I told you that, or you know, reminding me, well, linda, and I'm like, oh my gosh, covid fog, you know.
Linda:And uh, so I started doubting whether or not he said what he said to me, and so I just prayed, lord, have him, during the meeting, at some point, reveal what he said, just to validate the conversation. And so we had the meeting and I invited a number of people who were not involved with our pregnancy center but in the community to, you know, hear what he had to say, how we might be able to help in in Miami-Dade County. And so at one point during the the meeting, a gentleman raised his hand and says how much is that thing gonna cost? And I thought, thank you God, he brought it up. Yeah, and the and Jeff looked at me and he says, well, I don't know what you've told everyone, linda, what would you, how would you like me to answer that? And I said, oh, please share with everyone what you told me, because obviously the board had heard what I had thought I heard anyway, and and and.
Linda:Let me tell you, let me tell you, tiffany, I, I just inwardly, I'm, I'm, I'm welling up in tears because it wasn't 60%. This is what he said. He said the cost will be covered with the exception of $25,000. So there's an affiliation fee, which is six was $6,000.
Linda:So we paid the difference. So it total total cost to us was $25,000. So they obviously needed to know that we had to buy it. But here's the thing when we raised funds, we raise funds every year for the next year, right? So this year we're raising funds for 2023. And that year we closed out with $25,000 additional in the bank. Oh my God, we had the money the Lord provided. Oh my gosh, lord is you know, of course. Then, after the meeting and everything we were, we left the meeting, we're in front of the mobile and the board is all together and everybody's believing this is a calling from the Lord. I mean, this is just you know how.
Linda:This is just from him. We all believe that everybody agreed and and affirmed that we need to move forward with with the mobile and that's that's what we did, and no sooner did that happen. And then I get in my car and Jeff had said oh, I'll, I'll send you the information on the annual cost for the mobile, because obviously there is a cost maintaining and staff and everything. And I got in my car and I got this message from him and I opened up the message and I looked at it my eyes probably you know, they were just very wide and I thought oh Lord, this is for me to look at it another time.
Linda:I'm just simply going to embrace what you're doing right now and I had been doing a Bible study with Priscilla Shire and it, and that morning I read in my study where she talked about faith and she said faith is walking into the unknown. And believing and I had to believe, you know I was I didn't know what to expect. This is all unknown territory for me and believing that God is doing this and that's how it the mobile started and the gentleman, an anonymous donor, but thankfully I had an opportunity to speak to him so I know who he is.
Linda:But he will remain anonymous and in February of this year he went on to be with the.
Tiffany:Lord, oh my goodness, yes.
Linda:But crown in heaven, from Exactly the crown in heaven. But but do you know? He had a vision. God gave him a vision and he used his resources for people he didn't. He didn't know I mean, he didn't know us at the pregnancy center Eve's Hope but he just knew God had given him a vision and what he wanted to do in Miami Dade County. So why do you think he wanted to do it in Miami Dade County? No idea, tell me.
Linda:Well, he had worked in Miami Dade for many years. Okay, so he was a businessman in Miami Dade, very familiar with, with, with our county. But he also knew the number of abortions in Miami Dade County. So you see, in the state of Florida we have annually, there's usually more than 70,000 abortions annually. Okay, in Miami Dade. Now, last year in Miami Dade we had now this is just Miami Dade 14,588 abortions. Okay, so Miami Dade is number one in the state of County for the number of abortions. So he had a vision, god had given him a vision and he brought others alongside. And here we are today with the mobile.
Tiffany:Wow, that's amazing. I just love how that absolutely has the stamp of the Lord's fingerprints all over it, just the way it happened, from the very beginning you getting that call and and almost like you know and I've done this in my own life where the Lord I don't know it's the Lord at the time but something will come up and I'll be like no, no, no, no, that's not for me. And then it just keeps coming and coming and you're like, wait a minute, something's going on here. And then but you think, but this is impossible, how can this be? And then the Lord will. He just provides, either financially or or whatever it is that we need to. He's like, no, I'm giving you this, this vision, this calling, and I'm going to equip you to do this vision and calling.
Tiffany:And in your case, you know you were saying it's not just that, it wasn't even that one time provision, but it's every year providing and it's I don't know. It reminds me of the when the Israelites were crossing into the Jordan, as you were talking about faith, that that that time, when they crossed the Jordan, the water didn't just part before them, they couldn't see the road. In a sense, almost they were a little more faith was required this time around, after the first time that they had to actually step into the waters, into the unknown, as you said. And then you know it parted and and how. It's that we have to have that continual faith of like. We just need to. We don't know the circumstances or how, we're from, where or exactly what, but we don't need to know those things, we just need to know who exactly he is the one who's he's faithful and he is able and and just to obey and go in faith and watch him provide.
Tiffany:It's amazing, Exactly.
Linda:It's. It's. It's often asking myself the question well, do you believe? Okay, do you believe? Yes, I believe, lord, I believe.
Tiffany:Once you know that that's what the Lord's calling you, just go and watch. Watch the miracle. I love that. That's amazing. See, were there any any other?
Linda:Well you had asked me about the changes I'm going to go back.
Tiffany:Yes, yes, go back so some of the other changes.
Linda:besides the medical intake electronically, we have new volunteer positions as a result. They mentioned the nurses is one, but we have male care coordinators, so we had started that idea of having men talk to men. So, now we have. We have three male care coordinators one is in during the week and then another on the weekend and then one in and out. But anyway, they talk to the dads, they talk to the dads, whether you know, mostly we see abortion minded women.
Linda:So, if the male is with her, the father, the baby is with her will invite him to speak to. To speak to Brian, who's in the office most regularly, and so they have an opportunity to hear from a male perspective about abortion, about options of adoption, okay, so all the things that we share normally with the woman, but from a male perspective, and that's been a huge, huge help and a big change in in serving, in serving our clients, because oftentimes we find that she may come in abortion minded and then she leaves undecided. So she's. Why does she leave undecided? Because now she knows what abortion looks like, okay, she's seen a video, she's been informed, educated and she's had an ultrasound. So she's seen her baby. Okay, and now she, what she needs is somebody to come alongside of her and say, hey, we can do this, I'll be there for you.
Linda:And such a difference is a huge difference. And that support system to know that, hey, he's not going to walk out on me, I'm not going to be caring for this baby by myself, financially unstable and all those other things. But so we encourage him, and that is male to male.
Tiffany:Yeah, that's. I think I read a stick. I don't remember what the statistic was, but just the idea of like a woman you know is so much less likely to go through with the abortion as she knows that you know her partner, her, you know the dad is there, wants to be part, you know there with her and she's like, well, okay, you know, maybe I'm not going to be alone in this, I can do this. It's not just individuals, these are families, right?
Linda:right and I'll share. I'll share a quick story with you and this story is when you know we're talking about the male stepping up and supporting her, walking with her, encouraging her, but it's also a family issue. So when you have your family helping you, it makes a huge, huge difference. And we had somebody who came into the center, definitely abortion minded she actually was homeless as well, because she wasn't living.
Linda:She was staying at a friend's house in in Broward County temporarily. But as soon as they found out that she was pregnant, they told her if you're going to keep that baby, you're not welcome here. So they told her you need to have an abortion. And so she came into our center thinking that she was, that she had made an appointment and an abortion, yeah yeah, I'm like, okay, you didn't read the print.
Tiffany:I don't know. No, no, no, the Lord gave her a fog at that moment. Yes, go here, go go.
Linda:Exactly so when she came in, what did she get? She got love and compassion, she, she, she got the truth and the the care coordinator asked her well, do you have family that might be able to help you and encourage you? And she told her story no, no, my, my father's never really been in my life and I'm not close to my mom, and so my dad's remarried and, you know, has his own family again, another family and, and so no, but she had told her dad she had reached out to her dad and let her dad, and her dad knew that she was going to this abortion.
Linda:She was going to have an abortion because that's what she was. She thought she was going to go, and what happened is that he ended up calling her while she was in the ultrasound room. Oh my goodness not knowing, not knowing, oh my goodness not knowing, and anyway there's a little bit more of the story, but in the end he offered her to stay. He invited her to stay with him and his family and did not want her to have the abortion Right.
Linda:So family makes a huge difference and they make a huge difference. And you know, to all the, to the parents out there with young teens, and what I hear consistently with from a young person who they get kicked out of their home, okay, oh you're, you're misbehaving, you're doing all those things I don't want you to do. I can't handle you anymore, so you're not going to live here anymore because you can't follow my rules. Ultimately, that's kind of what it looks like when these folks are coming in. So what, what? What just happened? You made your child homeless, right? And that's the situation that I'm very familiar with, because I have grandchildren and I see you know some of the kids and I'm like, oh my gosh, I can't imagine what life might be like for that individual because now they're no longer at home. Right, they have to find another place.
Linda:But just to reiterate again, parents, through all of that, you know, we, we, we, as parents, because I'm a parent, I'm a grandma, yes, I have a team, you say proudly, yes, team, team, grandchildren. I would say love them the way the Lord loves them, unconditionally and, yes, despite all their failures, but love them the way Christ would have you, love them the way he loves us and that makes such a big difference in in their young lives. And, and and I don't know that I just love encouraging families to remember who their creator is and who they're following. And what is the scripture say? What does Jesus tell us? To love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, yes. And then the second greatest commandment is love your neighbor as yourself. To love your neighbors, yes. And, and my goodness, who's closer than your child? Right, it is that unconditional love. And so you know, that's my, that's my heart for the young people.
Tiffany:That reminds me of the in the Bible when, with the adulterous woman you know she was, they were everyone was surrounding her ready to cast the stones at her. And then Jesus comes in, you know, and he's the only sinless one here, and he, he tells them, you know, if you are without sin, cast the first stone. So often, you know, we look at these people like, oh, you know, and we think like we're sinless, and we look at them that way, but then he calls her daughter you know, where your accusers?
Tiffany:now I don't accuse you and he, he responds, like you said, with that love, with that compassion, like like a father. And how much more should we do the same?
Linda:Amen those around us.
Tiffany:Yes, amen.
Linda:Oh, one other thing the newest thing is our social media.
Tiffany:Oh, tell me okay, is that how we contract the bus? Do we know where it is or how do you use?
Linda:that, okay, that the okay. So, yes, that's the social media right now is going to be a big part of the mobile. So what I would, I would love to say to your audience, to everybody listening, here's how you can help. Okay, so follow us on Instagram. And so we have Eve's hope, a website called Eve's hope. Okay, eve's hopeinfo, but we have a specific website that reaches her. Okay, she's, she's, she's, she's in a different place, right, she's in a different place. She's looking for the abortion. She doesn't know what she's going to do, she's pregnant, she's in a dark place, and so we need to reach her as best as we can. And so there's been some changes with the, with the sense row versus weight was overturned, and the change, one big change, is Google, and so how Google advertise, advertises for us. So, because of the big change, and with Google, we're not being seen, our answer not being seen as readily not realize that.
Linda:Oh, yes, yes, that's, that's a big thing right now, and this is a national level. I got a message from another organization and they're doing some research and they asked has Google stopped your reviews?
Linda:Okay so, yep, no one can give us a good review, a bad review. No more reviews turn a silence any pregnancy center. So so we're doing something new, we're re, we're re imagining what this space is going to look like for us. So I haven't been really into social media. We're a small organization, right and so, but now I have a volunteer who's advertising, who's who's involved in the social media and she's posting our Instagram, posting on our Instagram account. So, anyway, if you could follow us, it is our. I think it's called our handle. Yes, instagram handle is Okay. Pregnancy options Miami 305.
Tiffany:Pregnancy options Miami 305.
Linda:Got it Okay so if, if all the listeners would just take a moment and follow us. We need a following. That was the first thing Alessandra said to me. We need a following.
Tiffany:We don't have followers, and so if you could do, that that would really help If you guys aren't driving park safely somewhere and go on Instagram pregnancy options Miami 305 and follow them.
Linda:Yes, so we're hoping that we will attract, especially from churches, you know, the young people to help us in that endeavor. Now, I didn't have an Instagram account until now, truth be known, but now I have my Instagram account and I'm following, you know. Pregnancy options Miami, 305. Nice, and so, yes, so that's one of the ways that we're going to be able to make that announcement where the mobile is going to be at one particular date.
Linda:So back to the mobile on Tuesdays we're in the Niranja homestead area, okay, okay, so we are parked. We are parked near Walmart's grocery store and I can't think of the address, but I do have it, okay. Anyway, that's one of the locations where we're at right now. We've had a really hard time hiring a full-time sonographer. Okay, so far, so far. Yes, god is bringing that person. So if there's anybody out there that has a heart for the Lord and is a sonographer, we're willing to hire on a full-time basis. We want to be out there five days a week. Right now we're out there on Tuesday, and that was possible because we have somebody who is a sonographer and she's volunteering and she takes care of her grants the other days of the week, but she's volunteering one day a week, so we can at least do that.
Linda:The other thing you might be able to help us with your listeners would be able to help us with, and that is reaching out to the community. So we did hire somebody for the mobile and she's helps with community engagement. So she's responsible for meeting up with folks in the community and letting everybody know that the mobile is here to serve in the community. So what does the mobile do? We do three things. We do pregnancy testing, ultrasounds and community referrals, and part of that community referral is our parenting program.
Tiffany:So that is a you know I love the parenting program Just via text or email and they get the lessons on their phone and they can be engaged, Because it's not just okay, don't have an abortion, have a baby now, go and you know, but you actually are able to equip them for that next stage in life. That's amazing.
Linda:Exactly so the. The location is 14300 Southwest 268th Street. So the mobile is called image clear ultrasound South Florida. So you might ask well, why isn't it Eve's home, right? Okay, so we're trying to be neutral. So image clear ultrasound, it says it all. So what are you doing? We're doing ultrasounds and it's, it's on the mobile, and again, we do those three, three things.
Tiffany:Cause if somebody saw an Eve's home, they'd be like what is that?
Linda:Exactly, Exactly the big mobile and and here is something that gives you a picture it's a beautiful brand new unit.
Tiffany:I'm looking at a picture of it right here. Yes, that is nice it is.
Linda:It is so nice. It's just, and we've, of course, we've been seeing clients on it and it's walk-ons. So most of it is walk-ons, even though we do have a website where, on the mobile, it lists the website and they can go online and see our hours that we're operating in that particular area. But we're going out. Once we get the sonographer we're going to go out into other areas. So next week we'll be, we'll be at the locations that we've identified that we want to be at and if we happen to get somebody on the mobile, then we'll redirect them to to the closest pregnancy center in their particular area.
Linda:But what I have found is women who contact us, who live in the northern part of the town, aren't willing to come to our brick and mortar because we're too far. So they don't want the commute and most of the time they have to take the bus Right, oh my goodness. And that takes all day. Exactly, it takes all it takes. And we had somebody who did that yesterday, but praise God, yes, yes, she, she came, and she was actually somebody who chose adoption. Oh yes, unbelievable. So anyway, back to the mobile we're, we're in, we're looking in West Kendall. We have a location that we've kind of spied on in West Kendall, so we'll be out there next week. In West Kendall we want to go to the Dural area and we've been in conversation with some, some community folks in Overtown.
Tiffany:So it looks like we're going to Overtown. That's amazing.
Tiffany:You guys are all over the place. That's and and oh my goodness, that's, that's great. Um, I was just thinking about the, the lady who chose abortion, because it's you know you have, you were able to give them those, those options. If, for whatever reason at you know, at least she doesn't choose abortion but she still doesn't see any kind of way of keeping this child, that you can still give her those resources to to be able to give her baby up for adoption. That's very close to my heart right now. As we were just talking before the interview, I just um, me and my husband just adopted, um a baby.
Tiffany:Um so just so beautiful, so thankful to the Lord. So I think we we've mentioned um a couple of the difficulties already. Were there any other? What? What is one of the biggest difficulties that the ministry has been facing?
Linda:Okay, I mentioned the advertising with the Google and how we're trying to definitely warfare help, yes, how we're creating a new model to overcome that. And again, just listeners, we need. We need the following we need young people to help us out with with that and I think that's you know. Before it was hard for me to say, hey, how young you, young person, you can help us out by doing what I don't know. But now I know how they can help us and they're very much in tune with your social media savvy.
Linda:Yeah, tick, tock and all of that, it's like no, you can really help us in that area.
Linda:So we're getting um. The other new thing that we're doing is, um, a podcast. So we have somebody who, who is a volunteer. She came to us and she says, oh, I think you need to have a podcast. Everybody's listening to the podcast. And I listened to her and I'm like, okay, well, I can't do it, but can you? And she said, yes, I'm all in. So she's going to start the podcast for us and we already have a lineup of you know what we, what we want to do, um, who to invite, and we're going to cover a lot of topics, but it's going to be with her in mind, okay, and I'm just trying in mind and and and having conversations with medical people and and adoption, you know, agencies and those who have adopted, and I mean we have, we have a very good, um a list of things that were topics that we're going to discuss, and so I'm excited about it.
Tiffany:That is exciting. I love that you guys are really coming into the new, the new millennium or how, I don't know how it is.
Linda:We've seen it, yes.
Tiffany:We're embracing. We're not fighting it off, but that the I love how the Lord is using that um podcast and social media to now kind of like fight against this, the world system that's trying to silence us and and direct these women away from um, that hope, eve's hope, um, you see, and so we talked about the difficulties. What about some of the blessings? Or do you have like a favorite part about what you did? I'm sure it's probably hard to pick just one.
Linda:Well, actually I can pick just one, and that is sharing the story, because when I share the story I get to give God the glory, right. So the story of how we, how I started in, um, the pregnancy center and my background and my experience, and I think about it. I'm like, wow, lord, you prepared me long ago because I had volunteered at a pregnancy center for a short time and, uh, my time there ended and I'm like, okay, lord, what do I? What do I do next? You, I had said years earlier that I want to serve you on a full-time basis when I retire. And now I'm here, retired, and what do I do next?
Linda:And the idea kept coming to me of, uh, of, of, yeah, of starting pregnancy center. And I'm like, no way. Honestly, I'm saying no way, lord, I don't. I don't have any resources, I don't know people of influence, I can't do this. You know no. And so I. So I did that for six months, I just. But the Lord kept bringing that idea to mind and every time I was in church or you'd listen to a message on the radio, it, it just kept going back to that.
Tiffany:You know like how the Lord wouldn't let it go.
Linda:Yes, he does chase it yeah, and I was in a Bible study.
Tiffany:I was studying Moses okay, yeah, when he was a baby.
Linda:Moses and his life and from beginning to end yeah, and I'm like okay, so I I end the Bible study. One day and I was weeping and Moses had died and now Josh was taking over and I'm like okay, lord, wow, I want to end on a positive.
Linda:So I turn the page over and I get to Joshua. One night, there we go, be strong and courageous. Yeah, I might not command you to be strong and courageous, do, do do not be discouraged, or um, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go. And I realized then I had made it about me. Do you hear me? Oh, it was about me. I can't, I can't do, yeah. And I said okay, lord, thank, it's about you and what you're doing. And so, ever since then, it's about him and giving him glory, because he's doing it, not me, and he brings folks like yourself alongside on the journey to give, to give vision of, of, of, of helping women turn their life around to him, to him and follow him, and that is a beautiful thing.
Linda:So I love telling the story and stories you know, about what, what is happening and how we see God involved and when you said, his fingerprints yes, everywhere yes, they are everywhere. We can praise him and honor him, and in that way it's. It's not one person.
Linda:You know I'm here speaking on behalf of each hope, but we started with with three other women there were four of us in the beginning who started humble beginnings with the garage sale and the three of you it's like, okay, here we are, but other people had caught the vision, and so today we have the vision, and so so we we need more people to have the vision to come on alongside of of the pregnancy center. Pro life, pro life. We actually talk to women about their choices. Yes, now when they go to an abortion center, they're not given any choice other than the medical abortion but, when they come to us. We let we educate her, because there are options there are other options choice informed, exactly, exactly.
Tiffany:I love that and I mean I love that.
Tiffany:You mentioned Joshua. That's actually in numbers and Joshua and all that. That's where we're at as a church. In our ladies ministry, our ladies bible study actually is just started this last Tuesday a study in Joshua. So if any of you ladies are listening to this and it's uh, you know, I don't know we're going to be airing this interview pretty soon and probably repeated, but right now we're in, uh, september of 2022, and every second and fourth Tuesday at 7 30, we're going to be doing a ladies bible study in the book of Joshua and in the first lesson we were talking about that, about be strong and courageous, and how often that is repeated in that book, at the beginning and also at the end, and and how that is a command it's to be strong. It's not to feel strong and courageous, because so often in our society now, it's all about feelings and how do you feel, and that that's the most important thing, but it's it's a command of faith is is obedience, be strong and courageous, and it's not like you said, it's not about me, it's not about you, it's about the Lord, what he can do, and he just commands us to be strong and courageous and go, and I love that so much. Um, that's amazing.
Tiffany:Um, let's see the other thing that we wanted to talk about to mention. Definitely, you know we've been talking a lot about abortion and and I wonder if you have a word for those women who maybe have committed an abortion in the past, because I know we there has to be some in our listeners and and you come across them all the time and we, you know we talked a little bit about the woman who committed adultery and how the Lord sees her, so do you have a specific word for women who maybe have committed an abortion in the past and are listening to this and maybe feeling regret, or maybe feeling condemnation? Um, what, what could we say to them?
Linda:well, I'm going to share some scripture with them, because why did Jesus come? You know, you have to ask yourself why did he come? He came for the forgiveness of sins and um, in Romans 6 23, it says for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and that was his mission. And I love this scripture verse, I want it. It means so much to me and it's from Isaiah 1 18. It says though your skin, your sins are like scarlet, it I will make them as white as snow. Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow. And that's what Jesus does. He take, he, he, he takes the sin and he, when you ask for forgiveness, he forgives, he forgives, and he wants you to remember them no more.
Linda:But it's hard where human beings and we know it's hard, I mean it's you we kind of play that thing over and over again in our head and we don't forgive ourselves. Okay, oh yeah, jesus forgave me, but I can't forgive myself, right? Yes, we hear that all the time. All right, so we have a class called Forgiven and Set Free, and Forgiven and Set Free. It's a eight to ten week class, depending on, you know, the the structure, that of the women and their availability, but we just are completing a class and we have four graduates and these women have now a greater in-depth understanding of the unconditional love that God has for them and they're forgiven and set free and that's the name of the Bible study Forgiven and Set Free.
Linda:So if there's anybody interested in in pursuing that Bible study and would like we, you know, in in the group. We often have people who, oh, you know, I had that happened a long time ago and I'm fine, and then they go through the program and they go oh my gosh, I have learned so much and I really wasn't fine.
Linda:Or maybe you had that abortion and you never have told anybody else other than the father or the baby, and so you're living in guilt and in shame with this unconfessed sin, unconfessed such havoc in our lives exactly, and this program allows you to finally be set free. Finally be set free so they can. They can find out more information by going by contacting us at Eve's Hope pregnancy care center, and we'd be more than happy to talk to them about the next class.
Tiffany:I love that, I love that you, you're helping just women in all seasons and in all stages, and even the ones that have, you know, had an abortion, that there's still, we can still help you, there's still hope for you. You're not, it's not too late for you know, to have that hope, to have that forgiveness. That's amazing. Let's see if we have time, for maybe we can share maybe a recent it doesn't have to be recent, but one of your, either one of your favorite testimonies from from one of the ladies that our family that have come, or a recent story that happened, and then I think after that we'll have time to share just again how, how we can reach you, how we can help out Eve's Hope. So any recent stories or testimonies you'd like to share well, we have one.
Linda:We had one client come in, a married couple. They came in and they were pursuing abortion. It wasn't the right time for them. We met with them and talked to them. You know, like we do everybody, we embrace them where they're at. They were in a very dark place. You know, they were new, they were new here to our country and just it wasn't the right timing. Basically is what they said it just wasn't the right timing.
Linda:But they saw the ultrasound, they had the ultrasound and they were given all their options and we heard from them. Now we don't always hear from them, but just recently they contacted us. They told us they had a baby girl. Oh, and they are so grateful for the help, because what they said was it was they were all over the place, they were all over the place, they, they were just, you know they were, they were just out there, all over the place and and coming to the clinic, they found clarity. Okay, they found clarity, and now they have a beautiful baby girl and they. So it was just wonderful have you seen any pictures?
Tiffany:did the? I'm sure? Sometimes maybe clients send pictures, yes, and those are probably just the best, just one of the rewards of your labors exactly, yes, definitely it's.
Linda:And and the other thing that recently happened, since we're talking about adoption, we don't see very many women choosing adoption. We just don't. But this past month we've had three women and one adoption completed. Right, one completed adoption. It's like, wow, this is wonderful. You know, this is wonderful. So I we're hoping that this is going to be a continual kind of thing, because we definitely talk about it and we show how beautiful adoption is, and that's another highlight. Yeah, that's amazing.
Tiffany:It's just, it's amazing to see how the Lord weaves in these lives together of you know, this, this one family, and then he brings in this completely different family that maybe you know. There's so many different. You know stories out there, families who can't have a baby or who, just you know, want a baby, and they're able to come in and provide that home and that family for this child. And how he weaves our lives together and such a beautiful tapestry. That's amazing. All right, so we're kind of running out of time here in our interview. It's so amazing to have you here, but before we go we want to make sure. I'm sure some people are wondering how Someone can find you or how they can contact you. Where could they go? We talked about the Instagram.
Linda:Yes, so they can. They can reach us at on our website and take a look at what we have, who we, who we are and what we're all about. And it's Eve's hope info, very easy, eve's hope info. And, if you'd like to contact us, we're 786 732 791 1. And, of course, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask for for generosity. Okay, we're quickly approaching the season of generosity, which is in November and December, and so we Absolutely need your, your help. We grow through Folks who are give, giving, and so when you, when you give, you become a Champion for life and you guys are not funded by the government at all.
Tiffany:No, remember correctly, no, right now you can operate completely independent of those, with all the strings that come with that. So it's, it's really, you know, people who the Lord has put it on their hearts to give. So how can we give?
Linda:okay, you can get by going online to Eve's hope Dot info and right there there's a donor button. There you can give, you can give online or, if you want, there's instructions there. If you want to send in a check, our address is there as well, so all that information is is there. If During the holiday season and many of us are ordering online, so if you order through Amazon, they have the smile Amazon and so you can list this as your charity and We'll get a Small percentage but it all adds up, yeah there's another way of giving that's amazing.
Tiffany:You're right. It's a this. With this Christmas season coming up, it also makes me think of do you guys have any others specific needs? Is there? Is there a way for people? I know people probably ask all the time if they can donate any supplies, or is it? Is it? Is that not really? Are you guys overwhelmed with supplies? I don't know how that is.
Linda:Yes, I think over the pandemic everybody cleaned out their classes.
Tiffany:So right now we are good, we're good, we're good, we're real good.
Linda:And then we we ended up with last year we got a grant from an organization that is providing us with Some resources for the women, so we're able to provide a crib not a crib a baby mattress, a stroller or a Car seat, and so when they're involved, but if they're involved in our parenting program, yes, yes, and then we, we Order it and ship it directly to them.
Tiffany:That's great you don't have to store all those things Exactly so that's that's that's where we're at.
Linda:But if there are any small groups out there who are interested in in Getting together and maybe having a baby bottle campaign, so that's one way, mm-hmm, one way of helping out. Or your church, if you want to be an advocate or a representative from your church and have your church engage with us, we do have that baby bottle campaign. It's just a first step and it's very easy to to give change or cash, and so we call it a baby bottle campaign and you're just filling it up with that information and if you would like to receive our newsletter, you can go online and do just list the, just ask to. Hey, I want to reserve your your.
Tiffany:I know I get to read the cool stories, yeah, all the time. That's great, it's amazing, so right. So if you again listeners, if you guys Want to contact Eve's hope, or if you you know something she mentioned about the baby bottle campaign, or you want to subscribe Again, that's Eve's hope info, or you can call them at 786 732 791 1 and and give me that that Instagram handle one more time for those people who are like, oh, wait, a minute, that's right, I wanted to go on there and follow what was it?
Linda:again. Pregnancy options Miami 305 305.
Tiffany:I love that. All right, and then the last thing any specific prayer requests.
Linda:Before we go yes, please be in prayer for the women, obviously, the women who come to us, who are typically in a very dark place. Pray for the women, pray for our volunteers and staff, because they're in the trenches, you know, and it can be very hard hearing Hard stories all the time. Yes, so pray for the, pray for the team and and Pray for Just blessing over what God is, you know what, what we're venturing out to do, protection.
Tiffany:That's right. That was one topic we didn't have time to get into.
Linda:Yes, yes.
Tiffany:Hostility against pregnancy centers right pray for safety and protection for you and your team and the bus and everything.
Linda:Yes, so and then, then, the last thing is the giving you know those people who have come alongside of us. There are champions, that's. They're doing this you know they're making it possible, they're saving lives, they're honoring God with their generosity.
Tiffany:So it's just investing in that, yeah, in those lives that are saved and and and souls. Really, it's not just that you're saving lives, you're saving souls, in those babies that are being saved, in the women that come, the families, the dads, and then the people that give that actually they, you get to be a part of that in the giving and and. Again, if you can't give right now the prayers that she mentioned, we want to be. We are praying for you guys and I hope you know we can encourage listeners to be praying for you guys, and so it was just such a pleasure having you again in our studios and to hear that all the amazing things that the Lord has been doing In your organization and ministry. Thank you so much for spending this time with us, linda. Oh, thank you for having me.
Tiffany:We hope you enjoyed friends and family, unique conversations Recorded and produced in our studios where you get a chance to hear what God is doing in people's lives. Jesus tells us in John 15, verse 15 I have called you friends for all things that I heard from my father I have made known to you. So that's why we love to share these exclusive interviews with you. Our hope is that through their stories God will be made known to you. You can only find them here on God's way radio. Just check God's way radio calm for our full program schedule.